European immigration to the US

Quite often I see comments about the US need of qualified professionals not illegal spics

Why you americans are so dumb to believe that any Western European or even from Pooland would immigrate to your shitty country which has
>almost no social security
>absurdly expensive medicine
>tremendous crime rates

and you will stay alone against spics and niggers, which will outnumber you soon.
You, burgers are biggest cucks and shame of the White race

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burgers, do you understand that you will become 3rd world country soon?

Americans, you need us once again. If Trump was /ourguy/ for real, he would have deported EVERY SINGLE NON-WHITE and give to us, your brothers, refugee status. Because that's what we are going to be soon.

in the US i would make +150k a year while here i make bareley 50k after taxes.
no income tax in many states.

health insurance cant be expensive enough to not make this a better deal than the the shit i'm paying right now with my taxes.

also: V8 cars.

US has too many "qualified" professionals as it is, of every socio-economic class. Everyone can fuck off.

As for your "analysis" of our situation, you might want to take a look at yours. You think you don't pay for your medicine? Hell, both you and your children (if they ever come about) are paying out the ass for that. On top of all that, you're being overrun by sandniggers. You can complain about our citynigger crime as you're fucking crucified all you want.


You people would come over to wreck our Constitution and turn us into the Socialist shitholes you're running away from in the first place.

I can't wait to see Europe burn. Because it's going to be your fault, and your fault alone.

I live in a college town and the Western Euro immigrant professors are some of the haughtiest sons of bitches you'll ever meet. They're on par with the Indians in terms of smarmy-ness; I'd almost prefer the literal spies Red China sends

Best immigrants I've experienced are:
>White Hispanics
>Non-PRC East Asians
>Eastern Europeans
Everyone else can fugg off

>Puerto Rico

>Puerto Rico

Why would we kick out Americans to import foreigners?

Last time I checked, your sugar daddy was bombing the MENA.
Gadaffi warned us.

Because first world white people are better than niggers.



Shut up, Achmed.

Shut the fuck up, both America and western Europe are fucked if both of you don't get your shit together.

The most ambitious and highly skilled Poles had often chosen USA, because it offered tremendous possibilities for a willing man. And it was in times when there was even less social secirity than today

I'd rather live in the United States then anywhere in Western Europe at this point. Eurogibs are not worth the amount of terrorist attacks you guys get.

US is a good option to make money but I don't know any single person Western European who will stay there after the end of contract

It doesn't really matter what peole you like better. There are millions of non white Americans who have lived here for generations. No one with half a brain would want to kick them out. America still has A LOT of room.
If you don't like non whites then maybe stay in your own country.

does puta rico even have a constituion?

>implying that like my case (skilled workes) arent exactly against any form of socialiszm...
>implying social market, as used in germany didnt had a certain success rate. As long as germany was white ofc

>If you don't like non whites then maybe stay in your own country.

The reason I'm considering leaving is the very fact that I don't like non-whites.
So what if some niggers have been claiming benefits or fucking food stamps for generations? My family and I worth more than a thousand niggers.

In America our shitskins save most of the real violence for themselves. Mostly they're just obnoxiously loud and walk around singing and dancing.

In Europe your imported third world illiterate shitskins are actively trying to inflict the real violence on the natives.

>If you don't like non whites then maybe stay in your own country.
If only...

Just because your country is 10% nonwhite doesn't make it ruined. If you came to America you would almost certainly not like it here if you can't even handle that. This really is just a case of the grass being greener on the other side.
No your family isn't "worth more" than a family here just because your white. Why would you come to America if you hate Americans? The world isn't Sup Forums, the vast majority of people here aren't racist.
It really is best for you just to learn to love your own country.

potato head, even you will immigrate to the UK, not the US
But still the majority will return back to Europe

There is NO literally no place in Europe as nearly scary as:
>South side Chicongo
>some parts of Indianapolis
and countless others

Not really, but I'm talking about historical times, and last 250 years were pretty shitty for Poland.


I lived in Chicago and shitsville, Wisconsin and fit in from day one. No worries there. And yes, contributing members of society are worth more than screeching apes.

