>post edgy content content on internet
>rail at minimum wage and minorities 'thuh system' for keeping your people down
>rail at washington post and jeff bezos, calling him a liberal retard, etc.
>post edgy content from your fire tablet
>watch news on your firestick with kodi
>own a subscription to amazon prime
>become defensive when somebody questions your contradictory support of a business whose owner you seemingly despise, and use mental gymnastics to justify your Amazon use while the brick and mortar stores in your town close
>receive special request from your echo
>become Bezos's scatological sex slave at first request
Amazon tops $1000
I worked for an amazon fulfillment center briefly, after that I never used amazon again. Fucking evil corporation
any stories?
>wmt ~$450B 2016 revenue
>wmt ~$236B mtk cap
>amzn ~$135B revenue
>amzn ~$478B mkt cap
why does this seem totally fucked up
i know amzn is the online retailer killer
but wtf thats a pretty incredible inversion
wall street's darling, basically
Sup Forums will defend this
I quite like their service I just want them to pay a proper amount of tax and treat their workers fairly.
Protip: some conditions people moan about are standard in any factory and are fine (oh no they have to stand up all day!)
>I quite like their service
I hope Amazon destroys Walmart and that entire family of sociopathic red neck retards. Fuck Walmart. Also fuck America too.
These communist threads are starting to piss me off
You guys are transparent as fuck
you're literally insane fuck off
I made more money in crypto in the past day than AMZN holders have in the past year.
If you don't like their service then don't use it
Nobody's forcing you to work for them or to buy their products
Go the fuck back to /r/socialism
two main reasons I think
1) Amazon's operating costs are much lower then Walmart's, they only employ a fraction of the number of people that Walmart has to
2) Growth potential, Amazon has the ability in the future to grow into new markets and delivery systems like drone deliveries and self driving cars, something that Walmart is unlikely to do
no one else has a service that competes with amazon so im forced to use them. are there any right wing alternatives?
you're implying that those pie in sky tech schemes will pan out..
Wal Mart has an online marketplace as well as VUDU.. it's literally the same business
web services aside, wal mart has literally the same business
There's also best buy, khols, etc etc etc etc
It's a bubble, invest accordingly.
Unironically evil. We're killing ourselves in the name of convenience. Each new "improvement" to our life kills jobs and makes us poorer. The current trajectory of modern society ends in slavery, or civil war.
There are too many of us.
they used to say that ordering books online was pie in the sky
I can't wait for the drones to deliver my stuff, I will never have to interact with a human again
I wanted to buy a large toaster oven but it suddenly went from $90 to $110. fuck amazon.
because it's fucked up. the average healthy p/e ratio on sp500 is around 14. amazon's p/e ratio is 187
Back in my day "firestick" meant a fucking gun.
I like my free prime too much.
>There are too many of us.
There are too many unproductive people. Basically if you've been on welfare for more than a year of your life you deserve to die.
You want to kill Walmart? Kill all of its retarded consumers. I haven't shopped there in at least 5 years because I know it's a leech on the government and the shopping experience is horrendous.
Amazon at least has a decent business model, people don't want to interact with low-class morons just to get a decent price on something, whether they be employees or other shoppers.
Likewise their automation isn't bad. Who really wants to work in a warehouse or at Walmart? Nobody. The people that work there work there because they aren't qualified for anything else. They're the bottom of the barrel.
I live in Kirkland, Amazon and Steam are local.
You've gone beyond the pale to defend your precious bezos, faggot
>t. angry fulfillment center employee
I don't even have an Amazon account. All the shit I buy online is through ebay.
You're just angry that you'll never have your workers revolution because the workers are either too retarded to organize such a thing or they just don't care.
Are you going to continue to bitch when Amazon has a 100% automated warehouse? Tesla's Gigafactories are going to approach that level, and plenty of other businesses have "lights out manufacturing".
You're just mad that you can't compete in the knowledge economy and are superfluous.
back then you would be feeling gay after getting a new firestick.
back before homosexual cult members took of the country.
cheaper price includes same day delivery, faggot.
Have fun being sold AT&T Direct tv and wireless next time you need an electronic device.
thats what i look at, that p/e ratio is nuts
overcrowded trade
fueled by algo trading
i just wish i had the foresite
If Amazon has a major outage at AWS or a huge credit card breach than you can watch that number drop like a fucking rock.
That's when you want to have short positions ready, there's so much money to be made from all of these people's greediness.
>posts Nazi stuff
>based jew Bezos
This isn't the time to fan old flames Nigel, shut your cock holster
Well I live in a pretty small town with no record store or book store or any other stores that market to specific markets desu. Nothing but general stores and clothing stores bruhh
Who will be purchasing these wonderful fruits of automation? It's going to end with a master and slave class.
>Amazon is a leader in the globalist no borders market
>Bezos took 600M from the CIA
>runs the Washington Post
>has a business model that must expand or die, still has very low -near nonexistent- profit margins after 20 years
>treats their low level employees like shit
>trades on their name to attract talent, with promises of reimbursement/benefits that kick in after three years, but burns them out in two. Absurd turnover.
>doesn't deny the reports about their working conditions at their interviews.
Amazon is the stereotype of the globalist organization that all others aspire to be.
How are they evil? I hate Bezos too but Amazon seems like a legitimate company. Also this
I don't even use amazon lmao
This. Really you take the market cap, divide it by 187, and you'll get a more realistic view of the "worth" of amazon. A big factor is ive talked to a lot of people new to investing or seeing the market going apeshit and want to get in and the only company they think is going places is amazon. When it gets rocky and they bail AMZN will sink like the titanic
> but those poor brick and mortar stores!
When they start selling actual computer hardware and not bottom of the barrel trash then I might care.
Last time i asked my local shop if they had any heat sinks compatible with AM4 they looked at me like I was crazy then tried to sell me an iphone.
Fuck em.
>then tried to sell me an iphone.
I think you may have gone to the wrong store.
>It's going to end with a master and slave class.
We literally already have this, except the people who are actually the slaves are the ones using fiat currency controlled by central banks. It's not even people who are the ones who own capital it's using the USD.
That's what you get from "computer stores" owned by local morons who think they are good with computers because they own a Mac and know how to install Windows but they've had no formal training because "college is for suckers".
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a microcenter in their town.
>while the brick and mortar stores in your town close
those fucks deserve to close
Barnes and Noble killed all the local book stores
Walmart killed lots of the local department stores and I hope that they decline
Radio Shack stopped carrying components and became a cellphone store
also there isn't any CEO whose political views fall in line with Sup Forums
>That's what you get from "computer stores" owned by local morons who think they are good with computers because they own a Mac and know how to install Windows but they've had no formal training because "college is for suckers".
You don't need a fucking college degree to know basic shit about computers. You just need someone who likes to put together his own computers, something kids used to do regularly just a decade ago. That's literally all the experience you need to know about different sockets, ports and shit like that to be useful to a computer store.
The real problem is that computer stores don't really get these kinds of people because those people usually wind up either in high-paid engineering positions or as NEETs. PROTIP: if you ever need help at an electronics store, ask the ugliest employee around. He's probably employed there for a good reason.