May the best economy win.
Trade War US - EU/Germany
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India superpower 2020 is real
Good stuff
Thank you Jesus. I have been waiting my entire life for this moment.
Good goyim keep fighting while we grow
Good, we will bury you
I guess Bosch engine control systems and Berhinger audio equipment will be more expensive. Some clothing items. I'm not sure what else of note.
Buena Suerte krauts.
Hope EU army Will happend as soon as possible And fuck NATO.
>the economy that belongs to a welfare state with open borders is not the best economy
You guys are fucked
>mfw the US will win because Americans will literally be fine with sacrificing every last one of their public services to stay #1 superpower
Good, let BMW buying idiots pay up
>German Jo0s vs American Jo0s
Kek. Do it. Destroy this hellhole.
I'd rather eat dirt than being part of this globalist dystopia any longer.
So free market corporatism vs a collection of socialist welfare states
wow who will win?
all of our public services involve roads or gibs
War implies your opponent is capable of fighting back
EU is so outgunned here it's ridiculous
Literally the entire planet will side with the US when it comes down to it so the EU has fuckall to call on for support
You're god damned right, the communist and leeches will be purged and our country will thrive.
>Literally the entire planet will side with the US
ummmmmmmm no sweetie
Cars, some guns & power tools.
sounds tasty actually
Bwahahah t.american
dont tell them, be quiet
>entitlement spending like social security gets slashed
>this "war" actually solved all of our problems
>Literally the entire planet will side with the US
they literally believe this
Does the president even have the power to impose tariffs?
it's day of the salad
Holy fuck, this makes me want to get a job just to help beat Germany
countries that receive an ass kicking from the Americans end up doing pretty well. See Japan and...Germany
smart burger, nice
>europe gets fucked
>new NAFTA means more trade between canada/us
based trump
fuck the EU
Bernie approves
This, I would be fine eating a bowl of rice a day if it means fucking over the EUSSR
they sure love you
What do we import from Europe besides luxury items anyway?
Anglosphere is going to happen, the Euros really fucked up now.
>mfw tariff free UK-US trade agreement
>mfw all Europe based trade is forced through Britain
>mfw more US cars and cheaper Harleys.
Its a great future my US brothers
Prove me wrong
Your economy is in the shitter and is showing no signs of getting better
You've burned pretty much every bridge you have ever made
And you produce nowhere near as much as you consume, hell most of the things required to live you import from others
Meanwhile the US produces almost as much as it consumes and our exports are far more important to the rest of the world than the EU's is.
And unlike you if we were both to stop all imports and rely solely on what we produce you would be DOA and we would rape your corpse silly
>Strongest economy on the planet > most unstable, unpredictable, and excessively likely to change economy on the planet
not even mad, do it
Forgot to attach my face.
Better to be feared than loved
Tax the Krauts, trade war now!
>And you produce nowhere near as much as you consume, hell most of the things required to live you import from others
i thought you are made about the trade deficit
now we dont produce enuf
Youre doing gods work Burger bros
We aren't Anglo shut your mouth Maori cock sleeve
You sure your police state will allow an uptick in them(legit question)?
> Literally the entire planet will side with the US
Sorry sweetheart
You do realize Europe will loose right?
>Cars and luxury items
>Items required to live
Are you stupid?
Crash our economy please.
Maybe the people will finally start to riot if their comfy life goes to shit.
here come the second biggest winner of the trade war
Remember when Bush tried?
>On November 11, 2003, the WTO came out against the steel tariffs, saying that they had not been imposed during a period of import surge—steel imports had actually dropped a bit during 2001 and 2002—and that the tariffs therefore were a violation of America's WTO tariff-rate commitments. The ruling authorized more than $2 billion in sanctions, the largest penalty ever imposed by the WTO against a member state, if the United States did not quickly remove the tariffs. After receiving the verdict, Bush declared that he would preserve the tariffs. In retaliation, the European Union threatened to counter with tariffs of its own on products ranging from Florida oranges to cars produced in Michigan, with each tariff calculated to likewise hurt the President in a key marginal state. The United States backed down and withdrew the tariffs on December 4.
The EU enjoys the privilege of being run by calculating technocrats, not politicians. So shit like this happens.