>burgers, do you understand that you will become 3rd world country soon?
implying they aren't allready.

>almost no social security
Invest your own money and you can make a higher rate of return, thought you was so smaht
>absurdly expensive medicine
Just get health insurance, it isn't much and would be cheaper than getting taxed to death.
>tremendous crime rate
It really isn't bad unless you're in a city and even then it's rarer then you'd imagine and falling.
>burger will be 3rd world country soon
Yeah good luck with that because without America and it's force projection Europe would all be speaking Russian today. In fact, if we fall I imagine that will happen anyway because who's going to protect your faggot asses who can't win wars. Your biggest ally is what France? Don't make me laugh at those surrender monkeys. Also let's see how well your little social experiment goes without America there to prop up all the gibs. Our problem here is most burgers can't see if we became isolationist (militarily but not economically) we'd be far better off because we wouldn't overextend ourselves and get mired in dumbass conflicts.

your grandkids will be mongrels


Ye, don't come to America, focus on your own countries in Europe, which are way more important considering America is beyond saving. We should be trying to get white European Americans to return to their homeland and let America burn to the ground.

>All this projection

puerto rico is part of America

>Just get health insurance, it isn't much and would be cheaper than getting taxed to death.
Despite agreeing with you and American healthcare model, I believe that the prices you're paying for the services you get are disproportionate.
Then again, I have no hard evidence besides what the Eurothieves media tell me, so I don't really know how expensive the thing is.
Would you share some of the pricing for staying a day in hospital, doctor / general practitioner visits and such?

What we need is LESS gibs. Not more. But you don't know what the fuck you're talking about because, like you said, you read it in an article.

>ever been to malmö or brussel inner city?
>implying a dangerous area with A2-rights isnt favourabler than a negroid area without any protection but the pill (for when you gf gets gangraped)

Your insurance covers most of what you pay but you do have a copay which depends on the total.

defensive bullshit


Taxes in the U.S is extremely low compared to most EU countries.

Food items are also way cheaper.

If you live in the U.S you don't spend every last bit of your paycheck on useless shit like people do in the EU, you put some aside to pay for life insurance, etc.

It's a really simple concept, but many Europeans have no sense of managing ones own economy because of MUH WELFARE.

I'm not saying welfare is bad, but our systems are so different yet both work. You have to be a really prime species of Retardius Autismae if you can't grasp the concept of how to manage in the U.S

Here from a serbian american perspective

I will be a doctor in america in 3 or 4 years

after a few years of specializing I get a big boy salary of something like 400k a year

taxes will be around 30% total were id like to live

investing money is best in america since there is no high social taxes or guilt on money earned from things like long term stocks

So compared to a place like britain were id be making 80k quid at best and getting fucked up the arse with taxes, im practically able to buy a 110k german saloon no problem in my first year after i start real work

fuck off we're full

subhuman spic

Americans are absolutely delusional about the state of their country

>hideous disgusting fat women
>minority white demographic
>ridiculous brown on white crime, worse than any crime rates in any other Western country, including terrorism
>shitty overpriced healthcare scam
>shitty overpriced college education
>shitty infrastructure

the list goes on

too late i gots me a US passport

>your biggest ally is what, France?


this fucking EVERYONE CAN FUCK OFF we dont need anyone coming here jesus christ

I was renting an appartment in Schaerbeek, Brussels in the student's years.
chances of getting in trouble are really LOW, not even comparable with chicongo

stfu retard 70% of America looks like south Africa with niggers and spics killing and robbing white people
only thing is, white in SA defend themselves, we don't

Famine justified!! The brits were right again!!!
Ireland has marketed itself as the 'land of a thousand welcomes'. However, a thousand won't be enough, as the country today rolled out the red carpet to the third world to arrive in their droves. Mudhuts are being sold at rock bottom prices as pashtuns and zulus alike avail of this incredible offer! A country with a phenomenal predilection for coal-burning, with local and polish mudsharks eager to welcome every jihadi under the sun with open legs, Ireland will be a popular welfare tourist destination. Universities teeming with Marxist useful idiots are preening and uttering incomprehensible snippets of das capital today, as they can now stand proudly among their cosmopolitan imperialist colleagues and boast their own melting pot. The ((English)) president of the Irish refugee council welcomes the move.
Pls to sum1 archive this leftist rag. The comments are revealing, as usual.

glad to see that not all amuricans are dumb

I don't want Europeans because your all dumb fags. Every European I have met in America is a pussy, always whining about our gun rights and police brutality. Most of the European women that come here fuck black guys and Mexicans.

