Drumpf wants our shekels

What the fuck is his problem? It isn't our problem that nobody wants shitty american cars. He can fuck off.

You sound scared.

Man I wish I had a Ford tender

Look at this baby

It's another distraction.

Kraut jews getting btfo once again.

Now Trump needs to drop out of the paris scam agreement and move all of our military bases from germany to poland

wow thats actually sexy. too bad its ford

Fuck off my shekels, Drumpf!

either pay up or go back to being owned by Russia you stupid fucking shill

you shouldn't of murdered 12 million innocent people you disgusting pig

Pay debnts Germany and we build wall

>All that shitty plastic

I can't wait for Drumpf to steal whatever Shekels we have left

Protect your Muslim hordes with your own tax money Franz.

>that you can't afford

Germany BTFO

That and he doesn't understand that trade deficits work in our favor* so long as the goods are sold in dollars.

This is what a trade deficit is: Germany is giving us cars and other nice stuff for dollars. Let that sink in, if you have any understanding of monetary economics.

*I'm an American in Germany at the moment.

Hey man I can afford plastic

Only if they're sold at a profit and burgers only like burger made stuff


>plastic and aluminum


> b-but we can't afford NATO protection
> we give all our tax dollars to people that shit all over our country
> why aren't our luxury vehicles enough?
> i know they only last like 20k miles before they start falling apart, and the new parts cost a fortune, and the labor to get everything repaired is incredibly inflated
> and the interior smells like melting crayons

Holy fug, if we can't get more Mercedes and BBWs how will we ever make rap videos?

All media is praising germany as the new leader of the free world.
You have lost. All the people are being influenced by the media right now.
Germany is not only the leader of the free world, but with Macron elected and the new integration of other EU members military into our Bundeswehr we will grow stronger. Let alone the fact that we have Europe under our economic boot.
Face the truth Anglos- you have lost and we are victorious. Your age is over.

No, that's not how this works. I'll explain again:

Germany is giving us cars and other nice stuff which have utility, and in exchange we're giving them dollars, which are made ex nihilo through the monetary operations of the Fed and the Treasury.

Do you understand now how this favors us Americans? It is not at all complicated: we print money, foreigners give us goods for that paper.

Now, if we had a specie standard, we'd be getting fucked.

I can't wait for israel to tell germany to pay up and watch them do just that.

He is a jewish lapdog trying to destroy Europe while flooding America with nonwhites

>move all of our military bases from germany to poland
You think it would be that easy? Remember Poland is neighbours with Russia.

>Us Americans
>German flag

And that would bother Germany how exactly?

>average american reading comprehension

In my first post, I indicated I was American.

He said he's an American in Germany you utter embarrassment of a countryman.

>Waaa I don't want to pay for protection
Looks like Hans wants to be culturally enriched by Ivan again :^)

> all media
Yes, because everything they say is always spot-on. I mean, just look at president hillary. And that obama guy WAS the greatest president, amiright? Of course, the media said so

So you're saying we should have as of trade deficits as possible so long as we are paying with dollars? In fact, we shouldn't export anything to anyone because they use stupid euros and loonies and shit.

Now it is you stupid german.

german shareblue really out in force tonight
this is like the third thread I've seen and been only browsing for 5min

y'all know what to do faggots

I think Germans wouldn't be too sad if you left them.


You have no economy dipshit the whole thing is being kept alive by huge amounts of (((debt))) and stealing from relevant countries like Britain.

I think trump is implying giving us trade =/= paying into NATO. Which is correct. We aren't the only countries in NATO

>Mistaking failure of essential inference on the wrong school

The media can talk themselves stupid it wont matter when they hang all the same.

nobody wants your shitty cars either hans. everyone buys jap or korean because cars are appliances now.

Exactly. So long as it's dollar-denominated and unconnected to specie.

>muh cars
That isnt what the tweet says, you fucking idiot.
I wish you fucks would leave NATO so we could completely ignore you when you piss of Russia too much.

Rappers are bragging about kia's, started from da bottom now we here mayne

you're an idiot.

Shoot, just let the Russians put a base in the continental US in exchange. Just tell them to send some all female units - it'll be great.

Trump's shitting the bed on that one, too. It's certainly true that many NATO members are falling short on expenditures, but it's not like we spend any more than we would otherwise. In fact, being the largest member of NATO gives us a lot of leverage. They'll be more inclined to independent thinking if they're making up a larger proportion of NATO spending.

