WWIII when?
WWIII when?
If Germany went to war against the US I'm pretty sure Russia wouldn't get involved or any other countries outside Europe so it'd be a West war instead.
Even so Germany not meeting their quota will not lead to a war just their membership being revoked.
Not that they'll care as they want a single EU army and will probably declare war on non EU countries due to them supposedly having EU clay.
Well beat Germany with only a few allies once, and that was back when they were REALLY tuff. Of course it took the rest of the world to help us, but we like to take all the credit for it. Not like their army of drag queens, fags and fat women can win. Unless people die from laughter or something. WWIII? I doubt it.
>but we like to take all the credit for it
This attitude is the main negative factor to Americans.
Just so you know if you wondered what it is about Americans that irritate other nationals.
You were defeted on the verge of plunder when we sent 2,000,000 of ours to your victory. We aren't taking a knee to you Nigel, live with it.
been waiting for the past 10 years
might as well kill myself at this point
>germany not protected by US
>builds up own army so it doesn't get invaded
>russia not happy about another german arming itself
>US wins
>Buy thing from other country
>Complain about "trade deficit"
Holy crap.
If you want us to buy your products, then produce something worthwhile. This is how the global economy works. This isn't communism.
Germany is becoming bloated they wouldn't be able to handle the costs of militarization
the main problem is that the american industry is horribly innefficent so they need tarrifs to be able to compete.
The Germans never managed to land a single man on our shores.
It's easy to win a war when all your enemies have been fighting for 3/4 of it already.
Besides you wouldn't have had your nukes nearly as fast without us helping you.
Problem is that it won't change.
Trump can't do anything with Ryan and McConnell and the Congress in place.
He's impotent.
Look into Dunkirk. They could have and chose not to. Also look into Heisenberg. He figured out the nuke thing and chose to keep it to himself (well, he told his friend Neils Bohr about it).
Both cases where, dare I say it, the Germans showed some conscience
Srs pregunta, Fernando: is life in Spain better without power concentrated at the state level? Or, is the turgid cock of the EU acting as your overlord? Seems like the only people complaining in the press are the (((bankers))).
I knew of the prior, not the latter though.
Either way those factors could have lead to us being defeated but either way they never were put through.
Hence my point still stands that we weren't defeated.
Going back to Heisenberg, seeing as he kept it to himself, it makes sense the Germans had to end up experimenting with heavy water in Scandinavia.
Am I the only one excited about this?
Imagine a Europe without American influence, it will be beautiful. And besides, if America can put themselves first, why can't Germany?
Wouldn't even be called a war. A single US base in Germany would rekt the german armed forces. The only threat would be the shitskins.
Because Germany exists solely because of American largesse
Your point stands and it is an immensely good thing.
It's almost like the German goal was never "world domination" (others are pursuing that and have been for longer than Germany has existed), it was simply to have their own land and control it by themselves.
It's sad that on the world stage you have to go all in, and the people who WERE willing to build grotesque weapons (oppenheimer), and use them, and become death, the destroyer of worlds, not only get to run the show, but Germany will probably forever be denied the simple autonomy in their homeland they so desired.
There's not going to be a WWIII, that's entirely unrealistic.
Germany is a US puppet and always will be. Merkel's words are simple fireworks because she's running to be reelected.
We could try to get RU involved by clearing any sanctions and agreeing to a proper anti-isis offensive, which would serve two-fold as it would inconspicuously place large troop presence in N Africa and around Syria.
Because Germany only exists today thanks to America.
If UK or the soviets had their ways, Germany would be even worse than Serbia. UK would have gladly broken your country with war debts, and Soviet Russia would have gladly destroyed the country under communist rule.
You only exist because America freed you from Russia, and convinced the UK to forgive your war debts, while absolving them of their debt to the US.
See: The Marshall Plan
To be honest I don't think the Germans the second time round were about world domination.
While somewhat imperialistic with nearby countries I don't think they would have been interested in taking the Americas, Asia or Africa.
They were fascists after all not full blown imperialists.
Well in the world stage you have massive alliances which as with dominoes cause a collective effect.
The thing about nukes is, ever since atomic theory was discovered people of all reaches were trying to weaponize it, it became a matter of deterrence not too long after.
The only justification I've seen for using a nuke on a country is with japan due to the Japanese heavily violating the Geneva convention.
If I recall in Germany's case it was dependant on the general in charge.
No Germany can have it's simple autonomy as long as they keep out of other nation's business.
Then again it's Brussels that's controlling them at the moment so it's Brussels that's messing with Germany's business while Merkel does nothing.
Die Amerikaner behaupten, das deutsche Volk habe den Glauben an den Sieg verloren.
Ich frage euch: Glaubt ihr mit dem Führer und mit uns an den endgültigen totalen Sieg des deutschen Volkes?
Ich frage euch: Seid ihr entschlossen, dem Führer in der Erkämpfung des Sieges durch dick und dünn und unter Aufnahme auch der schwersten persönlichen Belastungen zu folgen?
Zweitens: Die Amerikaner behaupten, das deutsche Volk ist des Kampfes müde.
Ich frage euch: Seid ihr bereit, mit dem Führer als Phalanx der Heimat hinter der kämpfenden Wehrmacht stehend diesen Kampf mit wilder Entschlossenheit und unbeirrt durch alle Schicksalsfügungen fortzusetzen, bis der Sieg in unseren Händen ist?
Both America and Soviet Russia had their plans to reduce us to an agriaculture country with 0% education because they feared our power.
GREAT ask Trump to remove his niggers ASAP.