Playing FPS games = lower IQ

My first and last one was Call of Duty 2. Never saw the appeal of the genre but what I noticed over the years is the number of mentally deprived dudebros who enjoy them is off the charts. There is certainly some correlation there.

Strategy and RPG genres are only ones worth anything. Thank God for Paradox games and Elder Scrolls series.

How about playing Arma 3 with a proper squad and proper planning instead of derping in shit like call of duty spraying and praying.

There are multiple studies that prove that people who have played fps all their lives can track the movements of up to 12 to 14 things at once. Normied can track 3 to 5. So there's that.

I firmly believe it has to do with the ADHD generation. You've got a generation hopped up on Adderall and Ritalin, if they're not at school they have to focus on SOMETHING. When they put me on that shit luckily I was already heavy into music, so I would just practice guitar for hours on end, but I noticed a ton of my friends who were also on ADHD meds that didn't really have any hobbies would just play video games for hours upon hours.

Paradox is okay but nothing top notch. As for Elder Scrolls, you do realise how they've been recycling shit for years by now, right? They have been doing nothing aside updating models and swapping lore.

Now, if you want a good ol' redpilled shooter, I suggest Red Orchestra and Rising Storm. Not that new Vietnam shit, though.

>Muh smart games
>Literally TES

Fuck off faggot, I hope you're bait.

>x is true because I say so despite there's no proof presented of x being true

not convincing, croatia

>instead of derping
playing vidya IS derping

>video homes

>Never saw the appeal
>get gud

Nah seriously the appeal is the fact you are playing with or against other people. With games like CS you build teamwork and social skills (as long as you're not playing with retards).

I've never been into puzzle/rpg games because I feel the mental effort is better spent elsewhere (studies/work).

Modern warfare 1 is was and forever will be the greatest FPS to ever exist


>Play one of the worst major FPS's in recent years
>The entire genre is shit, guys

I would rather play CS 1.6 than COD:MW2.

men of war, total war and stalker series are good games too

Overwatch makes me smarter and also gave me autism

Puzzles are good when you're just taking a huge dump or waiting in line for something.
I'm a big fan of nonograms, personally.

I like rise of Nations :]

ArmA 3 requires 150 IQ to play

>counter strike
>social skills
yes because speech impeded faggots screaming "WUSH B WUSH B" is the epitome of social interactions

There's a lot of nuance to CS that you wouldn't get unless you play it at a competitive level.

Yes indeed it is quite fascinating to try to have a conversation with a lower human being like an angry russian who calls any english speaker amerikanski cyka etc. Then of course starts a full match length ragefest in russian.

>betheshit games
>worth anything

It improves vision and problem solving ability faggot

>literally silver

The same with me
But i got pissed because the games that have a playable nazi faction are too rare
And mods are not that good for this one

>Elder Scrolls

i'm sure there are but i seriously hppe you're not about to tell me people that play counter strike competitively are renown for social grace

Try making some friends :)

Say what you will about COD, but the zombies mode on it is mentally challenging as well. You have no clear instructions on what to do, you just figure things out by yourself. It's a mix of puzzles, "I spy", and survival that doesn't attempt to call Nazis evil.

>FPS lower your IQ
>So I am gonna play the most basic bitch retard proof RPG and Grand Strategy Games on offer right now.

Are you projecting or something to make up for your shit taste by trying to make it seem a bit higher class like a true plebeian would?

Strategy and grand strategy games are the only ones worthy of self-respecting white person

What are some redpilled games? And I don't want Paradox bullshit. I want games that explicitly make a political point.

Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri is a breddy good one if you can get past the fact that it's a square based TBS.

At a competitive level, fast and efficient communication is what you need. Being able to hear what is going on is crucial to not getting shot in the back of the head. There's a lot of familiarity required in terms of best practices and player roles that has to be there, otherwise your experience will be tarnished by increasingly frustrated criticism from your teammates.

If you've had the bomb site for 30 seconds and you're just sitting there with your thumb up your ass instead of planting the bomb, you getting called a string of expletives is really on you.

>baseless conjecture
>controversial topic

Sage for bait.