NATO is honestly nothing more than the American Foreign Legion. We should be grateful to have that kind of power over Europe.

Oh, a libertarian who scrawled his own economics degree in crayon.

Guess what I'm doing in Germany, faggot.

He's right about trade. But trade isn't paying into NATO. That's separate. That's like when the electric company comes yo shut off your electricity for not paying the bill, arguing that you gave your friend a cake you built to mow your lawn should be enough

i could afford your country pedro i'm sure i've got a spare five quid somewhere

Eh, not gonna argue about that. I guess he's trying to do something different, though. We'll have to see what happens, i suppose. My expectations of politicians is never very high to begin with.

>Guess what I'm doing in Germany, faggot.
destroying their economy?

He's not right about trade. Trade is supposed to benefit Americans. Exporting every job overseas does not benefit Americans.

>What the fuck is his problem?
Trump learned from the best.

I'm still pro-Trump. Always will be because the only issue I give a fuck about in an immediate sense is immigration and he's been awesome on enforcement.

>the economist who's lecturing on modern monetary theory at TU doesn't understand trade
You might be mentally retarded. Like, literally mentally retarded.

If we weren't importing a million shitskins every year, you'd care a lot less about t-shirt manufacturing being outsourced. That's how we're getting screwed. Trade is supposed to obviate the "need" for migration on both ends.

There is no "paying into NATO" like there's a general fund or some shit. The money spent is related to guidelines the countries are *recommended* to follow, but there's not supposed to be any punishment for not paying 2% of gdp on military.

The only reason Trump is pushing this is because he thinks he can spur American jobs from military arms dealers selling more to Euros.

>Always will be because the only issue I give a fuck about in an immediate sense is immigration and he's been awesome on enforcement.
okay, now you've just gone full retard. The guy who could have reversed DACA on day one but instead told dreamers they don't have to worry has been awesome on enforcement? The guy whose state department has just doubled the number of refugees we'll be taking in? The guy who can't even get funding for a wall into the budget? What the fuck has this dumb bitch done to help our immigration problem?


Shut the fuck up achmed pay debnts

True, but deportations are up and illegal entry down, both by some 50%. He's also attempted a travel ban and defunding sanctuary cities. Moreover, so few aslyum apps have been submitted that a lot of refugee resettlement NGOs have cut staff in half or closed down altogether. I think there's a gap in the public understanding of how many apps can be received versus how many actually get approved. They've tightened up so much since January a lot of these shitskins no longer bother applying.

Illegal immigration is down, so regardless of the tactics being different than on the campaign, there's been success there. Still, the fact that Trump have never even mentioned trying immigration reform legislation, or sponsoring Tom Cotton's 50% reduction bill, makes me think most immigration campaign promises won't be kept.

afford a ford

oh no, i wanted to keep the nukes of wall street in front of my door :(
how about you get a health insurrance first, nigger?
look who's talking
US pays niggers lots of more gibsmedats than germany pays its musels.
are you talking about german cars? how dumb can one person be?

american education, everyone


That's not gay enough for a merkelite.

ahhh Americans invented the cars?????? Your welcome!!!!!

>Trump shitting on the one country that actually pays for the rest of welfare Europe.

He really is just retarded, isn't he?

There is a reason everyone was laughing at him the entire time he was in Europe, including the right leaning politicians.

>Face the truth Anglos- you have lost and we are victorious. Your age is over.

Looks like the huns need another ass-whuppin'

He's right about the labor cost being high though. They're supposed to be built well enough that any repairs are few and far between, but when you do need work done it's a big hassle. Knew a guy with an Audi who confirmed this.

The "German engineering" meme has cachet around the world. I've seen 'German appliances' stores in Central America.

Looks like remote controlled toy.

He just wants more money to throw at Israel.

This a fuckin slide thread you shitlords

>There is a reason everyone was laughing at him the entire time he was in Europe

Ever see that movie Mean Girls?

Does he ever work on try to make America great again?
What's his plan?
I'm pretty sure he screwed everybody

what you gonna do drumpf?


tbqh i would be all for and germany becouse of our cultural ties if not for the mussies.

all is saying is that you should spend the amount you said you would when you signed the documents.

Imagine if you paid less than what you should on your downpayments on your house or your phone bill, would you really be surprised if they told you to start paying the full amount?