That mad bitch merkel now has three of the worlds super powers in a trade war with her stupid fucking country all because of her obsession with refugee cock. LMAO you cant make this shit up Germany is going to get fucked. Who are the Autistic Krauts going to pick a fight with next? probably Eastern Europe because they dont share her obsession with migrant dick.
you think we have all those awesome military bases in other countries because we want to vacation there?
i don't like the idea of any conflict between two white nations. Merkel is just bullheaded enough to try and beat Trump
US doesn't depend on export much, and of that 2/3 is to US and Canada.
Half of German economy is exports. Granted mostly to Europe/China. But US is by far the largest consumer market in the world, and the only one in the developed world that is still growing. FU Merkrel
You've been in an economic war with the EU for 3 decades, you really gunna tell me your government is going to side with them over us when the EU gives you nothing you actually need?
Russia and the United States are going to form a new Axis with China and just fuck everybody around the clock.
Fat fuck burger no one said you were now spread your anus wide.
President can have a trade war on his own. Congress will still block anything he tries to do. Hasn't he learned this yet?
While this is great and all, our country's massive debt to china will be called upon soon. It may be a good idea to slowly convert some of your currency to euros. You don't want to be fucked when the dollar drops and race riots start happening.
>thinking anyone will fight for Germany
Dude not even the Germans will do it.
Only weak ass leftists and the bourgeoisie want and believe in a federal Europe at this point...
National Hamburger Day was Saturday
UK, US, who's #3?
>Austria fucked over us quite a lot until the compromise
>Dragged to war by them twice to get Trianon'd then liberated by the Soviets
>approved Trianon
>approved Soviet occupation
>no help in 1956
I don't even care who wins, just do it.
>sell us oil and gas
>buy cars and machinery
>trade war for 30 years
American education
and finally, the smartest burger of the bunch. Nice.
>2001 economic state
>The same as the current economic climate
I can tell by your post that you were not educated about economics when you were in school
>capable of producing cars and luxury items
>surely we wouldnt be able to produce these item "required to live" you specify so precisely
we will have to live w/o burgers from now on
The entire Russian economy depends on oil exports to the EU, which are currently sanctioned
the EU has everything Russia needs you delusional fatass
soon the US will fail when they realise US produced goods are fucking garbage
>Literally the entire planet will side with the US when it comes down to it so the EU has fuckall to call on for support
Let's hope Trump follows up with dropping a few nukes on France and Germany. They should be put out of their suffering.
do you know how debt works
do you know china has much more debt than the US
do you know you're retarded and probably liberal
let me teach you
Most of our production has relocated overseas anyway. Tariffs are meant to help bring it back.
You implied it when you said anglosphere cunt
>i-it doesn't count because i say so
I bet that Europe breaks out in war well before the US fails... Eurofags thinking that their countries are worth a shit lol
>Massive debt to China
Go read an economic book you ignorant motherfucker
>speaks English
>not part of the Anglosphere
you can go be a nigger somewhere else.
America is gonna get so fucked in an economical war with Europeans
I'm natsoc fool
>approved soviet occupation
You wish. We simply didn't have the man power in Europe for operation unthinkable
Literally ww3 over Eastern Europe
That's why crashing the German economy would be so great.
Germany = no money = no payments for every shithole or rapefugee in the world.
The EU would burn. I love my country, but if it takes such a big sacrifice, I would gladly accept it.
>march 30
this thread will get 300 replies anyway
We built your shitty economies and we will watch while the EU destroys them and laugh....
This. Make people lose their jobs and they finally wake up.
>social security
>not paid through pay roll tax
Ah, a retard then. I guess he can't help you
I hope he does it but probably this is just another moment when Trump blusters a lot but doesen't do anything.
Will Russia betray their ancestral homeland to ally with USA?
Fuck him
Actually standing against the Rothschilds bankers.
If you questioned Trump apologize.
You don't though, and you lack the room to do so due to your population count
The majority if what you produce is industrial
Go ahead and look up what you import from us and then from the rest if the world
You cannot support yourselves because you've spent the last 5 decades boxing yourselves into a corner
Oil is the ONLY thing the ussian economy relies upon
And if there was a true trade war between us and the EU the Russians would side with us because they know we badly want to get rid of that 18% oil imports from the middle East and they would be more than happy to fulfill that gap
Oh right, and no sign of anything happening.