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Always remember to archive clickbait blogs.

sounds like a good idea desu

this again

backflip in (((space)))

It's not a problem if they land during the night, retard.


>NASA literally just sending money into the sun now

When are we going to shut this organization down?

Bush SR at nasa


You can't touch a hologram. NASA are a bunch of fucking idiots.

My theory is they have much more advanced space capability and don't want to tell the public yet

hopefully there is more to it than what they show, but i don't have high hopes.

you don't want to learn more about the biggest source of energy in the solar system?

you can clearly see his pinky finger catches his pocket...

thanks norway user

>Sticks his pinky in his pocket to pull him back into frame.
What's the problem?

What is the guy in the back grabbing at then?

yet we depend on jurassic oils and gas because we cannot let go the money that energy generates

we could had endless energy and for free

>touch the sun
The one LIFESOURCE for our entire planet's existence.
and the supposed scientists go..........
meh, what could go wrong

Am I the only one who sees that this is an extremely bad idea

The biggest threat to astronauts while traveling in space is the radiation exposure. If NASA can find a way to minimize that exposure without the need for an extremely heavy lead coated space shuttle then they'll be that much closer to a Mars mission.

Learn some shit before you complain about muh tax dollars. Especially when NASA gets so little already. I'd cut all of the arts budget and fund NASA more.

Your mom's pussy

I even know why is everyone faking it.

News flash: Solar Panels are created using this Jurassic oil.


Ah yes, classic clickbait meme article title

>Actual NASA mission
Collect particle emission samples from ejected corona material or something that actually makes sense


Media as for-profit organizations were a mistake

Jewrnalism should be illegal and all jewrnalist need to be gassed.

You have any idea how large the Sun is, user?

Do you even realize how little that ship would do?
The sun would incinerate the entire ship before it even reaches the surface. It happens all the time with other objects in space. We could probably fire all our nuclear waste and it wouldn't make a single difference to us. The sun is fucking huge.

Yeah it might go out durrr

better to use oil as a stepping stone to cleaner energy than just waste it all

This is just virtue signalling: government edition. I'd rather all of NASA be reprioritized to removing fossil fuels from all aspects of industry. Not because climate change is real, but it would finally shut up the leftists. Globalists would no longer get to feel like they are morally superior because muh environment.

do you have any idea how iron poisons the hydrogen- helium reactions in stars

a) the public is being lied to about the true nature and parameters of the sun, meaning we know jack shit about it.
b) NASA literally does not give a shit about the money and are investing in such stupid ideas because they are bored and have nothing else to do.

Only 2 options. Where are you know NASA defenders? Hur dur lets just fly a sat to the suns atmosphere I wonder what will happen??

The Sun, and stars in general, are a source of energy that will last billions of years.

Understanding how they work will make it easier to expand the Fourth Reich into space

More money laundering

>burger education

Solar panels are inefficient and only work on sunny days. We have both and we should keep using oil until solar tech becomes good enough to warrent replacing. Also because of the prime usage issue, moving to solar requires that we have batteries for storage. Those batteries are made of shit that's even worse on the environment to mine than oil.

tl;dr no matter what some shit is gonna get fucked and environmentalist will never be happy.

Wind energy kills birds
Water energy kills fish
Geothermal releases muh gasses

Daily reminder that environmentalist have the end goal of people living in huts without fire.

Fuck solar, fuck oil, fuck coal, and fuck wind

Every form of large scale energy generation not named Nuclear or Hydro is a scam and everyone who supports them should be taken out back and shot.

you're right user

we should start a petition and meme war to stop this

someone doxx NASA

can we not fuck up the sun, we fuck up everything else.

>Just burn my taxes up

You mean like the iron core forming at the center? There isn't enough iron on earth to make a difference.

That's compression artifacting.

Ontarian detected

Looks like aliens use it as a gas station anyway

If you dont touch the sun, how will you know its actually there?



I agree on nuclear but environmentalist will just cry muh Chernobyl. This is why all of the reactors are decades old and ironically dangerous. Because nobody can get a permit to build a new one that is more safe.

nasa and the space program is the most ingenious money sink man has thought of
>give us your money to spend on "projects" that never actually have a final product or proof at all


>believing NASA will tell you anything of value

Yeah why would we ever want to investigate the solar systems largest source of energy, and naturally occurring NUCLEAR FUCKING FUSION

NASA a best government organization

>snownigger intellectuals don't know about stream glitches
Back to underage re-d-d-itor

Are you retarded? He hooked his pinky into the guy's pocket and pulled him in.