Nigger by that kind of logic any FPS basically doubles as a point and click adventure because clicking when the cursor is over things has an outcome.

'games', not sims
>inb4 hurr durr

that's got nothing to do with aspies on counter strike, bub

>Elder Scrolls series.
Did you mean Morrowind?

Call of duty player detected

Hurpa derp

If you think memorizing tech trees and practising uber micro is better for you then any shooter strategically you are probably not playing shooters properly.

You'll find out what I'm talking about when the ps3 releases in your country next year

piss off back to Sup Forums and remove those nostalgia goggles

>Thank God for Paradox games and Elder Scrolls series.

Dude I cant wait for Skyrim 2 too! LOOL EPIC GAME DUDE

>This is what burgers class as bants
>Admits to being a console player

I don't know which is worse your bants or your plebeian tastes.

>Muh simulator game is smart and not just pretentious
Regardless just play games you like, playing CoD doesn't turn you into a dudebro, dudebros are attracted to the game because it is simple to play, quick, and fun.

>Strategy and RPG
If you didn't complete JA2 1.13 on insane ironman you're a brainlet anyway.

What if im really bad at fps games

Does that make me extra stupid

What about fighting games? SF? Smash?

That is my favorite game.

>Playing COD games = lower IQ

there. fixed it for you

also, pic related

Hey everyone has different opinions and likes just cause you don't understand something or see a certain audience enjoying something doesn't mean it's necessarily stupid or low IQ content, I'm sure there are plenty of people who are smarter than you enjoy fps etc just like there are people who are stupid and enjoy strategy and RPG games, I think you have a bit of a complex and caring about which game is smarter is stupid in the long run cause many intellectuals consider gaming as a whole to be a mind numbing fools hobby, fuck them and fuck you is all I wanna say also I only like racing games so I can't say much

>what is Doom, Quake, Half-life

>tfw EA killed Command&Conquer

Ark survival evolved.

I once kidnapped a guy and locked him in a cage for two days. He got out by eating his own shit until he died and respawning.

Then he came for his buddy i had locked up so I chased him off, fed his friend to dinosaurs and returned the guy's remains in the form of a steaming pile of dino shit.

This is the end of you, s'wit

Video games are boring anyway. Except occasional PES with friends and some autistic shit like Victoria 2 and Rule the Waves I haven't played a video game in years.

>Ctrl F
>No Minecraft
I REEE a little inside.

Actually if you're good at them due to fast reaction time that relates strongly to high iq.

I'm not ashamed to admit it.

always had the same thoughts, and we're in the same region...
the biggest retards in class with the worst grades were always FPS lunatics that played nothing else

>I can make up gay words and my own retarded gamer language and call out enemies that I can see.
>I have social skills!

Try the arma series.
Play that online for a few weeks.
Come back and tell me that FPS's are for unintelligent people.

Spoilers: you will probably like it. Furthermore, it's a great way to learn to think strategically in pretty well simulated combat environments.

If you select your computer games well and play them well, you will be able to actually develop skills that are not just applicable to other games, but, applicable to REAL LIFE.

Something a lot of normies/women don't understand about gamers. A lot of gamers are constantly working on skills that translate directly into real life and have a high impact on your ability to succeed.

Even social skills can be acquired.
In team based online games, it is not unusual to have entire groups of strangers who, equipped with just text and microphones, can quickly turn from a disorganised, losing rabble into a well coordinated, civilised and cooperative fighting force who can think up plans very quickly and follow them through to completion.

War gamers aren't actually socially inept, they are socially ADEPT and vastly more experienced in team based communication skills when compared to say... normie feminists, who chimp out whenever the going gets tough.

Game fags really need to stop bashing themselves IMO.

>any videogames

>Indirect eugenics

this is about accurate, IMO. Then again as a player of the Halo series, which pioneered the Multi-player FPS for a while, this is incredibly true.

