How much racism on this board is due to Sup Forums users simply not doing well with women?
How much racism on this board is due to Sup Forums users simply not doing well with women?
First, that has nothing to do with race.
Second, I want a wife not a slut. So you need to be careful about what you mean by "not doing well with women".
Does not make sense, because if we were not racist we would get access to more women.
>what you mean by "not doing well with women".
He means a girl won't even hold your hand for fear of catching some of your racist stupidity.
>le virgin meme
Oh boy, here we go
Sup Forums fucks with shit skins, they just won't breed with them
yeah you're just sabotaging yourself and blaming it on other people because that easier than dealing with your problems. No offense or anything bro I had the same problem for years. We're mostly all from the same background here.
I'm a Muslim MP and have a 12" dick and six wives with a seventh little one on the way.
No, we are not into beastiality.
Racism is not an argument. It's like any other ism.
Black people commit more crime. You can argue why that is but calling somebody racist for pointing it out doesn't actually disprove racial causality.
I am surely not sabotaging myself, going for a non-White girl would be like flushing my genes down the toilet. Also, I have a White girlfriend anyway.
imagine banging that
I have a bit of agreement with you about the whole slut culture thing but Sup Forums blows it out of proportion.
I didn't have a lot of sex because I wasn't outgoing and, desu, genuinely don't get along with normies. So that means I want my future "partner" to have only a few past lovers as well.
You're a hypocrite if you've had a lot of sex with a lot of people but then want a virginal wife tho.
That doesn't make any sense
Shut up, burger.
This tbqh famalamadingdong
A subset of American Blacks are hyper violent for cultural reasons, influenced by consistently poor policy decisions.
This is not complicated.
We treated chinks shittier and they're the "model minority". Not an excuse for niggers. Try harder.
How can we be racist if we love asian women?
I've had sex with a few women.
I just don't find other ethnicity women very attractive.
White women
Asian women
Latina women
Eastern European women
Brazilian women
The only ones I wouldn't touch are black and Muslim.
I don't think there's any doubt that a lot of the hate here is due to never having gotten laid and, quite frankly, not having any hope of ever doing so.
Prove me wrong.
two toned heals
no we didn't retard
There are also far fewer Asian descendants in America than there are African ones, so any mistreatment would have an effect on fewer people, and fewer people have the opportunity to generate any negative sub cultures, a la ghetto crack gangs.
>tfw no black gf
Kill me
I'm gay, so... probably not much.
>Being a closet homesexual could lead to racism
that's an interesting take
I've been dating and manically fucking a niger/phlip for 4 years now and I want to move on, what do I do Sup Forums i can't sever from the memories.....
Americans are inherently more racist than others anyway because they have a superiority complex "We're number 1"
How much of your xenophilia is due to not doing well with white women?
None. Its due to the behavior or certain races and the brains tendency to recognize patterns.
>how did our railroads get built
>let's ignore all the asians and possible asians forced in to internment camps
>what's exec order 9066
>gotta protect the nigger
>never mind that an extremely small percentage of whites in the Confederacy actually owned niggers
>as opposed to, you know, imprisoning every asian looking person cos some japs forgot how to fly
because we are no. 1. we have the best of everything. everyone worth a shit anywhere in the world has emigrated to the USA.
99% of it, in fact, the extreme usage of internet is related to the same shit, being an ugly virgin. You will never see a chad, semi-chad that is tech-savy or extremely hateful about anything.
seth rich
How is not being able to get a gf connected with hating niggers?
I can't speak for others but I wasn't racist until I started finding out about the behaviour and feelings of other races towards me, and the never ending blame people place upon me for things that everyone's ancestors did
Probably a strong connection. Racism is race realism, and women are attracted to the lower races.
this is not /soc/ no one here cares about muh woman or mug relations, we are cold bloded men, aryans have sex only to make offspring not just to get plesure.
How does having sex with women will make me love niggers? This literally makes no sense.
white women destroy western civilization because they were given freedom in the west
women are too stupid....what does in has to do with racism you brainless clown?
>not doing well with women
it has nothing to do with women. It has to do with niggers not doing well with people.
It's actually men that are more willing to sell their country for some foreign pussy. I've read somewhere that even in Sweden importing Thai wives is relatively common.
>white women destroy western civilization
THIS! That's we we need to trade white "women" for black qts
Who's that bitch?
>You will never see a chad, semi-chad that is tech-savy or extremely hateful about anything.
Maybe in your country, but in the U.S. there are plenty of racist chads. Just a couple of years ago, a big fraternity was shutdown because they sung a song about lynching niggers from a tree.
People that aren't suffering at all due to alienation tend to just live their lives, carefree, you know the football and beer type of brainless people. That's the kind women are into. Also known as chads. I call them Gentiles.
>How much racism on this board is due to Sup Forums users simply not doing well with women?
Uhh, literally 100%?
Everyone knows that leftist nu-male cucks are absolute slayers of pussy.
