Say it with me, Wutbürgers: Madam Chancellor.
Say it with me, Wutbürgers: Madam Chancellor
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wtf happened to the schulz meme
Don't they have term limits? I swear mutti has been in office for fucking ages.
It's not how i imagined the Human Torch
it was not organic from the get go. they tried to manufacture hype but not even the most bluepilled germans fall for that
no, she can be chancellor as long as she wants and sheeple vote for her
Things have changed a bit now though. Merkel faced heavy pressure from within her party because of the refugee crisis. There's also a good chance she'll be in a coalition with the FDP, who are much more anti immigration than the SPD.
The monies for paid trolls run out
*Madame Kanzlerin
She has the same role as a British Prime Minister, which also has no term limits. Thatcher and Blair were in power for just as long of a time.
petry isnt running
We need more refugees, thanks Merkel.
I trolled for free
Merkel was basically confirmed to be Chancellor no matter what. The better question is who her coalition partner will be.
I hope merkel wins, cause that means she will ruin europe more via refugees.
a destabilized europe = a stronger north america
More like Heil Merkel.
Yet niggers from Africa still pour in at an increased rate. If she doesn't stop them, her party will actually crash.
I respect the conviction to trolling ethos
Don't pretend Canada isn't completely fucked with all the immigration. Even the US is becoming more white than you soon.
We all know that she is going to win.
Germany is a doom country, we know.
And nobody says "it's undemocratic", "fuhrer", "chancellor for life" etc.
I think letting Schulz run was always a black propaganda operation by Merkel and the SPD who knew they wouldn't win. By running a greater retard than Merkel they goad people into supporting her to stop the other nutbag; the real Social Democrat elite dodges the embarassment.
Why is Petry included despite the fact that she isn't their official candidate.
Germany is so fucked. they are begging to die.
You sure seem to know a lot about it
Angela Merkel has done more to destroy the EU than Nigel Farage, give her the credit.
The upside is that as a coawrd and a narcissist, she can be pushed to assume a deluded and egomaniac position depsite globalism rleies on the opposite.
Schulz is a genuine pro-EU ideologue.
Western countries are goveerned by small elites like the US Deep State; the more secure their position is the more they can allow election and free speech. The US has free speech because the eite doesn't fear the people.
Jesus christ man
How many times she can be reelected? She has been Chancellor since i was a child.
Aren't Germans tired of seeing her? Even Schulz could be better but just dump her already
Let's be honest.
No one ever thought she wouldn't be
They have created their own suicidal death cult - probably because of the massive guilt they've had instilled in them since birth. But rather than just manning up and taking a 9mm aspirin, they seem to be intent on taking the rest of the white race down the drain with them.
>meanwhile Israel is becoming more right wing
Why do you still hate us so much? We share the same ideology.
No. She's been in power ~12 years.
Still less than Adenauer with 14 years and Kohl with 16
>Even Schulz could be better but just dump her already
HAHAHAHA. You have no idea. This is like trying to replace McCain with Hillary.
Schulz is genuinely worse though
>Even Schulz could be better but just dump her already
He wants to completely abolish Germany and all other European countries in the shape of a European Soviet Union, wants a fight with Russia much more than Merkel does and loves immigration more.
Also Germans vote for parties, not single persons albeit these "endorsements" affect the standing of a party.
Again, I only think Schulz runs to keep Merkel safe.
He's an alcoholic who dropped out of high school.
I truly think Schulz will be better in the long term because both him and merkel are leftist ethnocidal maniacs. Schulz will just ruin germany faster, meaning itll wake up faster
>meanwhile Israel is becoming more right wing
Haven't they started to shill for refugees in Israel? Many young Israelis seem to abandon their Zionist identity.
>main opponent is a zionist.
Why doesn't Germany have a real left wing opposition?
Idk I think Schulz legit thought he had a chance but obviously he was delusional.
Man Germans dig deep in destroying themselves. Somewhat impressive in a pathetic sort of way how they have an extremely destructive ruler and yet still flock to her as they are bred out of existence.
I know that ffs. I'm just tired of seeing Merkel all the time
Past caring about the fate of Germany desu.
Orthodox jews have the highest birth rates in all of Israel and their children have high retention rates.
some jews hate Germany for the obvious reason, but i dont. looking at germans singing to "refugees" makes me feel sorry for ya'll.
>Petry and Lindner
>any chance to become chancellor
So you want to replace her with someone even worse?
>Schulz will just ruin germany faster, meaning itll wake up faster
Schulz would agree with Macron on founding a Eurozone super state, which will completely consume and kill your country.
I give Merkel redit for idiotic posturing on the Euro, it would hopefully get worse with FDP and AfD in the parliament (like she has pandered to the radical Left for the last years) and that will - hopefully - do even more damage to the EU.
They are all left wing. The problem with Europe is there is no right in the west.
I bet she'll make the 20.
Meaning an entire generation of voters know only her style of politics
'So OP is confirming the Germany is SHIT tier and CUKED for all eternity?
Who cares, the damage to the EU and Germany has been done with this dumb bitch.
Don't non-whites account for 15% of all your births already? In terms of fertility, we have the "better" ones.
Most of our country consists of cuckservatives. I mean just look at the polling numbers, the three "right-ish" parties get over 53% of the vote together.
>Why doesn't Germany have a real left wing opposition?
You don't need one when the "conservatives" are run by an East German crypto-Communist.
Germans are funny, though. Like I bet he and many people on Sup Forums even vote for her. Nothing has changed. She just got what she wanted, that's all. Now she can pretend to have changed again.
Too bad AfD is shit at propaganda and basically not doing anything, though. Trump was doing shit and doing something for the hype literally every single day.
