>Sup Forums and all its memes couldn't stop him
>Le Pen nor Fillon couldn't stop him
>Trump couldn't stop him
>Putin and all his bots couldn't stop him
Is this madman really gonna make Europe great again ?
Sup Forums and all its memes couldn't stop him
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His qt wife will
I actually like this guy.
Idk i don't give a shit at this point and nothing he can do can dissapoint me more.
So honestly, fuck it and give him a try.
france needs to be destroyed for the whole world to see. maybe then it will smack some sense into people. you guys were already too far gone anyway. serve as an example as what a cucked nation looks like.
That's the spirit !
>"lol not my problem you idiots in terror attacks"
>"lol not my problem islam will shit on everything france doesnt have a culture anyway"
damn you people are stupid
>saving europe by having even more migrants and globalisation
Yeah no, enjoy gettin trucked until the next election.
Now sit! Roll! Good boy
Can we please maintain a certain level of educated talk ?
Uneducated americans gtfo please
Pretty sure you fell for the "3rd way" Blairite meme. Enjoy the ride!
Nice meme, Sputnik. It's too late tho
Angela is begging for his dick now that the US and the UK are leaving
Imao the French election was a win-win for me. If Pen was elected nationalism won. If Macron won that just meant the french suck ass more than I thought and deserve all the destruction he's going to bring them
I'm pretty sure that HE is begging for Angela's dick
Don't lie to yourself
No one actually talks about France, people only know some food and the tower, I'm not even joking
But be happy, you're way better than Canada or Australia
The sad part is that your daughter will probably be one of some other mohamed or Salin's wives
He's begging for Angela's money, but he will oblige her and give her the dick to win it.
way to contradict yourself you cunt of a nigger
No and expecting the EU Council to not interfere in any and all European elections after the success of from right groups in Poland and Hungary is simple ignorance.
Yeah meanwhile Macron is impressing everyone on the international scene while the Donald just makes the US look and sound like a bunch of retards
The EU council is not the one to interfere with elections tho. Russians and alt-rightists are
I like this young Rotschild project. Hope he works out for ya.
Are you actually really this stupid?
Nice argument, faggot
Can you suck globalist dick any harder?
>trump is attempting to resist zionist agenda and as a frenchman i lubed myself up ready to take it all the way
ok pierre
>trump is attempting to resist zionist agenda
In what alternative reality do you live in ? Trump is pro Israel and wants to please the jews in wall street
go away shill
>le pen
more like le fag xD
the media hate speaks volumes, and i think if he lost the election we would be in a war with russia, syria and NK a few months ago. and i say "we" because when the US does something the UK and France usually follow.
>flailing your dick around as soon as you get elected
Bold move, let's see if it pays off. He probably feels pretty cocky and untouchable because of his elite banker connections.
Do you forget that France refused to follow the UK and the US in Irak ?
>France has no culture and you must live with terrorism
You will eat those words you globalist, surrender-monkey cuck!!!
>the french are such incorrigible pussies that none of that managed to galvanize them into saving themselves
>idiots frenchies think this means macron is good
Should've had the nazis fucking nuke france, what a shithole.
no. he is going to destroy the french people. there's no saving them now. by the way. if you try to flee here we will kill you.
>implying anyone but fucking 3rd worlders want to flee to Australia
i said usually, they steamed full ahead in libya though
Sarkozy is a retard
Macron is the fucking Palpatine of Europe, anyone who comes from absolutely fucking nowhere to get a cabinet position, then makes his own party and becomes President has some shady shit behind the scenes.
Yes, he's going to make Europe Great again.
But not France.
when your country becomes third world you will be begging and we will shut the doors.
He's just good at politics and benefited from the incompetence of traditional parties. Le Pen benefited from it too, but Macron won because he's actually clever and she's not
Yeah, yeah, whatever poken
That actually looks pretty damn good. Something about obese people that make them know how cook good ass food.
>Is this madman really gonna make Europe great again ?
I'm going to enjoy seeing you die.
He will make the EU great again, not Europe
There's always a wrinkle in every great plan.
He will crash the whole system down. I don't like it but we have no choice but to ride the tiger and get prepared for the happening. The elections were probably rigged anyway
if he's the face of the EU it's going to fail lmao
france is like 100% nigger admixture, your fucked and no longer white.
France is important?
How Ahmed cock tastes?
Holy shit, thats how fast that goes, scary af. they managed to take down the time of internationalist take over. that 1 generation and europe is done for.
The word racist was made (in to a bad thing) by internationalist globalist jewish commies in order to destabilized a existing nation.
They do this to take over the means of production and gain control over the assets of set nation whilst being foreigners themselves.
In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
No doubt that before arriving at complete internationalism, there will be a stage which will be racism;
but it must be hoped that the layover will not be too long, that it will be rapidly surpassed. Communism, which appears that it must inevitably be regulated at the beginning of its functioning,
especially in regard to international trade, will bring about the establishment of racist federations (Latin, Slavic, Germanic, etc.). Anarchy — which we can glimpse at the end of two or three generations when,
as a result of the development of production, any regulations will have become superfluous — will bring the end of racism and the advent of a humanity without borders.
> Is this madman really gonna make Europe great again ?
>not likely
Holy shit. I hope this is true.
The ethnic cleansing was going on back then already. they put the tallest men in front. aka the migratory ppl that came from central asia. the ones with the brains.
Macron is pretty tough guy but once he calms down it will be all downhill for France as usual. Best way for Krauts to control him is to elect GILF Merkel as Chancellor again.
The map is made with old data, 2007. your fucked too buddy. if you have shit skins or niggers it is simply a matter of time before their incestuous genetics breed enough to take over.
Their incestuous genetics gives them dominance.
Normally we would cull them, but we have jew laws now.
>How Ahmed cock tastes?
Probably like occupation.
Which they seem to enjoy over there.
T-those number are wrong. They are 750.000 of the population according to recent estimates.
Make Europe enslaved by islam again!
They grow 80% every decade i believe
Yep. The ride never ends.
>frog surrendering
Their president can change but the spirit of the frenchman never will
Is he actually going to do something about the Muslim problem in your country? What's he said about immigration?
Oh look, this retarded meme again
>france needs to be destroyed for the whole world to see. maybe then it will smack some sense into people
Like South Africa?
How about Rhodesia?
>t. fatty
Yeah, if you're a fat fuck who thinks about food 24/7 I'd expect you to be a good cook
That's a photoshop
It's well known that Macron is a Muslim
He wants an alliance with Assad and Russia to eradicate ISIS and stop the flow of migrants
No its not, i get how france got like this. thanks for this extra black pill you stupid brainwashed idiot. you are all niggers. look at the img btw, the dark one is the male and the bright one is the female. , in the propaganda lying about scientific facts they use subliminal race mix messages.
(((They))( state , we find this in the south of europe to it is a biological genetic condition and you get it because of your geographic location.
WTF. no, news flash the south of europe are shitskins, they have been raped by them enough to gain sickle cell.
>Is he actually going to do something about the Muslim problem in your country? What's he said about immigration?
Its not a meme , its reality, you are fucked im betting over half your country is nigger or arab, im guessing france ethnic new borns are lik 20 % of the population.
But hey we will never know because its racist too keep track.
You need mass deportations but it is illegal to even recognize who is a untermensch and who is not.
Ahh.. the city of love.
Congrats on your new "president" France
>tfw France
No, he's going to implement a bunch of lukewarm mediocre policies and will contribute nothing of significance. He will fade into history, his only role being to assist the slow decline of western civilization
>national resurgence
Pick one