>damaged democracy
>it's actually working as intended
Woah boy. City retards, everyone.
>damaged democracy
>it's actually working as intended
Woah boy. City retards, everyone.
Other urls found in this thread:
Salon is more far-left than the maintream Democrats, it seems everybody is blackpilling.
Drumpf is sdill Finnish tho DDD
>damaged democracy
In other words, they couldn't get what they wanted, so it's broken.
>tfw salon is sick of your shit.
Democrats ain't listening. Even on their "listening" tour.
I hope an opportunistic third party moves in and starts splitting the blue vote. The number of tentative Democrats must be ridiculously high at this point.
The despair or our enemies is positively orgasmic. Time to view election night coverage for more delicious salt.
Their literal best hope (that is actually feasible in this reality) is Trump losing in the next election, but even then all signs point to them nominating another baseless, isolating candidate with absolutely no platform other than "fuck Drumpf" and "Pokemon Go to the Polls". Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they nominate Hillary again.
It doesn't really matter. The Republican party is in such disarray that they will be unable to get anything meaningful accomplished even as a majority.
That won't happen because jews.
Was going to post this exact thread yesterday. The comments are hilariously full of bluepilled Dems too, 'i didn't read the article, but you're just being defeatist'.
Author is the executive editor of Salon, too - not gonna see any retractions here. Will be interesting to see what sort of punishment they get for deviation from the McResistance(TM) party line.
Where the hell are all of the 1910s-style leftist labor agitators ready to fight pinkertons and hang the rich
Why has everyone in my ideological hemisphere and, fuck, both hemispheres pussified themselves into whining about being represented properly in netflix series and demanding everywhere become a safe space
How do I bring back the leftism of John Dos Passos and George Orwell instead of this identity-based emotionally-stunted neocon pile of shit
The funny thing is nothing has even happened yet. It's all conjecture. His budget isn't in place nor is any of his plans other than stepped up immigration enforcement. And they're still crumbling.
8 more years
...based Finland? Also checked
>our damaged democracy
>when votes don't go our way, there's something wrong with the system
As much as they try and as much as they pretend they get it, they clearly don't
>The Republican party is in such disarray
sure, pal.
People are too comfy, too remote from power, too surveiled, too brainwashed. Honestly Antifa is who you're talking about, but they were 100% preemptively coopted by the neoliberals.
There hasn't been a Republican majority like this in forever. I don't really like the nerdy GOP types like Ted Cruz, but they're gonna be fine.
I wouldnt be surprised if they ran Hillary again either. The whole Russia agenda by MSM is aimed at ruining the legitimacy of this presidency, so she can act like her emails were no big deal, and cry about muh Putin
>Bernie Sanders
Only White people care about labor rights, most muds just want gibs. You will never get anything besides a welfare slum with non-Whites. Leftism necessarily destroys itself by including muds.
christ can you imagine what dirt she must have on them for them, to run her again despite knowing what a bad idea it is deep down?
I still can't believe only 52% of white women and like 60 or 65% of white men vote republican. What are these fags doing and how do we make them realize Democrats and minorities want to kill white people?
Modern leftism is a creation of world capitalism
>in a mere 8 years Drumpf will be gone
The left has learned nothing since November. I'm not an alt-right person, and am pretty cemtrist in my political views but i will always vote right with the way the current democratic operates.
I'm not voting for a party who:
>hates straight white men (me)
>believes Islam is a religion of peace
>shits on gun rights and gun owners
>shits on the working class/non-college educated
I also don't want to pay more taxes to pay for the college of a bunch of already entitled millenials. Fuck them.
I wish they would break down white people based on their country of origin.
I bet its mostly german niggers that vote liberal.
Trump is definitely getting eight years unless the Dems miraculously elects a strong, charismatic and trustworthy candidate with a platform that people could actually get on board with. Notice that none of those descriptions match with the current state of the Democratic party, even in the slightest. And if they couldn't even get Dubya out of office when their party still had a semblance of dignity, then there's not a chance in hell they're getting Trump out of office.
You know this mindset is birthed by commies and french """"""""intellectuals"""""""" right? Your nation is a creative/individualist one so you tend to be first down this path. Post-modernism was a mistake
I don't know how bad of a deal it really would be from their perspective. Weapons deal with the Saudis. With that and the Russia corruption narrative normies might not see a difference between them which could create problems.
Damn they're more terrified than I thought lol
Build a time machine and shoot Foucault in the face. That would be a start.
right wing faggots bitch just as much about "fair representation" in movies/TV, which in other words is "advanced snowflake syndrome". perhaps you queers should consider getting a job?
