Universal Basic Income is the future, based Zukerberg will make this happen in America.
Universal Basic Income is the future, based Zukerberg will make this happen in America
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With his own money?
Yes, soon everyone will be as poor as the gibsmedat class and we will all live on $3000 a year.
If you have a national basic income in the states you can use that to go full Varg mode in the boonies.
You can leverage that money calculated for a city dweller and build a little homestead and have no bills except for some beans and rice and a new shovel once in a while.
Sounds potentially extremely comfy.
>Something everybody has
>Having any worth at all
Good luck with prices
If robots can turn raw materials into finished products, nobody has to pay for those products. There is nobody whose labor needs to be compensated.
This relies only on the few who own the robots deciding to share the benefits of that technology with everyone.
Remember citizens, getting a facebook approved network implant guarantees eligibility for universal basic income.
>Automation will lead to muh post scarcity n33t utopia
Who pays for the robots
That's the person you're compensating.
>Greatly expand the welfare state
>Uncontrolled immigration
>Artificially flooding the market with fiat currency
>Having to price fixing to keep the market from correcting
What could go wrong
UBI is slightly less retarded than arbitrarily doubling the minimum wage but not neither understands how the economy works.
They're working hard on telepathy technology. They already have VR 10+ advanced than what we have now...it's what NASA uses to fake their livestreams on a hollywood set. You know this is going to happen.
>Who pays for the robots
>This relies only on the few who own the robots deciding to share the benefits of that technology with everyone.
>That's the person you're compensating.
Only until they have recouped the cost of the robots, at which point it's pure profit. They can at this point choose to make it so the robots serve everybody.
>he thinks UBI will exist
>he thinks the government won't just directly offer the bare minimum to survive
Why would they ever do that
>Because something something Monopoly of force by the good guys who I'm a card carrying member of forcing them to...
Why would anyone do anything if they get no gain from it. The reason why you are a fucking n33t wanting someone to gift you a tendiemotron is the very reason why no one is going to freely give you anything.
>The robots work for free
Who owns the robots
Who owns the factory the robots work within
Who owns the land that factory is on
Who owns the means of transport to the raw materials they utilize
Who owns the raw materials
>But Will just kill them if they don't give up their worldly wealth for the n33t collective
Communism with robots is still communism.
>implying companies won't lobby for the UBI alternative so people can buy cigarettes and vidya instead of bread
>Why would they ever do that
Indeed, that's a question a lot of people are trying to answer right now.
>The reason why you are a fucking n33t wanting someone to gift you a tendiemotron is the very reason why no one is going to freely give you anything.
You've assumed an awful lot about me. I haven't advocated for anything, I thought we were discussing this issue from an academic standpoint rather than attacking one another.
They do that anyway
>Universal Basic Income
aka slavery
Pick one. Kek, we will never have that scrawny Jew rat as president. Maybe in a couple decades but honestly I saw a speech from this guy the other day and it was laughable. Too jew even for the jewsa.
tank dog for gabidalism :DD
And they always win.
UBI is in their interest, they need a market to keep enriching themselves.
If you owned all the robots that make everything, why would you need people's money? What would you spend it on that you couldn't just have your robots make for you?
I honestly think it's worth a test run.
Put a town on universal basic income for a set amount of time, see how everyone fares.
Presumably, or at least hopefully, everyone would lose motivation do do anything and thus prove that it isn't useful.
Who pays for the electricity to keep the robots running? Who pays for packaging material? Who pays for the unrefined goods the robot has to refine? Who pays for the robots when they break? Who clicks the "I'm not a robot" button on Sup Forums?
Oh wait, it's robots all the way down.
That has been done before.
The problem is that everyone knows it's not permanent so you can't measure real reactions to it.
ubi just means consilidating all the various welfare programs into one and sending you a check
but liberals will somehow believe they are getting more from it because its called something else
What worth does money have when everybody gets free money? It makes no sense. Why would I accept potatoes as currency for carrots when I give all my potatoes to the villagers and sell them the carrots?
