Kalergi plan becomes mainstream in the Netherlands

Ok Sup Forums, so this is what happened: A tweet was made about the Kalergi plan on the Twitter feed of one of our euro-sceptic political parties, Forum voor Democratie. It was read by the top adviser of the political party and he tweeted about it too.

Afterwards they wrote a whole piece about it in a major national newspaper which couldn't debunk it: volkskrant.nl/binnenland/is-forum-voor-democratie-een-extreem-rechtse-partij~a4497323/

The consequence? Ten thousands of people know about the Kalergi plan now. And all celebrities kniw about it too.

Now some people on the political left which opposes him is defending Kalergi by propagating the ethnic genocide of white people

Other urls found in this thread:


There will come a time where these monsters are put into Nuremberg trials, that or hung from lamposts

>The consequence?
Literally none, you will still be germanys' bitch like rest of jewrope

could you Google translate it and screencap or archive it? I want to read it but it is behind a pay wall. Thanks.

We know about this too and no one gives a shit, it's just le (((conspiracy theory)))


Articles with links and references to historical documents dating back to WW1:


European Commission plan directly from their website:

UN plan directly from their website:

>The consequence? Ten thousands of people know about the Kalergi plan now. And all celebrities kniw about it too.

this, we need to wake more people up, if we don't, you will see the end of Europe in your lifetime, and i'm sure nobody wants that

praise kek, your quads

can i get a quick rundown on this 100 page plan?


>genuine inspirational writings from one of the EU's ideological founding fathers
>"a conspiracy"

It's like they want to legitimise their opposition

Kalergi is the father of the EU, Ode to Joy as the anthem was chosen by him.

Miss Schippers is a formidable athlete.

>EU will fail with native Europeans due to their history and their historical achievements
>foreigners have their own history too and may be difficult to adapt to EU principles
>thus the only way the EU will work is when all of its citizens are white-black mixed race, for they have no history outside of the EU

We should try to push this into the mainstream across Europe while the Iron is still hot


Praise KEK!


The fire rises.


he's here

There is hope yet.

Nice pic leaf bro
Toothpaste man, do you have English versions of this article in the OP?
Thoughts on hashtag



Or #kalergiplan

Avoid white genocide and other pills that are too bitter to go down.

It became mainstream here thanks to the Forum voor Democratie, I recommend to push it into the mainstream through Euro-Sceptic parties

Basically the only way the EU can survive is to destroy the cultures of every fucking country in the EU by means of mass I of people from third world shit holes?

Jesus Christ.

It's literally the plan to destroy every nation in Europe through race mixing.

Hey that's my meme! Thanks for using it /bro/ :)


What is the kalegri plam

I don't think so, I'd have to translate it (or someone else) but it's behind a paywall too and I'm on my phone so I can't be arsed to do the free trial.

I do recommend you read up on Thierry Baudet and Theo Hiddema. They're our guys. Legit. Anti-EU, anti-euro, nationalist and at least Thierry is aware of what he called "the homeopathic dilution of the Dutch."

The press tried to hitpiece him with that by calling him racist, which is weird considering his mixed heritage.

Ok, I know National Party in Ireland could probably use this, get them some attention as well.
>Sweden democrats
>Golden Dawn
>Five points (Italy I think?)
Use this to good effect?

this is it

Graag gedaan, super de boer
Ik spaar ze allemaal

>check Twitter
>FVD retweets people saying that the Evergreen protesters are filthy Maoist scum

Baudet is going to be our Trump in the near future.


The actual blueprint for white genocide to replace Europeans with a mixed race people who have no history or culture outside of the United Nations and are low IQ and easy to manipulate. From the father of the EU.

How the French voted for this goy? He is the most obvious Bilderbeger-Rotshchild-Globalism shill ever.

Pretty much. Society is a racial construct.

Nick Griffin talked about it when he was an MEP. Pretty ballsy, even if he's a cunt.

But at least he's not a Nazi like FN!

All the French know is how to surrender.

AfD can't, it's too sensitive in Germany, but hey, our Pim Fortuyn inspired many populist leadersxe, we could use this as the incentive to let the Kalergi plan become mainstream in all of Europe.

