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Trolly Problem?
Okay but where's the real version?
Don't do anything it's not my problem. I'm not the one stuck to the track
>But what if you miss?
I won't miss.
Thats ok.
Shoot the one guy stuck on the track and let the trolley run over the five.
It wouldn't be fair to the five if the one lived.
Pull the lever and become a tranny
lel, that one is good
good job monkey
Shouldn't you always pull in this situation then?
Well considering all the trolley needed was new brakes I would say it didn't kill the man (unless of course they didn't use the new brakes).
I'm white, bro.
True, you'd only have a 1/8 chance of being killed
Unless you're suicidal, yes.
There's pretty low chance of being that one guy on the tracks, kill him. Then reeee if you wake up in his position and see trolley run towards you.
Oh shi... I'm dying
>Does not flush
gross m8
nice try hue
melbourne must go at all costs
shoot the single guy
>Eastern European
You gotta try harder than that, you ugly fuck
I'm actually mote southern i think, so it's up to you guys if i'm White. I don't really like the White denomination, it's too broad, i'm a caucasian.
So which one nukes Australia?
Fuck, I'm pretty good with a rifle but goddamn I just can't aim with pistols for some reason.
This is a classic. I want to send this in on reddit or something and be "look at the type of jokes the altright thinks is funny" or some stupid shit like that. would love to see the butthurt.
I guess that's about holding rifle with two hands.
>Nigs taking notes on eating da poo poo
kill the whitey cuck
Try leaning into the shot tiger. Also don't hold the gun directly in the middle, but more so on the dominate eye side