Does the dust ever settle ?
Does the dust ever settle ?
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when are burgers gonna water their tree?
>future science class
you know that milk you're drinking?
well it was part of the twin towers at one point
I dunno, when are swedes gonna stop offering up their bungholes as bribes for sandnigggers?
You are the world superpower protecting international jewry AND you have the right to bear arms. Yet you do nothing? You have to go first.
I'm not a hologram/cgi fag, but did anyone actually see the plane parts hit the pavement on the street? I mean, they just fly into the towers and evaporate.
Yeah i really can't wrap my head around how someone can be in denial after seeing this.
dam... i got nothing... i learned something new from this interview tho
They found a piece of the plane in an alley, not sure if there was much more. There was a lot of debris flying around so as far as people registering "hey that's a piece of a plane" seems unlikely at the time of the attack. Later on, had there been CCTV footage I suppose it would of been possible, but NYC didn't have nearly as much CCTV as it has now.
9/11 was a ritual sacrifice dedicated to tisha bav. tisha bav is associated with the destruction of (((their))) 2 temples, like the 2 towers and other great misfortunes and false one the 9th day of the 11th month (9/11 just switched around. the towers were also symbolizing the two pillars famous in masonsymbology, boaz and jachin standing for the moon and the sun.
10 is a number associated with perfection. 9/11 thus symbolizes the jump from imperfection (9) to a point of even succeeding the (divine/godly) perfection (11).
11 years before 9/11, on the very same day bush held his new world order speech
>The phrase "new world order", as used to herald in the post–Cold War era, had no developed or substantive definition. There appear to have been three distinct periods in which it was progressively redefined, first by the Soviets, and later by the United States before the Malta Conference, and again after Bush's speech of September 11, 1990.
11 years after 9/11 the benghazi attack happened.
>The 2012 Benghazi attack that September was coordinated against two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya
>At 9:40 p.m., September 11, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi
it also marked the start of a new millenia (there is no year 0, 2000 was still the 2nd millenia, the 3rd one started in 2001. 1st millenia year 1-1000, 2nd 1001-2000, 3rd 2001-3000)
thus all the predictions in the media probably werent initiated, but just realized the plans based on the symbology and understood that the sole purpose of the buildings was to come crashing down again
that's a view of it that I haven't seen before
Eight zero three 89eight 80zero
How do I make people do their job?
I have to schedule an appt with this place and I keep getting put in touch with inept people who are pretending not to hear me.
I'm being told I have to go to court if I Dont schedule an appt but I've been trying to schedule appointments for two months and have yet to see any appointments being kept.
No it is not coincidental I am using this board all of a sudden for snitching. Yes I've been using this board the whole time for snitching because that's what its used for.
It's simple; the terrorists filled the planes with thermite!
This guy knows what's up.
good post
Not until the people that have that asbestos in their lungs die.
comic source?
Pull it.
Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" Vol.1. An absolute must-read for every Sup Forumsack.
Does the ash ever settle?
September 11, 1990 | Clip Of Presidential Address on Persian Gulf
spooky timing of this speech
can anyone tell me whats up with this? i have a hard time believing the no plane story, but there is definitely no plane here even though is filmed from the direction the plane should hit the tower, so the view isnt blocked by it. is this just edited or really no planes?
Only in the lungs of those tricked by the Jews (first responders/citizens)
fuck off leaf. no one cares what u have to say.
My very first thought when I woke up and saw the news of the planes hitting the WTC was "inside job".
holy crap that really does look like a thermite bomb
thanks yuri
what's happening here
p-please senpai... your red-pill is too big!!
this video makes me sad
You can clearly see people up there. Some of them jump, the last one do jump is just before the collapse. Unbelievable that people survived there inches from intense heat. Kudos to the guy who made that webm.
I feel really, really bad for the Dust Lady. She died of cancer caused by the dust. Looking at this photo makes me teary eyed, even though i'm not American. Humans don't deserve this.
>Sends contractor to rig building
>5 hours later bye bye WTC 7
It takes weeks to rig a building like that for a pull.
quads of truth ):
After all, that was the point.
please see
You can actually stop the video on the frame where the plane "dissapear" just miliseconds before it explodes
>Humans don't deserve this.
cry no more friendo
Using my superior deduction skills I conducted she is in fact ... a NIGGER
No humans were harmed in this photo, this it not place for your tears.
>5 hours
>a week
>in an open area where a vortex naturally forms and maintains for almost a minute
Why not ask material engineers to do the tests instead of wasting resources by making themselves look like shills?
Was that a chair or a person that got ejected out of the building??
>that video
>national geographic
>thermite was not strong enough to even damage the steel beam
>yet we believe that jet fuel that burns at 1k degree lower was strong enough to collapse both the buildings
this got literally all my wats
The power-puff girls did it.
that works too
I'm starting to wonder if blitz about "the dust" has anything to do with the recent death of the 9/11 firefighter Ray Pfeifer.
Similair thing with the pentagon. If a plane struck the pentagon then there would have been additional structural damage from where the wings hit.
You think they built world trade center towers to the same bomb resistance standard as the pentagon?
are you thick?
Planes are lightweight. Imagine throwing a small aluminum plane at 50mph towards a brick. It will crumple up and flatten.
Conspiracy theorist profited off of the masses' confusion for their own selfish gain. Now we have a bunch of losers spreading memes.
>yet we believe that jet fuel that burns at 1k degree lower was strong enough to collapse both the buildings
Luke, remember how a B-52 crashed head on into Empire State Building and it managed to not collapse even though piston-engine aircraft fuel burns hotter than jest fuel?
