EARTH 2100

>Black populations surge to 4.5 billion by 2100
>Global warming turns large parts of Africa into a desert
>Blacks emigrate north
>A heavily weakened Europe, already reeling from previous waves of immigrants, is forced to open its doors one last time by overwhelming leftist voting power
>Hundreds of millions of Blacks pour into Europe, dwarfing the current refugee crisis
>White girls getting raped and fucked in the streets by alpha muscular Black men while white boys can only watch on in sheer terror
>Blacks seize control of what remains of Europe
>The last whites are enslaved cuckolds, the few pure white wombs being bred by Massive Black Cock

By 2100, the white race will certainly cease to exist. Can Sup Forums stop this? Or are whites doomed to go extinct?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

And then blacks will go extinct. And then mammals will go extinct. And then the universe will end. We're going in the same direction, some people just want to faster.

Just wait for AIDS

Black populations aren't going to surge unless they learn to sustain themselves without external aid, they'll all starve.

you are retarded m9, europe is going to go full 4th reich in les than 20 years, I'm going to enjoy it from the other side of the ocean

The nogs in Africa are only multiplying because of Western medical technology and food aid. If the West ceases to exist, so will the nogs.

In the end, nature always balances everything. as for whites, they will continue to move further north over time. If the nogs ever reach that far, whites will likely move to space along with the asians probably.

AIDS in the invading raping forces? Great. That means Europeans get it too idiot.

I've never heard of more than a handful of notable black people.

Martin Luther King

Nelson Mandela?

A bunch of dead nigger thugs in the US

Most of these 4.5 billion will never produce anything worthwhile.

The white race has peaked. The Jews will carry the torch. All Goyim will perish.

>europe is going to go full 4th reich in les than 20 years
yeah nah, cunt's fucked

No, make the vaccines we give them accelerate the AIDS so they never make it

>>Black populations surge to 4.5 billion by 2100
>>Global warming turns large parts of Africa into a desert
You'd need brain damage to beleive these can be mutually true.

Population is a dependent variable.

blacks can't feed themselves without white aid.

lol no, quite the kike fantasy though

Don't worry nigger. White girls have awesome feet and we will kill all them niggers and mudshits for their feet.

In the late 1800s/early 1900s, we could kill 1000 niggers for each one of ours in Africa. Given these numbers, I guess the hunting season is starting again.


>fucked in the streets by alpha muscular Black men while white boys can only watch on
Stopped reading.
Poor b8.

Black skin isnt bulletproof.

If it turns out to be civil war, who do you think will be able to organize?

White will not perish, not if i can help it. if my career as entrepreneur starts to take off, you could go in our country presumably visayas area and have small white communities white-to-white families, and have 5-8 kids. company gives revised education (caters to the interest and learning curve of the child). will not even obligated to mix with us flips. and also we will not admit niggers, muslims.

Philippines is predominantly catholic
Philippines is conservative right now
Philippines practice courtship not sleazy way
Philippines GDP growth is climbing steadily
just need to de-populate muslims. (5% population)
Russia might work too.

In return you help build philippines into a modern first world country and to counter-attack the jews and make europe white again.

You guys were Einsteins,Hawking, Nikola Tesla, Mozart, Beethoven, Newton, Plato you we're the pioneer the human civilization.

for the meantime you white boys need to find a conservative white girl have at least 4 kids. and stop race mixing with asians

that's a promise Sup Forums

I'm doing my part by shooting anglo sperm into flip wombs, making an army of qt hapas is better than having a 1-2 kids with the average western roast (and then seeing your daughter get blacked).

Thank you Flip. Glad to see someone out there cares.

>You guys were Einsteins
Einstein was a jew

Niggers will never win a race war with their -30 IQ deficit, even if they outnumber us 100 to 1

there is a (((group of people))) with high IQ that is helping them to get to Europe :)

First post best post

the only hope is that at some point europeans will learn on what's going on right now and change their policy

which wont happen as we all know

none of that would be possible without the great wall of anti-white male culture and resultant legislative actions

this is only occurring due to an imposed environment, not a consensual choice, the citizens of the West simply didn't ask for the overwhelming immigration their receiving, despite voices of support, they are not the so-called majority

it all comes back to intent, powerful factions have been at work now for roughly two centuries (clearly, though obviously longer) to deconstruct the western nation states and turn the planet into a plantation style operation, whereby there are the ruling landed class and the subservient renting class. there will simply be those with and those without. get rid of the notion of private property, protect corporations (too big to fail gone wild) to the point of upgrading private status akin to that of government, essentially, depriving all people outside of the clique of true ownership. the world becomes a slave planet, no population has the will to resist, everyone is mixed, dumber, has no connected history and cannot grasp the invisible chains that have been placed upon them.

Whites will not disappear, but we will be stripped down to our most tribal, xenophobic, horny, or intelligent core members. The whites in the future will be the ones whose parents were predisposed to extreme discrimination, or were intelligent enough to see the writing on the wall and take actions to compensate.

Sure, we'll only be 10% as numerous, but our grandchildren will be the scariest whites the world has ever seen. We'll rebound and be more numerous than ever.


>he doesn't this himself for more (You)s


except you projections are wrong

3rd world pops should stabilize by 2050 and then start a downturn in water scarce areas.

based. we need more like you

Our end will come one way or another anyway, but te white race will survive. If we open the doors, there will be a civil war. And civil war equals no shekels. That's why the elites will never open the doors fully.

I think Europe will, perhaps starting in the 2030s, become a crossbreed between Japan and Israel. Conservatism will rise again, and while we'll have an ageing population we'll be defended by robots & by a very technological army.

I don't even understand why the Burgers are building a wall yet Europeans aren't urgently trying to build their own wall and are just welcoming these hordes of barbarians with open arms. Atleast with Mexican immigration, America is getting good workers who are willing to do jobs no Burger is willing to do, with little pay. Not to mention America has always been a mongrel nation. Whilst Europestan is getting the lowest human trash, and they're not even greatful for the opportunities Europe has given them. Nor are they useful. Everytime these economic migrants get refugee status, they're just further dooming their own welfare state. Europe need to sort themselves out before its too late. They should be ashamed that they're allowing their leaders to trash the ancient homeland of the white race with human garbage.

Demographic Replacement.

Since Race(and Sex) Bioweapons exist, they could be used for Eugenics. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

A pinoy cuck, well that's the default for most of your people anyways. Pinoys are the men of self-hating eunuchs.


>caring what happens to the world after you're long dead

Enjoy having Mattress Girl/Supreme Gentleman children

>europe is going to go full 4th reich in les than 20 years
I wish I had your optimism

No, I refuse that reality.
I say we export multiculturalismâ„¢ to Israel, when (((they))) get infected, they'll have to flip their push on multiculturalismâ„¢ and start to actively discourage it. And if they double down, then at least they don't end up like some infernal group of defacto rulers.

>we will kill all them niggers and mudshits for their feet.

yes... very nice bro...

the mexicans arent taking jobs that americans dont want to do..... they are just taking jobs for less and not paying taxes, collecting welfare, free school for their kids, free lunch for their kids, all while not paying full taxes and getting PAYED FOR by actual american citizens, any kind of illegal immigration is 100% theft of the non illegal population.

Everybody know that only war will get a true hit on demographics and will improve birthrate.

Mussolini said that every nation should go to war every X years to preserve its power. We are clearly feeling the fall on demographics.

Good luck Ebola-chan!
Tganks Ebola-chan!

The logic driving this madness is that refugees, used to shit lives, will be disposable workers that feed the old, debilitated and cucked european retirees who can't work to provide for that ponzee scheme bs.