Why should i care if our race is going extinct? I will probably be long gone when that happens anyway.
So tell me Sup Forums
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Because we are being colonised by Arabs and Africans who will not be able to run a civilisation as they are fucking retarded
Yes, but this will take decades if not centuries.
>I will probably be long gone when that happens anyway.
Not sure you've grasped his argument.
Climate change will destroy the whites.
How old are you ?Do you have/want children?
Im 23 and pic related is my heritage, do you really want me to reproduce?
we'll all die in the nuclear holocaust anyways
have (((fun))) while you can
I am also on the autism spectrum.
After you die, part of your consciousness goes into your children.
Citation is needed.
>Citation is needed.
How does a cat know to paw a mouse?
Imagine if our ancestors all thought like that. We wouldn't be here today .
Was it just bait then?
It is often taught to by its parents
How does a cat know to a paw a mouse before its parents die?
Because I think my genes are worth to be preserved. The thought that my blood line continues gives me great joy. Also, I want that my descendants to survive and achieve to live in a world where they can reach happiness, accomplishing cultural and technological heights. Of course we all need to fight for that, make sacrifices and suffer first - at the moment we fight for life or death, being invaded by hordes of non-Whites and having (((governments))) that want to genocide us.
The jews have too much power, it's basically pointless to figth against them since they'd rather let nukes fly everywhere instead of having to redo everything they did to get where they are today.
I cant explain to someone why he should live.
Wait I think this leaf might be on to something. Why else are nigs uncontrollably violent if everything is taught? And our consciousness is based on our brain structures right? Well our brain is determined from our genetics. Hmmmmmm
Israel was once completely destroyed by Romans, they did not even have a home country for thousands of years. If they had thought like you they would never be where they are right now.
We have new chances, for example the Internet took their information monopoly away. New technologies like race tailored viruses and artificial wombs emerge.
Even if our race goes extinct there will be way more white people in heaven and we come back after all the islam antichrist loving nigs and mooslims are wiped off the earth to rule with Christ for 1,000 years
You will live out the last of your days in subjugation, misery and fear of violence long before every last one of you is wiped out.
Yes but we are talking race here, they already have brainwashed the majority into thinking diversity is good and the white birthrate is declining. Meanwhile they are bringing africans and muslims here that breed like rabbits and they are getting close to their goal of destroying the white race, once the pure whites are gone there is no hope left.
>Race tailored viruses
So you are talking about a ethnic bioweapon, you think someone will make one that targets brown people. Or do you think they have been taugth that white people are bad their entire lives and they would rather make one that wipes out white people for reparations?
But i can't know if god exists for sure.
But i live in a rural area.
>lel nothing matters, we are going to die
nihilistic bullshit
Tell me why i should care when my efforts would go to waste.
Since you already revealed yourself to be a degenerate, I want you not to care so you don't put any effort into making others degenerates like yourself. If you do, then you're a living contradiction.
Keep doing what you're doing, m8, be strict about following your beliefs and die alone in a ditch.
>The portugese talks to others about shitty heritage
You're a very poor shill, m8. You must think through your posts, not just vomit the first thing that comes to mind.
Why though, you talked about me being a degenerate and that i should not produce more degenerates so i assumed you talked about my heritage and my autism, tell me what you are on about.
Because shaping the future is what we do. If you don't care whether the future listens to Bach or butt songs, you're dead already.
Even if you haven't gotten over your "self" and entered the flow of becoming yet--that is, if you still care about your feelings, like a woman--you'll be happier creating.
If you live for the feelz, i.e., passively, you will always have a nagging suspicion of yourself. Like you could be more.
Listen to Zarathustra: what care I about my happiness? I care only for my work.
You assume I don't care.
I've just stopped caring what Sup Forums thinks.
That's because you're a poo or sandnigger roaming around the UK because your ancestors were cucked by the British.