Europeans are fucking faggots. Please stay in Europe so you will be eradicated by Muslims, thank you.

Even including the terrorist attacks, black on white crime in America is still worse you idiot

Aww man, it really is the promised land so. Wish I could go there and be a fluffer for juanito and tyrone before they DP my darling sheila


The EU is going down in flames you cuck. Honestly I would think you have better shit to do then shitpost Junker.


We want more rooftop Koreans not effeminate Europeans.

Agreed. Western Europeans are cancer.

Brits are cool though.

>70% of America looks like south Africa
You should leave Detroit some time

Belgians talking about demographics, LOLOLOL

"According the book Iris and the Crescent by the Belgian sociologist Felice Dassetto, Brussels will have a Muslim majority by 2030. The registered top name of Belgian baby boys today is Mohammed."

"Teachers working in the predominantly Muslim districts of Molenbeek and Schaerbeek in Brussels have reported that '90 percent of their students, 17, 18 years old' called the Islamist terrorists who attacked Paris and Brussels 'heroes.'"

English/Welsh/Scots/Irish I don't consider European

If we considered them Euro, we'd have to think ourselves the same...

first europeans to arrive to america:
sent there by politicians and to spread religion

second europeans to arrive to ameria:
looking to get away from politics and regulation / religious oppression

third europeans to arrive to america:
south american spaniards trying to reconquista the continent

das rite, you're Oceanic and she~

we have 80 whites country-wide
you have 60, including arabs and some shitskins who self identify as white for some reason

Your second source is based on interview of Yves Goldstein , LOLOLO

Thanks for that. I feel the same way. Continental europeans are so weird compared to us Anglo's. Are Brits welcome stateside? I have relatives over there in Montana. I'm also pro gun.

Give me Pablo over Mohammed any day of the week, you snail-eating Belgian pig.

White: 77.4%, 2015

t. non country

>wez Atlantic n sheeeit

I think the continentals are odd to us since we developed parallel them, like the Russians. It's sad to see the Isles slowly being Europified; you're welcome here if you believe in TRUE English values: personal liberty, freedom of thought, self-defense, limited government, etc. We needn't any more Judaified Anglos, Hollywood creates plenty here at home

typical White hispanics
take em

Why in the fuck would you want to come to America? Your children will be mongrels. But who cares when you get a few extra shekels I guess. If money is all you care about, why even browse Sup Forums considering most of us consider heritage to be far more important.

You will literally have brown grandchildren if you come here.

Fuck off spic

Thanks. I admire all those attributes you listed. I really want to go state side as I want to defend myself. Britain no longer feels safe and is becoming an Orwellian state.

Pay your NATO bills before funding welfare

No wonder a German is saying that. Sieg Heil my brother.

he is serb, hence mongrel by default

The problem now is we have too many shitskins who don't want to work, the only reason we let brownies in was because they wanted to work hard

True. I have to laugh at the new cosmopolitan irish grrrrrlz saying things like 'I'm a young European woman looking forward to a bright future'. They need to be 'included' with what they think is the 'herd' du jour. The irony is however that Europe doesn't know a thing, or give a flying fuck, about Ireland. Educated people like French doctors in their 70s think we're a province of England.
Bottom line is that we're British (albeit with a few differences and grievances), and part of the British Isles.

>immigrate to your shitty country

Because you can become EXTREMELY rich here AND your kids can be raised in democratic society that is VERY safe. America IS very safe AWAY from the black population... literally move ANYWHERE in America with VERY low black population and it is almost a paradise.