My God, I tweeted about the Kalergi plan on their Twitter feed, I didn't know it would lead to this and that two left-wing journalists exposed it to the whole country for us!

thanks, i kinda would like to see unified white europe runned by national soc with latin official language ,to balance power between usa and china

Somehow I don't think the French get much outside of their lingual bubble on the Internet, and most of those that do don't read much beyond the Guardian and CNN.

Is it to early to guage the opinion of the Dutch people on this revelation?

>all it took to ruin Europe forever, was one Hapa with identity issues

Yes, but he talked about awhite genocide, that won't work, it's too extreme. It has to start with quoting exactly what Kalergi said, and relating it to the migrant crisis and mass-immigration. If you focus too much on white genocide, the mainstream public will see it too as an extreme right thing

I dunno, but all the right-wing readers in our country are redpilled about it now, they say it's just a conspiracy theory, but they actually described it pretty accurately for a left-wing newspaper

Their intention was to smear them, but they actually exposed the plan...

Would you have not tweeted if you knew what it would accomplish?

Probably. Tonight's (((talk shows))) will probably have an item on it with several actors who've sold their integrity for airtime where they slam it as a racist conspiracy.
Whenever they pull bullshit out of their pockets, the people are quick to react on social media, and while pic related is a bit outdated, it shows the trend. Leftmost is /our party/, and currently they're the second biggest on social media, second only to Geert Wilders himself.

A bit too early, but revealing that it at least is real, and not a lie, is a very good start.

Keep in mind, the FVD is the fastest growing party in the Netherlands at the moment, and the latest polls sees them going from two seats to six seats easily, which is incredibly impressive for a brand new party.

Reminder that Kalergi is a hapa. Don't rice mix, anons.

Do people in the Netherlands trust media more or less than in the US (which is essentially no trust at all)?

I would still have tweeted it, but I 'm actually thankful to the lefties for letting themselves get used as a useful tool to redpill people on a mass-scale for us

I thought kalegri was a kike
When are the next elections,4 years?

>huge traps

She's probably roiding. Still a great athlete because the other runners are roiding too.

Technically seen, in the next four years. However, the leading party at the moment (VVD, Rutte's party) seems to be almost unable to get a majority coalition due to it needing at least four parties if they want to exclude the PVV (Wilders' party), and ideologically seen, there are too many clashes they cannot compromise on so far.

It's difficult to say. Those that trust them do so naively and completely, and those that don't still take them seriously despite the obvious agenda they're pushing.
That trust is eroding rapidly though. When the fake news stuff was trending in America during the elections, Dutch media never mentioned it and state TV followed CNN's lead.
After the elections they started going on about fake news and that it was perhaps more influential than thought. Every piece about America since then was a hitpiece and they never show the other side of the story.
People in my family started to notice and some colleagues too.

The redpill method on this is pretty simple, if you wanna try.
State media = tax-funded through the gouvernment.
State media has an incentive to do as the gouvernment says, else they may get in trouble and be fired / scandalised.
The gouvernment, made out of Leftists and "right-wing liberals", does not like Trump's message.
Ergo, you can't trust state media on foreign affairs by default and are better off finding other sources for American affairs.

It's worked well for me, bunch of people in my family are skeptical now and for a naive people like mine that's an accomplishment.

Cynicism is pretty much dominant here. So whenever you call someone out on watching MSM they'll usually reply with; 'yeh I know it's all propoganda'

My apologies but I ain't well versed in your political system, so what does this mean going forward? What do you expect to happen next?
Can't help but think this thing with the kalegri plan is equivalent to Laplace's box in Gundam

It means that elections could come earlier if the VVD finds itself in the position that they have exhausted every coalition option without forming a coalition to rule. Although I feel like they would be stalling the re-election proposal for as long as possible.

Here is proof that Thierry Baudet is 100% /our guy/. He didn't distantiate himself from the Kalergi plan.

Het is maar buhne politiek. Het zijn allemaal cucks en er komt gewoon een formatie. Mocht er geen formatie komen, stem ik op FvD.

How soon would re elections come if this were to happen? (Let's assume they fail to stall this option)

It's Europe. Belgium stalled for like TWO FUCKING YEARS at one time when it became apparent that they couldn't get a coalition.