He was a good friend.
post disregarded
it was actually B-25 but we member
Even wood fire can easily melt steel if it's in an oven. A giant flaming building is an oven.
9/11 is so simple, yet burgers always make it out sounding retarded with various zany conspiracies.
>be mil-ind complex and CIA
>cold war ends, need new enemy to scaremonger
>"should we blow a nuke. Nah, too overkill"
>"should we blow a bomb. Nah, already did it in 1993, nobody gave a fuck"
>"hey, the arab shitskin muslims are making racket, we could use them"
>reactivate sleeper cells in leftover from afganistan from the soviet-afgan war
>"guize go slam 4 planes, but do it in the morning so there are minimal casualties also slam one in the pentagon so the 2 trillion we stole get covered up"
>info leaks to the big jew, WTC gets insured and jews get warned
>2 jets slam in the WTC, destroying the single central structure that holds the whole buildings and they collapse easily
>1 jet slams in the pentagon, the one going for the white house crashes (hey 3/4 is still good), while Bush is conviniently out.
>all before work hours because +50k deaths is overkill and will crash the economy, 2-3k are enough to rally the suburban retards
>plane hits high up, where there's not as much weight and burns hotter, so the fuel burns out a lot faster
>building doesn't collapse
Whoop de fucking doo.
>before work hours
Many of the zany things are on purpose to discredit the ideas.
Burger media ops involve mixing true shit with absurd shit to discredit the true parts.
Um, yes. Non-3rd world countries like the US start work in 9AM. There were 40k people in WTC 1 and 2 in regular work hours.
Most of the building was empty anyways.
May of the well connected got advanced notice and stayed home that day.
You tell me, you're the ones selling Anne Frank merchandise at ridiculous prices
a lot of Dutch people sold the whereabouts of Jews to the Germans for some schekels and that gives me the kekels
>sell whereabouts of Jews to the Germans
>after they're done, sell the merchandise about the tragic demise of said Jews
Who's jewing who?
that OP has a poetic quality
>Some of you are alright, dont go to WTC tomorrow
If you really want a trip down the rabbit hole, start looking into Marsh & McLennan.
They were one of the tenants in the tower. And the planes actually hit their floor. I've read enough to believe they were in on it.
You don't even need to melt steel to cause a collapse. Creep starts getting serious at 30-40% of the fusion temperature. And rebar is low quality steel with a low melting point.
If you assume a melting point of 1200C, you start seeing creep at around 400-450C. Not that high at all!
its in the top 10 tallest buildings in the worlds and older than all of these buildings senpai
400 tonnes of asbestos
tens of thousands of people will die of meslthemioma because a quarantine is bad PR
WTC was in violation of asbestos code.
NYC wanted to force them to tear out all the asbestos at incredible cost.
Shill Silverstien asked the city for permission to demolish the entire structure and was denied.
Lucky for him, the entire buildings were destroyed. Even the ones not hit by planes.
You don't get it do you. The masses will not be told to believe a lie.
i'm also a cgi fag
the best evidence of this IMO is the french filmmakers who were making a NYFD doc
when they film the first strike, they zoom in
you can clearly see some kind of explosives or cutting agent literally forming the outline of a right wing "impact" seconds after the explosion. i will try to find a good video depicting this
There's also good video of charges / flashes going down the column but its rare pepe.
.. Which matches perfectly with what the guido firefighters were talking about in their interview.
9/11 was done by many different groups for several different reasons.
Did a thread on it recently:
can't find a video must have seen it in the middle of a doc
but here's a pic kind of depicting what i mean
Do you even know what a planes wings are made of? Have you ever been on a plane? If you haven't,you can clearly see wings bend very easily even when on the ground. Wings are basically made of hard plastic. no shit there would be no additional damage.
so then explain why the wings of an extremely similar aircraft did this
Ignore shills.
Post well-sourced facts to irritate them.
NYC firefighters talking about what they saw.
From the same PBS documentary that "pull it" comes from.
if you believe that is a wing tip then you must be retarded. Just because its shaped like one doesn't mean it is one. Plus this is some random picture off the internet, are you really going to believe it? This is exactly why America gets made fun of all the time because of people like you.
What is a 747 engine?
Would it hurt if you dropped it on your toe?
does this look like a 747 to you? Please go to school
Why is it so hard to believe that the terrorists planted bombs in the building before crashing the plane? They've bombed WTC before.
brap lol.
Same here... and witnessed
+1 for quads of truth
If you dig you can find more video of NY firefighters talking about rivers of molten lava flowing underneath the debris that would flame up as they removed the debris that was covering it - that continued to burn for days after the event.
every country has retards, but america doesnt keep them on a leash
too much freedom bro, it's your democratic right to be retarded and nobody can stop you, i like how relaxed americans can be about this stuff and im not taking the piss out of muh freedoms it's just the right side of mental it's great
you do realize planes are built to be as light as possible right? it's literally just a frame with a thin layer of sheet around it. it's not some ultra heavily armoured piece of steel that will penetrate concrete on impact. look at any crash of a major plane into the ground and you'll find there's absolutely nothing left, the whole frame and plating gets crushed like you would crush a soda can.
I dont think you understand how retarded people are in this country. about a month ago I was working with this kid who read something from the onion and believed it. It was about CERN destroying over 1000 universes or some dumb shit and he actually believed it. To make note I live in the most educated state in America so that shows you what America is worth.