>Man Germans dig deep in destroying themselves.
Obama would have won a third term if your founders had not been so smart.
I don't think Italy is going anywhere. The problem we have is niggers from Africa, and when the next big war breaks out they'll be easy to spot out and kill
No far right leader can't stand a change to win the german elections, so why not put a male Merkel 10 times worse and destroy Europe already for the happenings.
She needs more than pressure she needs to be removed completely. She has ruined the ethnicity of the country for generations and nobody was punished for it.
He wouldn't have accepted it if he thought he was going to lose, he's a village idiot who thinks he's loved.
we have the leftist liberals that help and aid immigration from afraican countries like Sudan and Eritrea, and also helping Palis infiltrate Israel.
non the less, they are in the minority, unlike in germany.
Did you just post a video as a response to me, AND point to a timestamp in the video I should WATCH as your response?
Are you that much of a Faggot?
No one fucking cares about Germany's election
Europe is done. Just stop trying to save it
The good news is that Petry is rated higher than he is.
My father legit likes Schulz and would vote for him if he could and my mother is voting for him because my father wants him.
Who fucking cares about Germany at this point?
They want this, they deserve it.
Let them go. Fuck them
>Trump was doing shit and doing something for the hype literally every single day.
And now he's Obama #2. Really makes you think.
>I don't think Italy is going anywhere. The problem we have is niggers from Africa
The problem you have is that you have no national opposition force, and if the EU gets an army and shit they will be pro-white genocide and kill you in such a situation.
so how come Merkel is your future leader again?
There are only France, Britain and Sweden with actually demographic problems. Legal immigration from outside the EU is practically zero because they hate it here.
She's still better than Schulz, but that doesn't say much.
Who the fuck votes for her?
Every German both young and elderly absolutely hates Merkel.
>Schulz will just ruin germany faster, meaning itll wake up faster
Jumping infront of a train is a quicker way to get to heaven, fyi.
>we have the leftist liberals that help and aid immigration from afraican countries like Sudan and Eritrea, and also helping Palis infiltrate Israel.
>non the less, they are in the minority, unlike in germany.
I think that the globalist Jews in the US want to get rid off Netanyahu, so don't feel to safe.
The fuck are you smoking? We love our Mutti.
NATO is already here and is very pro-white genocide, they always side with the invaders.
The CDU is the biggest cuckservative party and they are completely behind Merkel for some cucked reason. The next big party is the SPD which is Labour-light and currently trying to go more to the left. All other parties are small third party ones with 10% at the best so no one but Merkel actually stands a chance at winning.
exactly. It's like if someone offers to torture you to death for 5 hours or for 7.
Coal burned their entire national identify, culture and the entire German population
Nice job by the commie infiltrator
Make sure you stay PC tho!
Embarrassing to be captive to a dictator with a vag
>No far right leader can't stand a change to win the german elections, so why not put a male Merkel 10 times worse and destroy Europe already for the happenings.
UKIP never won more than 15% of the British vote, had two MPs at maximum and got Brexit.
The German Green party forced its multiculturalist rubbish on Germany with 8-14% of the vote.
In a multi-party system all it takes is a weak leadership that fears to lose votes to other parties and push groups.
Angela Merkel is a control freak who succumbs to pressure, like after Fukushima.
Every european country has white fertility rates below replacement rate and all of western Europe has huge immigration. It's more than 3 countries
Vote for Martin Schulz instead my fellow white Germans. Schulz is the choice of a white man. Vote Schulz if you want change. Hail victory..
>Embarrassing to be captive to a dictator with a vag
Well you had a race-mixed tranny who acted like the God King and re-elected him. So you know how we feel.
Just like Adolf Hitler faced enormous pressure to be nicer to the Jews.
As long as Merkel faces no actual consequences for continuing her course, she will not waver, and continue ignoring all the strongly worded letters Trump sends her.
buddy, they have been trying to get rid of him since day 1. in 1996 bill clinton came to Israel to endorse his opponent then, Peres. it was like that every election.
in the Israel 2015 elections the Obama state department used america tax payers money and PAYED for anti Netanyahu propoganda in israel, against all laws.
he still wins, because Israelis learnd the hard way the price of a leftist government.
Haha nice bantz fellow white man.
Meanwhile muslims are the biggest threat to muslims
longer than Hitler though
>voting Merkel
>after her borders shenanigans
Stupid jeww
has she served for longer than Hitler yet?
>Just like Adolf Hitler faced enormous pressure to be nicer to the Jews.
I don't knwo what you talking about. He actually moderated his tone during the Weimar Years and when he became dictator, he was appeased on teh world stage and did not run in elections at home.
>As long as Merkel faces no actual consequences for continuing her course, she will not waver
I witnessed the Fukushima clown show.
>and continue ignoring all the strongly worded letters Trump sends her.
That only helps her, for the first time she can mobilize anti-American sentiment to improve her numbers.
Given that Trump never puts up, he should shut up until the election is over.
That sounds like a good plan. Thank you Kamerad.
>let in 1,000,000 immigrants
Voter: "What the fuck are you doing, you're supposed to be the centre-right party?!"
Merkel: "Oh... errr... if you vote for me I will cut immigration by a massive 100,000 compared to this year"
Voter: "Wow, she will cut immigration, she has my vote!"
you do the math
Your choice is between an Orwellian tyrant who lets her people get blown up by terrorists and voted against Brexit... And a pro-terror pro-EU Stalinist. So?
>won a third term if your founders had not been so smart
founders had NOTHING to do with this
Theresa May, basically.
Spot a pattern?
>founders had NOTHING to do with this
I stand corrected, term limits were introduced later, weren't they.