My grandparents were Irish and it bothers me too. I hate how the EU has fucked you guys over and crashed your economy. You don't deserve that punishment. I hope you guys leave the union like us.

If you really think that any of them would have identified as "white" on that US census I just cited for you, you're even dumber than I thought, Francois.

You deserve it. Belgium is ground zero for the EU and the globalists. You're just small and insignificant vis-a-vis France and Germany, so we don't hear anything about you.

We'll be just fine with our Latina qts. You all will have to explain to your daughters why Brussels is covered in burqas, if it's still even a habitable, first world city a decade or two down the road. Enjoy your weekly airport shootings, truck massacres, and nightclub bombings, you stupid cucks.

These people have a blood hatred for us whites going back a millennium, and creeping Sharia is taking over your country. And you're trying to create some kind of false equivalency between Mohammetans and Hispanics by posting a picture of some MS13 gang members? You're completely clueless.

Kill yourself you filthy kike

I have a medical degree and I'd give my left nut to move to America. Fuck off Belgium you're just jelly.

This life is fleeting. I don't think any of us will be around to pay off these debts. I'm not sure if there's enough time remaining for the 'savage hordes' to colonise these beautiful islands. I disagree with many policies on principle, but it may be all immaterial if a major habbening occurs. Black pill nihilism is what gets me through the day smiley face

>Enjoy your weekly airport shootings, truck massacres, and nightclub bombings

Are you genuinely believe in that bullshit, Jose?

"Since 2008, the most popular name in Brussels for baby boys has been Mohammed. It is also the most popular name for baby boys in Belgium's second-largest city, Antwerp, where an estimated 40% of elementary school children are Muslim."

Not just Brussels, but I just found some statistics on Antwerp for you, your second largest city. And this was four years ago, before the tidal wave really started.

I suppose you won't have to worry about the terrorist (Islamic) attacks for much longer. When your daughter is in a burqa, taking Jamal from Uganda's cock, and you cut your foreskin off and get down on the prayer mat, everything will suddenly become very peaceful. Muslim countries have very low crime rates in fact once they take over. I give them credit for that.

Looks like no one is taking the bait man

Nevermind hadn't updated my shit

>tremendous crime rates

Depends on where you go, retard.
White places have the same murder rate as Belgium.

>muh insecurities

If you're a halfway decent person with some assemblage of intelligence and personal well being, without getting your sophisticated foot stuck up your mouth, you'll do just fine.

Dont try and play it off you waffle has been.

the raise of french english swedish and german caliphate made me think that I might want to emigrate to united states over next 10-15 years

I really dont want to because I want to work in a country that brought me up, but I am not sure how I will handle the state of europe in 2030

i work in tech.
tech has the highest wages in world in the US. Yes, higher than western europe.
I make more money than my other western peers doing the same job
also land is cheaper. I live in between 4 golf courses and can drive 10 minutes to 2 shooting ranges to blow shit up. The wide open sky reminds how big and free this country is. I can do pretty much what ever I want and face no societal condemnation.

food is cheaper here than anywhere else in the world.

I can afford to live in a small mansion on a few acres within 20 minutes of anything. you can't do that in europe unless you come from old money

now the best part, i could barely write and knew no mathematics when I was 18. Only in america, baby

We are less than 50% white, yet somehow you think it is better here than Europe, you're a fucking idiot. If you move here you will have brown grandchildren.

Stop listening to the posts of all these delusional Americans. They are in denial about the state of their own country.

It's because we have most job openings, compare unemployment rates

>everyone on Sup Forums shits on the US 24/7
>everyone wants to move here regardless
I hate all of you

>Immigrating to a 3rd world populated anti-white country that hates your guts before you even land

I'm an immigrant from Estonia.

Both my parents are doctors and I'm a biochemist. I work for a biotech company developing new drugs.

Life here is comfy, espessially here in Tennessee

at least in states you can keep them in check
i know about black gangsters but i would rather want to deal with them than this