First OutLast, now Far Cry
When do we make a game about radical islam and goat fucking ?
First OutLast, now Far Cry
When do we make a game about radical islam and goat fucking ?
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>When do we make a game about radical islam
video games about real life are boring.
Stop advertising your game here, ubisoft. Three other threads about this shit no one is going to buy.
make a game where i can kill SJW's and feminists.
>le clean your room, rescue your father and suck dick man
can make 500k a year in donations, we could easily fund a game where you play as a white teen girl trying to get home at night in some Muslim majority neighborhood in Europe.
Wasn't that bf3 cod 4, moh, moh black, arma, Generals, 50 Cent Blood, etc?
Sounds like you need to watch some Deliverance little Piggy.
Rambo as well.
Grand Theft Auto 5 had a mission where you do that
Brought this up to some liberals and they said, "you can play as a Muslim in civilization"....... fucking christ
Everyone who buys any Ubisoft products is a mentally disabled piece of shit and should kill himself.
Those games not only reek of propaganda, they are horrible 2/10 trash. Casual shit gameplay and generic worlds.
AAA games cost tens of millions.
Awwww Christians don't like games that make them look bad? Then stop denying gay marriage bigots
Except simulations.
R6 Siege is great tho
sage these fucking shills
nobody cares about western games here
if you do, go back to r-e-d-d-i-t you fucking normie.
re downloading splintercell blacklist
i seem to remember the plot of that being red pilled
didnt finish it first time i tried cuz 4got why
i think (((they))) are the bag guys in that manipulating mudslimes or at least the plot fit that concept
> game about a white guy killing other whites that are bringing the white race down
> Sup Forums hates it because it's analoguous to 4channers bringing the white race down
Sup Forums, what D chess are you playing?
You realize one of your allies is a nigger and that the guys you are killing have swastikas and shit right?
it's not christianity, only One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, Oriental and Orthodox Churches and Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East are, everything else is a heresy
Last enemy of the USA was just that.
Is evil Christian death cult a sub genre now. If so, i wanna see Nintendo get in on this
Bildungsroman where you start off in your village doing the goat fucking mission chain. Eventually you rapefugee into europe where you go on a crime and rape spree. Mocking westerners on your way.
The game culminates in a suicide bombing.
Only because they run the companies like crap. You could make a top shelf game with the fucking unreal engine or unity.
>have swastikas
Nazis aren't American. Punching Nazis is American
Watch Dogs 2
The whole game is set in modern day San Francisco. Everyone you meet is a left-wing SJW regressive snowflake that thinks they're correct.
are there based indie games? We need to hype the shit out of them.
What's wrong with outlast? I liked the first and second.
No one is bitching pretty sure the company is trying to stir on controversy because the game is a piece of shit no one will buy on the game alone.
Why the fuck would some french faggot care about a game making americans look bad
This thread is marketing, sage ignore hide fap
after seeing this cover for the 30th time on pol, i finally noticed its the last supper
jeez i feel slow
You can't criticize islam op
Not w/o risking a response i.e:
>a terrorist attack
>getting blown up
>be honor raped
>getting stabbed
>receive a ton of death threats
>get acid thrown in your face
Which is why the US markedly lacks those but leaving the EU causes it.
I feel like they milked the XIII series waaay more than they should've. They even had a game for old phones.
>Wasn't that bf3 cod 4, moh, moh black, arma, Generals, 50 Cent Blood, etc?
>Splinter Cell killing Sand Niggers & Commie's
Are you retarded?
>trailer clearly shows that the bad guys are cultists that target everyone including christians
>clearly shows that the cult has nogs working for them too
keep screeching though
have you never played call of duty?
Just don't buy it. It's the same as all the others anyway.
The reason the first Iron Man movie did so well is it was one of the first and only movies actually shooting at terrorists in their sandpit.
In Dying Light you get to behead thousands of Muslim zombies. Very cathartic
>game of browns killing an autistic form of Christians
Isn't that what Sup Forums wishes for? You guys are really hard to understand.
just torrent all ubicuck games
I just want a game where you play as a reactionary in Russia, Germany, Spain, and the Balkans
t. faggot in his mother's basement
Just point out in online forums that this is a racist bigoted game and leave it 1 star reviews.
>There are too many white people in this game! Where are the Muslims!?
Not a christian, but i gotta say i found Outlast 2 anti christian agenda a bit much.
The protagonist dosnt meet just one evil satanic christian cult, not two. but three.
Three fucking evil christian groups that are out to get him.
On top of meeting a a pedophile rapist priest that kills a little girls in his school?
What the fuck are the fuck, ts just never ends. They just didnt know when to stop.
Also why the fuck was the guy who killed the girl a priest? I mean the flashbacks have no impact on the story yet its just filled with crosses, bibles and priest photos. Are we to think are priest are evil or what?
T B H Far Cry 3 was good but got milked into every next Far Cry.
Who literally gives a fuck about this game? Is it somehow a sin to make a game about a demonic religion?
>m-muh christans
It's so loosely based on Christianity or any "white" religion. It's on par with the cults/religions from Silent Hill and other games that utilize religion as a trope.
I agree with most things you people post, crying about this game is dumb.
I'll admit the new farcry looks autistic as shit and will be filled with muh slavuhee n cruel whites and absolutely shit on history and make niggers unnecessarily mad though.
But lumping every game you don't remotely agree with into this category is autistic. Silent Hill and wacky cult games are cool as fuck, don't lampoon them because you can't think for yourself and assume everything is SJW garbage.
the guys who made hatred were working on a game were you kill muslims
Watchdogs is the game youre looking for (Webm related)
Is this not the conservative's greatest fantasy though?
is not Having a bunch of deranged , subhuman lunatics invade your town and the chance to defend your liberty using the second amendment what right wingers dream of?
