Life is so /comfy/
This is such a great timeline
Life is so /comfy/
Other urls found in this thread:
>vision of perfect country: monarchy + 19th century free market
Korwin sounds perfect
it is a shame that he will never be in charge here, he says way too much way too controversial things
He also has a photo princess carrying some crossplayer.
>Great timeline when Pis(s) won
Only Poland B voted for the retards.
The small duckling who is in control is the most insecure cuck i have evr seen.
He never had a wife , there is nothing known about sexual relationsships between him and other women.
He still thinks after 7 years that an attack happened to his brother after how many investigations proved ther wasnt an attack.
His fucking brother and shitty wife are still inside the Wawel the most prestigious monument to famous polish people after serving 2 years as a president who did nothing right.
I cant wait for the next election and how much they will get btfo out again
>Be polish
>Accidentally use the term "Polish death camp"
>get raped in jail
He's more Sup Forums than Sup Forums itself.
fuck off, diaspora. eat arabic cock
>be czech
>see your mother and sister on
They won in most of the western voivodeships. If they don't fail big time, we'll probably have PiS+Kukiz coalition next time
Swing voter here
But I won't vote to Platforma Obywatelska or Nowoczesna or Korwin or PSL
In 2015 i voted like this
Presidential election - PiS candidate - Andrzej Duda
1 and 2 round i voted to him
Parliament election
Sejm - Razem
Senat - PiS
In the next election I will vote PiS or Razem or SLD ( former Zjednoczona Lewica ) but SLD is slightly conservative and more postcommie than Zjednoczona Lewica. Zjednoczona Lewica was coalition = SLD + leftist cuck parties like greens )
But in the next election - local election 2018 - I will vote to SLD to my city council
>voting Razem or SLD
Kill yourself.
Obviously i have seen this, it's from the same site. Half of the Poland A is still blue
> voting Rakłem
Why tho?
Is german cuckery contagious?
Good question. The funny thing is, that western Poland see themselves as more superior to other Poles and more enlightened, while they are all descendants of eastern polish migrants, who have been resettled after WWII. Poland A is broadly former German lands, given to us by Stalin, so not that many Poles have lived there. You are the same people as eastern Poles you make fun of, you morons.
Thanks to the geographical vicinity of developed westen European economies, which resulted in more investments and easier export/import, they are considerably richer, and easier life usually leds to more leftist political affilations
odnosnie razem
znałem człowieka na którego oddałem swój głos. piłem z nim piwo. uważam, że lepiej zrobiłem niż miałbym marnować swój głos na jakiegos partyjniaka z czołowych sił politycznych
w dodatku mam znajomych co angażują się w tą partię i mają poglądy mocno lewicowe. znam ich od dawna i po prostu ich cenię
odnośnie mojej osoby to mam poglądy centrowe lekko wysunięte w stronę socjaldemokracji. nie należę do radykałów. z razem w wielu kwestiach się nie zgadzam, są zbyt lewicowi jak dla mnie
A najbliżej z wszystkich partii jest mi do SLD. Cenię ich za bardzo dobre rządzenie Polską, kiedy mieli do tego okazję. Bardzo dużo zrobili dla naszego kraju i gospodarki. Wprowadzili nas do Unii Europejskiej, staliśmy bardziej ważnym członkiem NATO i bliskim sojusznikiem ameryki w związku z tym co się działo po 11 Września. Gdy liberalna europa w postaci Francji i Niemiec skrzeczała abyśmy nie angażowali się zanadto, to my dostawaliśmy technologię, pieniądze oraz wpływy od amerykanów. Nasze państwo nabierało prestiżu. Do tego SLD aby pobudzić przedsiębiorczość obniżył CIT, ale wprowadził podatek belki. Wszystko po to aby pomóc przedsiębiorcom, a nie rzucać im kłody pod nogi. Cały ciężar miał spaść na skrajnie bogate zagraniczne korporacje, które i tak mają nadto dużo zysku
Ekipa związana z SLD również świetnie zarządza moim miastem w którym mieszkam od urodzenia całe swoje życie.
Dla mnie Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej to po prostu profesjonaliści i fachowcy, ludzie którym można zaufać. Bo teraz to rządzi nami obóz dawnych ludzi AWS-UW, którzy porozbijali się na PiS i PO, ale nie zmienia faktu że to i tak ci sami ludzie
I've always wondered how people in western Poland deal with this. Do they just ignore it? Even though I'm sure all the older churches were obviously formerly Protestant, a lot of the older buildings more distinctly German, and few poles have a long history of being in the area?
People who were already born on these lands don't think about that, because it's natural for them. Obviously they know that the architecture is of german origin. people who were settlers were forcibly relocated, because Soviet Union decided to take away eastern-most polish lands and expel polish population. So they probably seen that as recompensation for both german-caused war destrucion and Soviet-caused forced migration
Western lands were polish (slavic) long time ago, oldest buildings in Wrocław (Breslau) were build by proto-Poles (Piastowie Sląscy)
>Western lands were polish (slavic) long time ago, oldest buildings in Wrocław (Breslau) were build by proto-Poles (Piastowie Sląscy)
They were east Germanic (Gothic) before that though. So two can play at that game of strenuous claims
I was looking for this kind of map. What i said is true for some of those voivodeships. For example Lower Silesian is, and especially Wrocałw is pretty rich, and is was settled by majority of eastern Poles
True, i mean it as a reson to lay claims on these lands, but as a curiosity. We were in no position to demand anything after WWII, that's something most Sup Forums doesn't understand, Stalin did this out of his good (?) will, probably as a recompensation for taken eastern lands
Fair enough