Is Sup Forums for or against the female draft?
Wouldn't that constitute real equality?
Also, what is the /redpill/ on the female draft in (((Israel)))
Is Sup Forums for or against the female draft?
Wouldn't that constitute real equality?
Also, what is the /redpill/ on the female draft in (((Israel)))
Of course women should be drafted.
100% of the "controversy" around this idea is the mistaken belief that drafting = being put on the front lines. Draftees can be used for any job, not just infantry, and obviously women would be put into positions where they just fill out paperwork or drive trucks or something, they wouldn't actually be doing any fighting.
i'm for it. will make the white birth rate skyrocket
heard that mudslimes believe that being killed by a women condemns them straight to hell
>female death squads in skimpy leather outfits
I'm sold from that basis
but strongly against lowering training standards so women can pass basic
If you've ever been around a mostly female department in any large company ever you'd strongly disagree.
Well I'm a Woman and I say definitely no!
Woman's at the Military or Stuff are a bad Joke
It's a Men's Job
>mostly female department in any large company
Hi cuck, we're talking about the military here, not your local bicycle store.
Sup Forums would dodge the draft and send their sisters
Are you in favor of drafting the refugees into police and army?
Jew vagoo is fucking disgusting
you'd be surprised how many vets are in Sup Forums
larping online is a healthy way to release what we'd like to do irl
i'm 31. i'd be in the very last draw for the draft.
if it got bad enough that a draft were instituted i'd volunteer, or join/form a militia
why the fuck would i support anything for (((equality)))?
>how to ruin a country
I would be all in for a militia
Women are almost universally shitbags and worthless when in the military already, I shudder to think of how bad it would be if they were drafted instead.
I'm absolutely 100% against it in theory. Infact, it makes me sick.
But absolutely for it in practice, this isn't drafting 19th century women, it's drafting 21st century & equality is what they want. Give them it.
On another note, who remembers #draftourdaughters? lel
Omg no way!!!!
Why not??????
put women in every position except for the frontlines
if they can't carry the squad back to safety, they're just a liability
Is it a seriously Question?
I mean give them Guns and rights?
That would be even more Dangerous then now!
females have different mental capabilities as well as physical. having women in "every role" but the frontline would still give you soldiers unable to perform as necessary.
For. Man has needs when he's out there, y'know?
National service should be mandatory for everyone. Men in combat and physical roles, women in admin/back office (non management/officer) roles
I'm against drafting of either gender.
No, no, no, no, fuck no. The last thing we need is even more fucking SHARP/EO classes every goddamn month. They've already started Transgender Awareness Training, more females in admin would only accelerate the decline.
Not many are dangerous. If you draft them, they will respect themselves more and keep each other in line. They will feel more accepted.
In my opinion, it really would be a bad Idea!
I prefer to being protected of white Christians
Only if they are all drafted for the sole purpose of being fuck toys for actual war fighters, which is what wooks are already anyways.
Duterte approves
I have my own experience, I'm totally against women draft.
Not joking when I say wars of conquest and mass abductions of women need to come back into the military.
No draft for women, but national service for everyone.
Women in the military is bad news all around, not to mention the morale damage that would occur if female soldiers were captured during a conflict. Could you imagine how fucking shit that would be if videos of female soldiers getting gangraped and burned alive came flooding back home? Women have no place in the military.
Instead their national service should be focused domestically. Environmental protection, research assistance, care giving to the elderly, basic nursing, teaching assistance etc.
National service for men should be primarily based in the military, with those incapable of active service doing their part in the fields mentioned above. (just a brief outline, there's plenty more people can do for their country that doesn't involve military service)
Nothing wrong with the slave gender dying for their nation.
>but girls dont like hard work
Just electrocute them if they dont obey you.
Mandatory military service for women in Israel is remnants of communism from the kibbutz communities. The Jews there believed man and woman to be completely equal in all aspects except . Obviously its been proven false
Elaborate please. Mandatory conscription is a thing in Singapore too (inspired by (((your nation)))) and the topic of female conscription comes up every now anh then. I'm opposed to it too, but tell me more about your experiences.
I want to see an experimental all female draft deployment(female everything officers,pilots,logistics,soldiers etc) just to see how badly it fails
>Implying many offices in the military don't run worse than a Dutch bicycle store.
I'm against it. The only reasons American leftists support it is because they're ignorant enough to believe that the US government will suddenly abolish the draft if women are added to it.
Women, both mentally and physically, were made to be homemakers, not soldiers on the front lines. Leftists would be screaming bloody murder once women are being dragged off kicking and screaming to fight a kike war.
The women unable to dodge the draft would be fucking worthless. They'd constantly complain, endanger their squad, have mental breakdowns, surrender themselves to the enemy and other dumb shit.
Of course, the ones put in civilian positions would just sleep around, like most military sluts already do.
>drive trucks
I've never seen one.
if there was a war would you rly want your life in the hands of a bunch of femanons
You have now. She was a truckdriver in WW2.