(i myself live in a not always so peaceful country, and i know people out in the provinces who fight both communism and islamic terrorism as part of their lifestyle)
also, given the series is known to be politically incorrect in depicting other nationalities as utter savages , i dont see why this one gets all the hate. as a matter of fact i think this is the only one where the "good guys" are pure good in a black and white sense (atleast according to trailers)
>where are the games about Radical Islam
George Bush Era
Also, you have to be 18+ to post here, OP
generation kill
the hurt locker
three kings
american sniper
lawrence of arabia
black hawk down
just from the top of my head a shitton of movies about sandniggers getting shot, stop being stupid
Yeah, we are probably not gonna see a (((Marvel))) movie shooting muds again
Oh god stop fucking crying. That trope has been overdone for the last decade.
If you want to kill mudslimes, pick up one of the COD modern warfare titles and hush.
Actually outlast 2 was damn good, i asked myself while playing, why the fuck im jewish, christianity is fucking cool
ever since the disney buy out
funny i noticed its when disney bought marvel that iron man's suit stopped having ballistic weaponry
>nobody is going to buy this.
I already pre-ordered my copy lol.
You Sup Forums kids are turning into reverse SJW's
What is CoD MW? People got tired of the "fighting against arabs" setting. Now people get mad again. I think you don't know what you want.
>Never played a FarCry game.
>Good goy flip, niggers good whitey bad
yes yes, well done France
the last two Far Cry games have had excellent villains who were tremendous fun. Chances are this guy will be likeable as fuck. Also isn't one of the main friend-to-the-hero characters actually a priest or something?
Did anyone else feel like Vaas was the main villian in FC3 and they suddenly tought of putting a white guy as the actual main villian at an advanced point in development? Vaas battle was lame and seems very improvised.
Who said anything about AAA game?
being a flip, i have the inherent disdain you have for the jews but instead my hatred is targeted toward the chinese. as such you may refer to me as Gǒu
regardless, the past far cry games have treated other ethnicites as sub human, i dont see why it should stop itself from treating whites that way
That did suck a bit. I was happier fighting pirates on the first island instead of random evil white bloke and his pmc group or whatever it turned out to be.
I'll buy far cry 5 in two years when it's about £10 on steam (like I did with 3 and 4)
Didn't CoD modern warfare involve fighting nondescript desert people? The attempted medal of honor games took place in Afghanistan, conflict desert storm. I mean they were common but the fad got old.
>he forgets most games about middle-eastern wars were censored during the Bush Era because they were matter of controversy
Anyway new games reach a far-larger audience leafbro
Yeah, the second island is pretty much the same with white guys. Also every Vaas scene seems like they put 100 times the effort compared to the other guy scenes. He was redpilled af, well the game is about normies that get redpilled pretty hard
The Arabs in the CoD games set in the Middle East never reference their religion. You'll never hear them shouting ALLAHU AKBAR or whatever. Let's see if they hold these Christian Extremists to the same standard. I severely doubt it, given that the cover art is already a perversion of The Last Supper.
>Avid player of video games
>Lives in parents' basement
Why are they killing their own demographics?
Even CS GO you fight white guy terrorists now.
Used to be all mudslimes.
Ill probably get it. I like the playstyle of the far cry games.
Every new Far Cry is FC3 with "DLC" and reskins
Something I gotta admit is that the psychedelic parts of the games are pretty fucking awesome. The guy who designs those levels knows about drugs.
far cry 2: killing blacks
far cry 3: killingHispanics
far cry 4: Killing asians
far cry 5: killing whites
What's the big deal again?
Of course they do, Ubisoft is filled from top to bottom with liberal degenerates.
You have a point.
Although there's been a lot of anti white sentiment lately, killing whites wouldn't have been such a big deal a few years ago.
>Awwww Christians don't like games that make them look bad? Then stop denying gay marriage bigots
gay marriage is already legal you stupid faggot kys
Idk if the Shangri-la parts are factually accurate but man they really made me think. Also the mission where you burn weed is one of the most fun I had.
This just in, Ubisoft has decided that Far Cry 6 will be set in Arizona. You will play as a member of the Arizona Minutemen and you will be protecting the border from the Mexican cartels.
Imagine the outrage.
To be fair tho, far cry games are popular precisely because of their based guys should be happy as children will want to impersonate white villains more.
>Killing Christian American whites
There's a difference there amigo, you weren't killing members of a specific real-life religion in any of the other games. This is a blatant attack on traditional whites under the argument of "it's just a cult huehue" so they can wash their hands of it.
>>have swastikas
>Nazis aren't American. Punching Nazis is American
Unironically using the words "punching Nazis" is possibly the cringiest and most cookie-cutter vanilla display of ideological laziness ever
You should kys
No really
Do it
No m8, you are looking for reasons to be offended. Just like feminazis.
Anyway, you should wait it out for the game to be released and see if your criticism is actually valid or not. As far as I can see from the trailer, white dudes are actually the resistance to the cult.
Right whoever made the petition is a fucking moron. You've made us all look like SJWs, calling for a game to be changed or cancelled just because you disagree with it. Even threatening them if they don't do anything.
Bunch of hypocrites, nu/pol/ is utter cancer
Most of the older codgames ha you shooting shitskins though. You can't be on suicide watch with just one game about killing trailer trash.
How many openly Hindu enemies were there in Far Cry 4? They didn't even want to come out and call the country Nepal, they made up some bullshit name so it's just an imaginary place.
Far Cry 5 explicitly has you killing Christians in the USA.
Postal 2
Stop having autism.