At least in my example, I can eat the fucking currency. There is a reason a human can just barely live off of welfare.
I feel bad for people who are incapable of comprehending an existence outside of the one they know. Mr Shekels loves people like you.
>Oh wait, it's robots all the way down.
Why can't it be? It's humans who do those jobs currently, not magic. If you can make robots as capable as humans, why can't they do every one of those jobs?
They become rationing tickets.
Micro-chipped population is very close now and it seems to get introduced in the USA.
Because have you even watched the fucking Matrix or Terminator?
If they don't currently get welfare, then they will get more.
Pretty much anyone who actually gets welfare will get less, though.
>it seems to get introduced in the USA.
I live in the US. There is no micro chipping program here.
Those were not documentaries.
>horrible speaker that would get killed in debate
>rich, and out of touch with real world issues. To acquire more land in Hawaii, he sued people instead of offering them market value
>he saw the "bernout" vote immediately loves gibbs, so his platform is gibs. No idea where the money comes from, but he's already promising gibs.
>has a history of lying and stealing. It's how he made Facebook, he stole the idea.
>zero political or business experience, not even clubs in college like young dems.
>barely old enough for the job, lacks life experience
>would put more taxpayer money into his own special interest, than actually fix the things that are never fixed (infrastructure, draconian laws, drug policy, profit prisons).
>no grasp of economics, foreign policy, subsidies, and no political connections to anything like that.
>he doesn't believe in personal privacy, and had been quoted on this many times. Americans won't sacrifice freedom.
He might run, he might make it far, but in the end he's pandering to the people who couldn't get Sanders elected. He will end up with the same result. A fanatic fan base that won't go to the polls.
>but duh matrux and turmunator so no robots pls
> When ridiculous movies become documentaries
Yeah, delete every other welfare program first.
$35,000 a year for everyone.
I'm all for being a lazy piece of shit. But I don't want a situation where we're forced to be saved by Keanu Reeves
>live your entire life as a subsidized consumer
basically cattle
>This is why some people legitimately want to stop progress
>Recieving goods without compensation is the way of the future! You're just too dumb to understand it!
You might wanna actually look up the Hawaii thing before spouting off like a retard. Misinformation like that just undermines us.
>$35,000 a year for everyone.
>US welfare budget of $10,500,000,000,000
Im scared robots will make memes beyond our comprehension.
For real though, idgaf if robots come at all.
im disabled and hate not being able to work for my money
im all for universal basic annihilation though because lets face it blah blah blah wheres the vidya
In a future where robots can do everything humans can, why are gibs bad?
Why is that bad? Do you currently consume nothing? How are you alive? If you do consume things, do you like working for it? Wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to?
UBI is what masters give their slaves.
UBI is just (((them))) domesticating their labor animals even further. If the animals start to behave in ways their owners dislike - say, voice an opinion critical of their owners - away goes the food.
Once the herd is even more domesticated than it already is...(((they))) will begin the Great Culling of the goyim.
nah, everyone elses.
just so happens that its going to be everyone who is not jewish.
Go ahead discuss doesn't make you any less of a commie tho
>UBI is what masters give their slaves.
Slaves don't get paid.
>UBI is just (((them))) domesticating their labor animals even further. If the animals start to behave in ways their owners dislike - say, voice an opinion critical of their owners - away goes the food.
You already go to prison if you commit crimes.
>Once the herd is even more domesticated than it already is...(((they))) will begin the Great Culling of the goyim.
How many piss bottles are you up to?
Communism is where everybody works, not where nobody does. The government assigns you a job and you do it, or you go to the gulag.
>based Zukerberg will make this happen in America.
It's called Communism and it does not work. It was tried over and over again.
I lived in Hawaii.
First he told America you don't need walls around you, then he did this.
Then he did this.
He sued to attain the land, giving 20 days to respond.