>Suddenly Salon is trustworthy
I hate both parties, it is either get destroyed by colored hair idiots or die from Russia/Climate change. Lose-lose.
I wonder if any FoxNews or CNN anchors were visibly happy at hearing the news?
Go back to neogaf, faggot.
>democracy is only damaged when we don't get our way
I see what you did there
Knock-off Colgate.
I am not french, I'm a burger studying abroad. I disapprove of most of Foucault but his Panopticon government surveillance stuff is scarily accurate.
I wish I had the clout to help bring together an actual hard-left party that openly called identity politics out for being retarded. The world wars and McCarthyism destroyed any chance of true american leftism, socialism and communism are going to be curse words for generations.
>t. Knock-off Pakistan
Jesus Christ, this world is already enough like a sick movie, imagining Hillary Clinton in a wheelchair barely breathing "do it....for meeee" seems believable.
70% British, 25-30% Turkish (but based AF!! Come on pedes! (Oh god kill me, I realize I am a genetic mess)), vote Republican every time. All my German friends are iredeemably SJW
>no you!
The only ones willing to fight for their rights are white people, and the left has made it clear that white people even existing is not a part of their vision
this is bad. if they start to actually analyze what went wrong they'll stop making mistakes
>n-no u
It's ok crypto-kike, you can admit your mistakes and nobody will laugh at you.
>socialism and communism are going to be curse words for generations
As they should be, you disgusting collectivist retard. Coward that you are, you would rather live as an ant than a man.
it's salon. the furthest their analysis goes is insofar as they can properly whine about their feelings. after they're done whining, they're done "analyzing".
if you see actually contrition being shown by multiple MAJOR outlets over the course of the next few YEARS, then it would probably be best to address it at such a time.
I wouldn't bet on it, take a look at the comments. The majority of it is just bitching about the article's tone and complaining about how "we'll never win if you keep talking like that!!!". It's hilariously depressing how far in denial they are.
The destruction of major parties is EXACTLY what the West needs.
it's either her or someone like Julian Castro or Cory Booker will completely alienate working class whites
No no no, I don't want them to start realizing they're fucked. I want them to hold on to that hope up until the very end.
>Come on pedes!
In the works of Fellini, a predominant concept is the distinction between
opening and closing. In a sense, the premise of substructural theory implies
that culture serves to reinforce capitalism, given that Lacan’s critique of
Batailleist `powerful communication’ is valid.
Many conceptualisms concerning substructural theory exist. Thus, Marx uses
the term ‘precultural semanticist theory’ to denote the role of the participant
as artist.
The within/without distinction which is a central theme of Fellini’s 8
1/2 emerges again in La Dolce Vita. It could be said that Foucault
promotes the use of substructural theory to modify and attack society.
Lyotard uses the term ‘dialectic desublimation’ to denote a self-sufficient
totality. In a sense, Humphrey[1] states that we have to
choose between substructural theory and the postcultural paradigm of discourse.
The main theme of the works of Fellini is the bridge between sexual identity
and class. The primary theme of Hanfkopf’s[2] analysis of
precultural semanticist theory is the futility of semiotic society. But Debord
uses the term ‘substructural theory’ to denote a mythopoetical reality.
The subject is contextualised into a dialectic desublimation that includes
truth as a totality. In a sense, if neodialectic narrative holds, the works of
Eco are reminiscent of Cage.
The characteristic theme of the works of Eco is the stasis, and subsequent
fatal flaw, of capitalist language. However, the stasis of substructural theory
prevalent in Eco’s The Island of the Day Before is also evident in
The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas, although in a more pretextual sense.
That's honestly why the left is doomed to lose. The whole Trump thing is a great example, the American left wing is constantly harping 'Trump is going to DESTROY America" as if the destruction of the current social order isn't exactly what his supporters want.
Tear it all down and rebuild it. Bigger, better, stronger.
They aren't realizing shit. You'd think the article in question would be a sobering reality check, but the only thing the liberals got from it was that the author wasn't "hopeful" enough. And that's from the people who actually read it, the majority didn't even do that.
I'm a Georgist, but Sup Forums won't have any idea what that means. This is a board for hero worship and frog memes, not politics.
Did you miss the part where I derided the modern left for this? I want to go back to the world of Eugene V. Debs where I could fight cunts like you or any of your "le pedes xD GOD EMPEROR TRUMP" friends in the street.
Too bad antifa is gay as shit.
>I wouldn't be surprised if they nominate Hillary again.