Thanks m8, ill do it more often now,

Codeword is wires if you are to dense to understand what you are seeing

i.e. yes, you're retarded

Cognitive dissonance is a thing.They will never admit to everything space being visibly faked regardless the evidence presented.


wot the fuk

It's a hard pill to swallow that scifi from Hollywood isn't accurate. Muh space dreams



Oh its very real.Whats out there waiting for us is why everything is fake for the remaining time before everyone is so dumb noone ever will even believe that there is space out there and the earth is not flat under a glass dome......


>literally setting the controls for the heart of the sun

Good movie fuck the tweest haters




We should switch to thorium-based nuclear energy.

Why are they faking it then? And how do you know this?

Astronauts are just such a meme job, they cant be real. They all day seem to be looking happy feel good, tweeting all day, sorta like the Truman Show. The ISS is a show to hide the real one.

Reddit is quite blue pilled when it comes to NASA. Some of the cattle here on pol have a hard time accepting they are indoctrinated.

You guys are tony brained pieces of shit who i would bet watch all the mark dice videos as they release.

The technology needed to withstand the temp, radiation, pressure will need to developed furtyer and worked on. If you cant understand how such technology could be integrated in industrial jobs and else where, then there is no hope for your tiny brains.

Some of the worlds greatest minds cresting technology to do the impossible and you are too stupid, too short sighted, too partisan to underetand how these things cross over into society.

Amd when your fat stupid ass buys the new Reddit approved, iPhone 13 for $9000, it'll constructed with some new fused material thats ultra lightweight. Sratch resistant against metal. Truly air tight water resistant. Fire resistant, heat resistant crack resistant.

It wont click in your tiny brains that the technology was built through "stupid" billion dollar missions to the sun.

And who knows how our armies implements nasa created technology. Spacex is already filled with nasa employees btw.

I wont even go into how a trip to the fucking sun translates in terms of knowledge and know how for FUTURE manned spsce travel against the cosmos harsh conditions.

I wont even get into what we may learn from the sun tuat we didn't know, that could potentially warn us of some danger.

Not to mention all the theories science has about the sun that can be confirmed\busted with a single trip.

The issue is that your pea sized brains arent equipped for this level of inquiry. Stick to your animes and blacked posting retards

I'd rather they shoot my tax money into the sun than give it to niggers and single moms.

This fucking board full of absolute retards, fuck.
50% Sup Forums, 50% /x/, 100% useless

NASA is space you mong
Envirocuckery is for other organizations to do

still a better way to spend tax money than bombing 7 countries

Because getting asteroided back to the stone age by aliens is not something you win elections with.
I know this because you cant name anything else thats a solid answer for why did everything space related stopped after the Moon-landing.If you can,please tell me because i want to know.

Nothing fucking stopped, we have sent out countless probes and satellites and even a few rovers.
What the fuck was supposed to happen?
Moon landings happened and after the 2nd one public interest dropped extremely hard. It also fulfilled it's goal of showing superiority over the Russians. Apart from that you gain nothing from landing on the moon.
Space shuttles were a futuristic, badly engineered pipe dream, nobody really needs them.
Setting foot on Mars is 10 times harder than the moon landing, so it will take some time.

>That's compression artifacting.

But offcourse the guy literally becomes transparent

What kind of aliums?

what did you expect after the_donald became such a big thing?

>Setting foot on Mars is 10 times harder than the moon landing
no it isn't; two saturn v-sized craft launched over an interval of two launch windows will be a complete mars mission

You so sure about that,good for you.Keep believing everything is a "stream artifact".

Kaneda, what do you see?

The type that solved evolutionary pressure by eliminating every competition.

German cuck think we walked on the moon

>hurr why are we flying money into the sun

Because it's getting harder and harder to manage the heat from air friction when firing projectiles or launching rockets at high speed, and we need to come up with a better way to handle it

why is Sup Forums anti-science even when it is cool shit that could help us blow those dog-killers in China better


bump for german astronaut


>no it isn't; two saturn v-sized craft launched over an interval of two launch windows will be a complete mars mission

>implying current rockets have the ability to launch to Mars and still have enough fuel to get back home

The gravity on mars is basically the same as Earth. It's not like leaving the Moon, which was easy because of how small it is

Now think about it for a minute.
If they succeed, you could put all the niggers and muslims into a cargo space-ship and send them directly to the sun.

Whatever helps us get the expanse started faster.

>The star will gorge itself on clay

>the gravity on mars is basically the same as Earth
burger education