Get a grip video games don't help you with life you need to get out there and experience it yourself they do help you stay a virgin though

ARMA's FPS component is actually inferior to Red Orchestra 2, something Autism Required in Moderate Amount fanboys will never admit. The only real catch the game has is the vehicle selections coupled with the more gritty gameplay and required VOIP, but Project Reality has more variety, a less autistic inventory system and it's fucking free.

yeah it's neato, and probably the FPS i've put the most time into. but it was a combination of the most popular FPSs of the time, Q3, BF42/2 and CS. If you played these at the time, it felt really watered down.

Also, anyone ever used to go on the quake forums, they were the best.

I fucking hate arma so god damn much.
>Shitty weapons.
>Handheld MG which are made to take out armored vehicles are used on infantry 24/7 (Navid).
>Literal dudebro tryhard exmilitary dudes giving callouts that know one knows.
>Ghillie kiddies who use nothing but the ghillie.
>Tanks sitting back acting like a mobile artillery sniper.
>12 year olds
Not to mention the game runs like shit and feels clunk as hell.

tbf i only play like 2 or 3 games anymore regularly, i am making a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod atm and looking forward to Escape From Tarkov. Games like Battlefield and pretty much any AAA games are niggertier imo

TBF user is operating at the upper limit of Slav reasoning ability.

I can't believe all of the faggots who took this bait.

just because you think something is a "bait" doesnt mean its a bait you stupid burger fatass

>Autism Required in Moderate Amount
I am shamlessly stealing this.

I would agree except for pic related.

CSGO requires strategy and thinking ahead, and understanding the game mechanics also requires intelligence

FPS = cannon fodder
RPG = latrine diggers and cooks
RTS = military commander

Pick your game Sup Forums and your position in the future race war

reminder that if you unironically play any FPS besides counter strike franchise (csgo,source,1.6) you should OFF yourself...

Sounds like you're a silver. I unironically agree that cs can help you build social skill. You have to learn to communicate effectively with strangers if you want your team to have any chance of winning, and often you meet people in the game and become friends.

well enjoy now the (You)'s from casual faggots complaining how they tried to play csgo they shoot at torso but bullets went into air so therefore its a shit game and weaboowatch is better...

>csgo not degenerate

Dunno man, Vanquish was pretty redpill with their Hillary look alike that wanted to start a war to make money and let san fran get nuked.

The mass marketed and mass purchased meme games are bringing the average iq down. Niggers play cod.

Counter strike, insurgency, arma, etc.

Is where the purity lies.

you must be 12 literally lol the industry died before you were even in diapers kiddo noob

Which is practically only good for driving.

Too bad that will be automated in less than 20 years by computers that can track hundreds of thousands of objects.

What a fucking useless skill.

You should off yourself. Not every other FPS is fucking Battlefield or CoD you retard.

I was going to get around to posting this last week actually.

Isnt it (((coincidence))) that the main enemies in the MW series are Russian/Middle Eastern?

>MW1: Evil Russian + Saudi
>MW2: Mastermind American
>MW3: Retconned to Evil Russian again

I feel like theres a mix of predictive programming and suppression (regarding making Murrica the enemy in MW2) at play here

>CSGO requires strategy and thinking ahead


>It's current year and CSGO fags still think their game is the ultimate hardcore fps because it has a ranking system

CSGO is played by ALPHAS i mean you would never understand that because you will never be pic related

Cod has ruined the FPS genre. It's always the same shit game over and over again. "Call of doom" was the last straw. Don't play console games anymore. At least we had the 90s.

Holy fuck I get pissed off by people who play their boring map painting games like EU IV or Hearts of Iron or shit and pretend to super smart strategist people with superior taste.
There is nothing wrong with playing Call of Duty, it is an easy to get into shooter made for the normie audience who doesn't require anything deeper or more competitive from their fucking game.

The games you plebs talk about are garbo, stop wasting time on BS. There are quality games but no one even mentions them, it's about CoD and B1 like every other slow kids game board. D

i meant esport fps stop bullying me czechia

Yes it does you are shallow to think that pinnacle of competitive csgo is matchmaking...

And CoD WW2 is going to feature depictions of he holocaust, on top of making the Germans villains once again
Oy vey!

But the FPS where not always this basic. Compared to Quake or Unreal cod is a disgrace to the genre.