Why else would they have such progressive and tolerant views? It's because they get all the pussy!
you can keep that mashed potato ass, welfare check cashin, dindu nuffin, crack smokin, AIDS spreadin dumpster fire alll to yourself
seen on /gif/ yesterday
Nice cherrypicking, Paco
That's after they get rejected by white women in favor of bbc.
Honest answer: at least 65-70%. If you have a decent girlfriend or wife, a decent job and maybe even children, spending your days with edgy teenagers posting racist memes becomes less and less interesting and seems like more of a waste of valuable time.
Don't be racist.
No, i think racism on Sup Forums has more to do with countries of people here being infested by kikes and subhuman shitskin races who does not belong there.
Probably a small percentage. Kissless virgin is more likely to lead to misogyny than racism.
Racism typically comes from actual interaction rather than feels. Case in point, white envy from other races.
they're all pink on the inside
/thread, although judging by this thread alone I might bump that to 90%
Nice cherrypicking, DeShawn
Racism is what you do not what you say. Plus this is a internet board bucko
Racism literally has nothing with doing well with women or not. It's genetically engrained in every human that's ever lived you moron. I've prolly fucked 30-40 women throughout my life and i'd gladly and unhesitantly wipe out the negro/arab races.
Keep trying
Friendly reminder hot women reject you no matter what race they are.
So the vaginal jew turns you into a passive and ignorant sheep?
>this is a internet board bucko
Can you at least try to pretend you're over the age of 18?
It took me a while but in the end i understood that liberals and progressives are the true subhumans.
I think you are confused.
Probs only 5% or less, what made me racist was traveling all over the world. I know from first hand experience certain groups are more capable than others.
>tfw had 2 african gfs (came as refugees here from sudan and congo, grew up here), gypsy gfs, mixed italian-romanian gf, tatar-turk gf from dobrogea and now I am dating my atheist morocan gf that is probably whiter than half of France and is in medschool here with me
I am still, literally unironically, a romanian and european european nationalist and federalist.
Why not both?
>kill me
Don't worry, we will, you fucking degenerate.
Nah, I just became redpilled at 30, and I have had a very successful career and love life, with a child on the way.
Sup Forums is enticing to me because I want to understand the truth behind degeneracy, which obviously is very rare elsewhere because of fee fees. I read bantz and news from all over the bias spectrum, and this place is almost scientifically more reliable in predicting future events.
Because the native women are a bunch of Liliths desu
>b-b-but muh dick
Nogs BTFO by their own women
>Giant ass
>No tits
Thanks but no thanks schlomo
90% since the old /r9k/ exodus
You're confusing cause and effect, as is OP. Women are attracted to chads, i.e. unevolved men/Gentiles/sheep, incapable of creative thought. Pickup/game is about dumbing yourself down to savage levels.
>skull structure/slope
>How much racism on this board is due to Sup Forums users simply not doing well with women?
It doesn't matter because we all have a nigger friend (by law) so it's all ok.
I'm an absolute failure at romance and I'm convinced it's the only reason I come here
Same here. BLM has probably made more white people hate blacks than any white supremacist group ever could.
My "racism" (being proud of being white and wanting to preserve our race) doesn't affect my sex life though. I keep those beliefs mostly to myself irl
When you touch a black girl, it feels like you're touching a dude you faggot
Sure thing mooli
>How much racism on this board is due to Sup Forums users simply not doing well with women?
This would make sense if you couldn't fuck nonwhite women.
I can have relationships with normal women and still recognize the problem of mass non-native invasion the european continent experiences.
We want to make Europe what the Allies and jews made Israel for.
To be a home, preserve and further a people.
Each people needs to have their own personal home.
There's very little racism here, just hefty doses of reality. Racism is created when Leftists force a mostly homogeneous white nation to open its borders and shit all over its own culture and demographics via immigration and identity politics, and then after mass rapes, murders, thefts, cultural erosion, political subversion, which they ignore, they dare to come up with fucking mantras like "diversity is our strength" and persecute anyone who isn't chanting along. It's you who is racist lad, you're supporting nothing but white genocide and furthering racism. I've got no problem with the girl in your image, but I don't find her attractive. My taste is for women of my own white race and I'm content with the one I have, yet you're using her for your own agenda you sick fuck.
I've never been bad with women. I'm married and I have children. My wife knows my feelings. She's the same way. We're both educated.
Does that answer your question?
>and maybe even children
Children are probably the best reason for trying to prevent your country from turning into Mexico/Eurabia.
>When you touch a black girl, it feels like you're touching a dude you faggot
Fucking black girls here is a thing to brag about.
Black women don't leave this country without being BALKANED.COM
Well they DO date the white mans trash. Even if once in a blue moon a ww mudshark is somewhat fuckable they tend to have Disney attitudes or hate their parents for not buying them a pony or they or they are on all kinds of psyche dope, the list goes on. But it would be a net positive IF they couldn't breed kids they don't pay for or take care of.
and they say the truth shall set you free
Sure sure.