Pretty sure your the one that's out of the loop, retard. Go ahead and present an argument instead of ad hom? Oh that's right, you're wrong and only have insults.
Welfare works so well for niggers, oh wait.
Thirty years ago they thought we'd be driving cars that flew and populating the moon.
Your ideas are as far fetched.
Let's see how valid your idea is. Where does the money come from?
> >voice an opinion
>You already go to prison if you commit crimes
Thanks for illustrating the point.
Are you this fucked up for free, or do you do it for the shekels?
>Thirty years ago they thought we'd be driving cars that flew and populating the moon.
Flying cars exist now. Technology is not the problem, regulations are. The technology also exists to populate the moon, that's not the problem, it's economics.
>Let's see how valid your idea is. Where does the money come from?
If robots exist capable of making anything we want, nothing needs to cost anything. Money then stops symbolizing labor trading and just becomes a system of rationing.
I don't think it's wrong that murderers, thieves and rapists go to prison. I want them in there. If no government existed to do that, I would try to form one.
this answers everything
That would assume one person could own the robots that can do everything from laying plumbing to being a gardener to making jets. We're not at the point where one person owns the robots that make the best champagne and the best private jets et cetera.
It's limited free money, so there's still scarcity. There is already 'free money' in the form of welfare and society still works.
If you aren't lenient on immigration of course, otherwise it's a timebomb.
>That would assume one person could own the robots that can do everything from laying plumbing to being a gardener to making jets. We're not at the point where one person owns the robots that make the best champagne and the best private jets et cetera.
No such assumption. It is a very small number of people who own everything and they are very much in bed with each other.
I imagine there will be a sub clause that requires you to live where you are told, in the city, to enjoy the fantastic benefits and of course to help reduce your gaping, carbon footprint that living in the country generates
UBI is the future, but not the way OP thinks, and it will be further in the future. It will happen by everybody having perfected 3d printers being literally able to turn dirt into food. The UBI aspect is the government giving everybody one. People will also get an equivalent of UBI from the free market by having the ability to "rent" out their AIs or computers for botnet blockchain farming
>If robots exist capable of making anything we want, nothing needs to cost anything.
What are materials???
Things robots can mine. Do you imagine the same people who own all the robots do not also own the lion's share of the world's natural resources?
And you earlier easily included voicing independent thought in your list of "crimes."
As with Faceberg, you're a tyrant attempting to portray yourself as an egalitarian.
You're a better argument against UBI than any words.
>And you earlier easily included voicing independent thought in your list of "crimes."
Wasn't that you, not me?
>As with Faceberg, you're a tyrant attempting to portray yourself as an egalitarian.
I've only said exactly what I have said. I am not your assumptions.
>You're a better argument against UBI than any words.
You're at least as good of an argument for birth control
How does it feel to be completely and entirely on the wrong side of history?
It would be great if we enslaved all women as concubines, but I'm not certain that's morally right or sustainable either.
>wouldn't it be nice if...
Literally worst argument ever
What is scarcity?
Until robots can just make goods materialize, there will always be a need for money. Otherwise your gold bar is worth as much as my poptart.
I do this already. You don't want this.
I think that the moment we reach full automation, no wage slaves needed, is the moment where the AI is advanced to a point that it doesn't need the rich any more.
You read too much sci fi.
The people that will own the robots, are the people who keep poverty wages so low now. They are automating, so they don't have to pay wages. They aren't doing this to give the money away. They are doing this so they don't have to pay taxes, health insurance, overtime or any costs like that.
You're guano if you think the people that are oppressing wages now are doing this to give money away. They are doing it to become richer and oppress you more. Costs in life inflate 2-3% a year, mini wage hasn't been hiked since 2009. Meaning everyone knows they are making 21% less than they were (same job, same wage) in 2009.
They aren't doing anything about it, just like your basic income. You are cattle to politicians and nothing more. You are worm to mega corps and nothing more.