>and that country is hosting the EU ffs

This is the article that the guy tweeted: fellowshipoftheminds.com/2015/11/12/europes-refugee-crisis-and-the-kalergi-plan-for-white-genocide/

They trust media here more because we don't hire wannabe celebrities as news anchors.
The best way to get a taste of the truth is to mix it up. We have gov't funded news, which is mostly kikery and privately funded news channels, which are slighlty more truthful. I like to watch these and mix it up with CNN, euronews, Al Jazeera [spoiler]and Sup Forums obviously[/spoiler]. Al Jazeera and Euronews have been the most reliable in my experience. CNN and the our national news channel are the worst. But you gotta watch as many channels as possible to get different perspectives as I believe this is the only way to get a taste of the real truth.

Kek, I remember Nigel bashing them for not having a government
>pretty much, a non-country



>"The greatest obstacle to the realisation of the United States of Europe is the thousand year rivalry between the two most populous nations of Pan-Europe: Germany and France..."

Interesting how 23andMe lumps French and German together, basically saying they're the same ethnic group from a genetic standpoint. PCA plots agree.
Looks like that's exactly who RCK (and his followers) wanted to target for dilution the most.
Western Europeans need to get it through their heads that yes, people actually can and do hate them purely on ethnic grounds, and have for a long time.


His wife was a kike


Both his wives, actually.



>look at this dopey black guy in this anti-immigration party

FvD is just another generic anti-immigration party, just one that tries to brush up its image

it's no solution and the memes are cringey and retarded

Will translate for foreigners:

Thierry: "it wasn't a fortunate tweet, because the article he linked to was very unnuanced and poorly written. Therefore, he deleted the tweet. But the point he tried to make stands: the European elites are pursuing an agenda of mass-immigration that we simply cannot handle.

Interviewer: "Do you distance yourself from it?"

Thierry: "What am I supposed to distance myself from? Shall we look at the content like adults? German finance minister Wolfgang Schäube said last year that mass-immigration is necessary to prevent inbreeding. Former EU-commissioner Peter Sutherland said earlier that the EU must undermine the homogenity of European nations with mass-immigration."


>he thinks normies who notice will do anything
They won't. They will, best case scenario, vote for a marginally more right wing party while doing nothing else. Bunch of domesticated fags.

>the memes are cringey and retarded
I wholeheartedly agree with this. I really do not see the appeal of posting them. They are not funny and infantile.

Is that pic after the battle of cable street?

This brings the issue into the mainstream, it can now be discussed openly. This garners is with a great opportunity to use this to our advantage

Seriously, how is this still considered a "conspiracy theory"

Because it exposes the EU for what it really is. Of course they will deny it like the dirty rats they are.

No, it was a picture of him after being attacked by antifaggots/Jews in Liverpool. Fucking Irish.
If it does get into the mainstream, normal people will do fuck all.

This seems like a good vector into civic nationcuck social media.

Contact every alt-lite e-celeb and give them the details. They're all chomping at the bit to break news like this.

Once they start talking about it, it'll be easily gain traction on t_d.

They helped the party to get votes though. I see the usefulness of them

When the social balance is being disturbed by migrants, closure (of the borders) must be a real option.

It's not.
The media thinks it can call it that and be done with it, keeping the sheep asleep.


Good job targeting 18 yr old vmbo dropouts.


I wish I wasn't that domesticated tbqhwy. I wish I was free.

At least the normies will pick the right side if there will ever be a race war.

Memes helped spread their social media presence which is the same thing that helped Trump get elected.
Getting two seats in their first run is impressive. Getting them within 9 months of the party's birth is very impressive.
Sure, it's built on solid policy, but that social media presence is absolutely key to their success, and it continues to grow thanks in part to easily digestible in-jokes produced and spread by /polder/.

Every vote counts

Those are the people that'll vote for these parties.

Why the fuck would 10 votes of higher class people be worth more than 20 of the lower class?
That's just how democracy works.

Trump was elected due to economic populism, not memes.
Poor rust belt Whites voted for Trump because he promised to bring back factory jobs, not cause of Trump train memes.

>Memes helped spread their social media presence which is the same thing that helped Trump get elected.
Except the Trump memes were not retarded and cringy.
You guys just keep posting fucking autistic mong images not even worthy of being called a meme.
You are doing more damage than good.