That's because she has dirt on the entire DNC establishment, has a trail of dead bodies in her wake and operates by cut-throat tactics. If she wants to run, you're damn right they'll give her the nomination. All of politics is a mess of corruption, but the DNC in its current form is the most poisonous, corrupt and outright laughably dishonest political organization that has ever existed in the US. It saddens me daily that people are too lazy, brainwashed and/or stupid to realize it when it comes to their voting base. What they don't realize is we would easily have a Democrat for a President right now if the DNC had an ounce of honor left in it and nominated someone honorable like Jim Webb.
I don't understand why the left seems to think it isn't in completely dire straights
The government hasn't been this lopsided since the days of FDR. The democrats could be facing a similar situation to the republicans after 32'
They didn't regain power in Washington until the 1946 midterms
If you tried to fight me in the street I'd just shoot you dead. But your willingness or unwillingness for petty violence is not what makes you a coward, it's your desire to have responsibility for your life taken out of your hands and thrust upon the state
yeah, how ironic, when it's literally leftism that has destroyed america so far, with all their wellfare-dept-moneyprinting, regulations, collectivism/socialism and all the results of that.
C'est ta faute francois. Toi et tes intellectuels des annees 60s. J'espere que tu creves par contre, gauchiste de merde. Va sucer la bite a miterrand.
Jews use the dems as a means to an end. If they see that they're consistently failing to get a return on their investment, due to them being too inept and unpopular to get elected, they'll start to consider funding other parties.
Sorry world. Our secret police bullied him and his gay lover into immigration when he was lecturing here instead of killing him.
You assume my ideology based on the party I'm criticizing for having lost its way from its origins. I don't want responsibility thrust upon the state, I want economic power wrested from the hands of capitalist oligarchs and returned to the people who make the country run.
I hate the things you criticize as much as you do, if not more so. The fact that the "left" is now about welfare programs and transgendered bathrooms makes me want to destroy it and start from scratch. These are distractions getting in the way of actual class struggle, the result of which is not supposed to be government gibsmedats but a free Georgist nation (in my eyes).
I hope you do shoot at me. You assume I'm a whiny democrat afraid of guns, again because of those traitorous faggots. I want to have something to fight for.
Je dit dejà que je ne suis pas français. My ID keeps changing with every post but I think I'm the only french flag itt.
You can only talk about recounts, putin/russia for so long. They're starting to realize that trump is president for at least 4 years, most likely 8. Soon they will turn on each other and point fingers.
Your supposed oligarchs are the ones that make the country run. Most of the rich are first generation, despite your marxist memes, talent and ambition make success, not some invisible class system.
I find too many divides in the dem party and a house built on a shaky foundation, over time, will not stand. Not only that many older boomers (except old hags lol) voted for Trump and even many of the younger kids did too. sometimes secretly or to avoid the peer pressure. Some of them may not like niggers or not like all the fag stuff or not like Islam, or not like gun-banning, etc. It's doomed.
same place as in the 1910's
they're too busy sloshing in their own niggering sub-roach shit to actually achieve much
>There is no quick fix for Trump or our damaged democracy
>damaged democracy
>the rich deserve their lives of luxury, they're all much more talented and ambitious than us poor proles
>you could be a multibillionaire just like George Soros if you believe in yourself and work super hard every day
Haha, I can't believe people like you have the audacity to call others cucks when you preach things like this.
No matter what generation your definition of "the rich" fall under, the richest of the rich will always be nothing but filthy moochers living luxuriously off the sweat of millions. They control your media and your government, no matter who you listen to or who you elect. In the country as it is today they are an unstoppable force.
Your answer to this is to desperately suck their cocks with tax breaks and neocon policies in the hopes that enough of their prosperity might trickle down to you to feed you.
My answer is that we need a new form of government to make such disgusting leeching impossible.
>Democracy is damaged because we lost!
> I would suggest that rebuilding American politics and indeed all of American public discourse, now that they’ve been Trumpified, is not about the next electoral cycle or the one after that. It’s going to take a while, and I’m not sure how much the Democratic Party will have to do with it, or what it will look like.
What does Trumpified mean? Going low? The one thing I remember explicitly, because I consider it a defining moment for the party, is Michelle Obama saying When they go low, we go high, only to have the entire democratic party roll around in the gutter like a rat on a hot day. Dems chose to be Trumpified. If that what they mean.
>But the Big Sky frenzy also spoke to the way American politics has almost entirely become a symbolic rather than ideological struggle — a proxy war between competing signifiers whose actual social meaning is unclear.