You still just seriously repeated the same thing. You don't have any idea who's going to give you money, because no one will. It's a ploy to get you to vote for him and nothing more. No serious plan exists. It's a pipe dream from too much opium, and lazy, dense people lap it up with no real idea how it could be achieved.
Why would the elites give out basic income to plebs? When robotic technology is advanced enough to get rid of human labor people will just be exterminated.
If you also automate recycling, material scarcity does not exist. You are limited only by how much of the sun's output you can capture.
>You read too much sci fi.
You're reading this on a machine that used to be sci fi.
>The people that will own the robots, are the people who keep poverty wages so low now. They are automating, so they don't have to pay wages. They aren't doing this to give the money away. They are doing this so they don't have to pay taxes, health insurance, overtime or any costs like that.
>You're guano if you think the people that are oppressing wages now are doing this to give money away. They are doing it to become richer and oppress you more. Costs in life inflate 2-3% a year, mini wage hasn't been hiked since 2009. Meaning everyone knows they are making 21% less than they were (same job, same wage) in 2009.
Agreed. I never said they would do that. Only that it comes down to whether they decide to.
You seem to have gone out on a limb and assumed too much about me and my position.
>Almost nobody here can comprehend work being an optional path to self improvement instead of mandatorily serving mr shekels for 50 years and then dying
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
Read Karl Marx. You will understand why Zuckenberg is a Commiefag.
Space mining is also on the way, when that happens paying for shit won't be much of an issue
if this happens i'm moving to america and stealing somebody's SSN
That's because the majority of work is no longer satisfying. People aren't bakers and potters, they're zombies who shuffle around Chinese made shit.
The more robots you add to the equation the more human labor needed, until we have technology that can not only produce but improve upon current technology.
Excellent...then the government needs to start with tech guru's money, to divide into fair shares of all the cItizens. *Sarcasm*
For 320 million people to survive on let's say...30K annually, the government has to pay out over $9.5 TRILLION dollars annually, OP. The government is going to have to do away with millions and millions of people before this can happen.
Communism is where everybody works, not where nobody does. The government assigns you a job and you do it, or you go to the gulag.
If what you're thinking of is the fact that Marx anticipated an eventual condition of post scarcity by way of robots, he was right. Communism was just incapable of getting us there.
not if they only give it to the niggers and beaners like me
Occult cube in the center
I google this bc the captions seem fake
>mfw its real
I'm taking your word as real. I haven't assumed anything.
You're saying that the people who are purposefully oppressing you now, will somehow WANT to give you money in the future.
It's pure hallucination. You're not making any logical gap between purposeful wages being oppressed to some utopia where everything is free.
I'm pointing out you haven't made one decent argument. Your stance is
>one day, the richest 1% will pay for my existence because.
That's it. That's all you have, the argument of a child. It all ends in a preposition.
Not yet. Wait till Zuck be Potus. Hehe.
>The government is going to have to do away with millions and millions of people before this can happen.
Yes those two are linked, but I believe you have the intent reversed.
The Davos crowd for decades has oh-so-emotionally talked of how the Earth is overpopulated, and about 6 billion people - none of the wealthy, of course - need to be eliminated.
UBI is part of that plan. So the statement that's much more congruent with history is "The government is going to have to institute UBI before it can do away with billions of people."
>If robots can turn raw materials into finished products, nobody has to pay for those products
And who will zuckerkike scam this time to achieve that?
Dumb idea..If everybody has money then money's value will go down. Is this a Jewish trick to crash the dollar?
>It's all so simple
>Someone just has to build the infrastructure for me to live for free out of the goodness of their hearts with no economic motive.
>You silly dumdums just don't understand how perfect my system is
The concept of private property and the idea that a benevolent automated workforce making finished goods from magical free unowned resources are incompatible. Robocommunists get the bullet. In your perfect society the underclass would probably be sterilized or culled, but you wouldn't know about that part until the train to the robo gulag came into the station.
>jew will give everyone free money