Agreed, ideological purity is the name of the game, because hundreds of angry protestors, somehow managed to show up at dems' families doorways... totally not threatening, forcing them to abandon the common ground strategy they were proposing, assuming they did so honestly.
Go read plebbit. It's an annoying task but gives you insight into their way of thinking. In liberal circles, it is the Republican party that has been reduced to a regional party giving its last gasps of life. Their thinking is so top down that they simply can't conceive of why local and state level offices are important. For all the 'god emperor' cringe surrounding Trump, Democrats actually believe the presidency to be a dictator type position. They're obsessed with that office to their detriment everywhere else. It's the cause of their derangement and their source of hope since they believe all they need to do is regain control of the White House to take complete control of the nation.
The elite will rule any government you devise, but you would take my family's legacy and feed it to the niggers
except they don't, that's exclusively the domain of the left, especially the self styled "radicals" and "intersectionals"
>Say you're anti-idpol.
>Doesn't realize class is an identity.
lol, never change commies.
Politics has always and will always be about identiy. Peoples and cultures are so different they need different political systems too meet their needs. Political Universalism is based on the belief that there is a some so called "universal man" a being has not and never will exist. Human beings naturally form tribes and the biological instinct too protect this tribe is the basis of all peoples and all nations. This instinct is based in biology. Idpol is quite simply tribalism and the fundamental flaw in your reasoning is that you that you don't realize that your fight for class is also a form of tribalism.
It's time to fix the voting laws before the midterms.
Should of proof-read that, sorry.
actually salon is trying to save the liberals. if the liberals keep telling themselves "they won" they are not going to change their tactics. for liberals to win they need to do something different than what they did in 2016. its the first intelligent thing a liberal has said in a while.
Checked and I am with you there. Perhaps it is time for a centrist party to drain voters fed up with the divisive bullshit and extremism from both sides of the aisle. That party would have potential to win, and unite the country.
Rightward "extremism" is what we need, not more centrist cuckoldry, where "centrism" is simply not admitting that you're a socialist
whoa. for the first time concieved of a white left. I bet it would probably be pretty powerful. dont whites have the best voter turnout anyway?
pic is a based democrat
How can people claim that they are nationalists why they don't support equality of opportunity for their own brothers because muh taxation is theft?
Being a socialist is the ultimate red pill, today's capitalism is a jewish meme. Socialism worked well in Nazi Germany.
Of course you need ethnic cleansing first because you don't want your taxes going to shitskins.
Opportunity is created, not given.
>Too bad antifa is gay as shit.
is gay as shit too. Have you even seen that board? Pic related
If you're born into a shitty ghetto, have to go to shitty school where you don't get quality education and you get beat up by animals, then you can't get higher education because you have to pay 100k dollars, then you don't have the same opportunities as someone who is born in a nice suburb in a wealthy family, went to a private school and then their parents pay their education.
Don't even get me started on not having free healthcare.
This hyper-individualism makes you try to step on everyone else and leads to a weak social cohesion where everyone is selfish and only looking after themselves, it's a divide and conquer tactic by the Jew.
Of course when your country is full of garbage people like the USA, I can fully understand why you don't care about them, I wouldn't care about a bunch of niggers, mestizos, jews, leftards, alcoholic natives and trailer park white trash either.
>have to go to shitty school where you don't get quality education and you get beat up by animals, then you can't get higher education because you have to pay 100k dollars
Thomas Sowell disagrees, and he grew up in a shitty ghetto, in the Jim Crowe South, got a higher education, created his own opportunities, and became one of the most celebrated economists in modern history.
Stop blaming your failure on the system you pussy.
Frog pretending to be anything more than a giant pussy with a faggy accent
>calling people white trash
I'm a student at the best university of Hungary on scholarship but whatevs, I'm not failing.
Saying that there is equality of opportunity because some people managed to get themselves out of poverty is like saying that niggers are not dumb because there are a few smart niggers.
What about the time when automation kicks in? Do you want the Jews to control all the robots and depend on their handouts? Because that's what will happen. Even if society gets to a point where people will only have to work 2-3 hours a day, the Jews would still make you work 8 hours a day at a useless job for a shitty wage while pumping billions into the Hillary campaign and liberal think tanks.
If the average person had more wealth instead of the (((1%))), and/or more free time, white society would flourish because families would have money and time to raise children and our (((leaders))) wouldn't have to import shitskins to "pay our pensions".
Niggers can go to college for free but then they fail all of their classes first semester and lose their scholarships
ALL public schools are shit and underfunded, the nigger schools are just worst because all the students are niggers
They don't have to import shitskins, the alleged excuse is fake