This is the objective truth
Japan is more red pilled than Britainistan mate.
Italy is Half shit half debatable
>muh muslimz
Shut up cretin
gr8 b8 m8
>France "Good"
I'm sure also the French will not agree on that
How is Greenland not a shithole?
Why are Estonia, Czech Republic and Finland debatable? They are countries with great IDH and better than America.
Think in terms of overall quality of life, not hallucinations such as 'race', you cretinous imbeciles.
>Italy red
>Spain yellow
what the fuck is wrong with you ?
Italy is way more white that Spainiggers
you have to go back, ahmed
As a Christian in Israel, I can tell you that Israel is a shithole.
Most buildings here are from the cold war, (And I live in the fastest modernizing area) People here demonize you for being a Christian, laugh at you for having a Pale Skin,and call you a Nazi if you dare to have political views.
what's wrong with Finland?
Don't you ever set foot here for a summer vacation you britannic whore , I'll run a harpoon through it and throw you into a moray eel cove and record your death as they turn you to fish bait leftovers.
why are we a shithole?
Finland, South Korea and Japan should be blue. Italy should be yellow
Ukraine is not a real country
Australian master race reporting in
US should be yellow
I think Ill just stop at Greenland and wont bother.
Pretty good, but take off America as a whole, or just turn the coasts red
Why is Italy shit Brit?
You don't call a race that loves cock and shit a 'master race' my little pink deluded friend.
>more proof ? No one civilization that culturally idolizes kikes has a place in the top of the mountain.
>Not debatable
>Be autistic Britbong
>wank your dick to your dead empire
>Post The Sun's "GOTCHA" issue from the Falklands War twice a day on Sup Forums
>Make autistic threads like this
>go for a walk, since living in a 3*3 apartment can be rather suffocating
>Come back after 10 minutes, since the sound of muezzins on the streets and the smell of pajeets is unbearable
>See Jamal robbing your house
>"Foken Poles ruining this country"
>Get your tactical spoon ready
>"wat the fok are u doin' 'ere m8'
>Get stabbed
>Get raped
>Get stabbed again
>"God Save the Queen"
Such is life in Bongistan
Opinion discarded.
>technologically evolved
>strong economy
>racially pure country
>politically incorrect
>prettiest fucking women on the planet
>strong nationalism and traditionalism
Really, Abdul?
You're a bit harsh on Italy, OP.
>prettiest fucking women on the planet
Really, Shinzo?
>israel debatable
> quality of life
Actually this is a fair point, the one and only fair point raised so far.
>nuclear wasteland
>"herbivores" males
You should go out more often
>better than Italians
No, you.
You've not travelled much...
Finland is way comfier than the UK, and Spain and Portugal are awesome.
USA should also be in the debatables list, it has some nice area, but also some areas poorer than thirld world countries.
Also if Poland isn't debatable then neither Lithuania nor Lativia are.
Stop replying to shills! thread currently being slid
And Italy is awesome too, they are having a rough time right now with migrant influx, but it's a very comfy country.
>based poland
>cucked germany and france
Yeah, you should just kys.
Finland and Japan are good - if autistic. But other than that yea.
>he thinks holiday resorts are indicative of an entire country
simply ERIC
Comfy, but also nice people, nice culture, nice life, almost everybody on continental Europe likes Italy.
Padania is good the rest is shit
Oh no, we work for a living instead of being a parasite on mom.
>nuclear wasteland
You're really competing with burgers for the "American education everyone" meme, aren't you?
>"herbivores" males
Every country has it's beta cucks. At least ours aren't the majority who vote for more Jamal cock.
> >nuclear wasteland
Entire world is shithole since fall of Adam and it shall be so untill endtimes
Ah, the good ol times, when autists didn't have mom's basement so they became "ascetic saints" instead.
I'd rather live in Italy any fucking day over U.K. Better food, women, culture, clothing.. actually it would be a shorter and easier list to say what is NOT better than the UK
I actually considered making Gerogia 'debateable', but now I can see I made the correct choice.
Sure, ahmed. South Europeans are tanned whites because there sun comes out in our countries instead of your rainy island
Just based off of where I've traveled, Italy, Argentina, and Peru I'd set to good, and Australia and England, and France should be SHIT.
>implying you can't both
there is an objective standard out already, its called OECD
1) there's a difference in working for a living and working 10 hours a day 365 days a year.
2) enjoy your contaminated fish and vegetables
3) if they are not the majority why is your population declining?
>Get your tactical spoon ready
that got me
>I actually considered making Georgia 'debateable'
Who on earth would consider this place debatable? our entire history is bloodshed and gore. our lives are misery and depression.
It's a shithole since fall of Constantinople and nothing will fix our torment from modern perspective
It's nothing to laugh about
>Baltic states debatable
>Finland debatable yet Sweden is good
Mohammed please
>she didn't fly so good who wants to try next
Remove Canada and Europe(but keep Netherlands and Finland blue) and you'll have it right
what a smart nigger you are check the suicide rates of your supposed "debatable" and "good" countries
Btw Melania Trump who is slovenian (despite she changed her name) went in Milan to start her modeling carrer
>Btw Melania Trump who is slovenian (despite she changed her name) went in Milan to start her modeling carrer
What has that got to do with anything?
Yea whos a good goy, here goy have some made up paper, now go! and fetch that world for me.
I blame corrupt whites equally as I blame Jews.
So if i was any western fag, i would chose my words carefully and learn some god damn modesty.
Just make the west coast and the northeast of America red
It's literally being invaded and it still maintains more integrity than bongistan.
Put US red too.
They're pretty much a spic/nigger country now
What's wrong with Finland, Japan and South Korea?
>Really any part of Europe
Go outside.
>slovenia & croatia yellow
>italy red
Go be mad someone else spaghetti farmer.
>Finland, Baltics, Japan, Sk, Taiwan, Czech Rep. "debatable"
>France, UK "good"
Whatever you say OP.
>Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the coolest places on Earth, minus the self-important financial faggotry.
>Czech Republic
Debatable. Is OP smoking cock again or what is his problem?
A Country which abuses non-jews and forces them to learn Torah,yes,very based
Reminder Political Parties which want a Halacha State (Sharia law but jewish) Are larger than the most based political party in here.
i'm not mad buddy
May I ask why I'm debatable?
>Japan debatable
>we're more cucked than Canada, Russia, Britain, the US, Portugal and Italy. How? Canada literally has a leftist manchild as their PM while we have a right wing government..
>we're more cucked than Canada, Russia, Britain, the US, Portugal and Italy.
How?? Canada literally has a leftist manchild as their PM while we have a right wing government..
fuck off cunt, we're a THIRD WORLD country, we're worse than fucking India.
Also, fuck off we're full.
>red pilled
Nips can't even fuck their women
Dude, I didn't made it.
They are the most homogeneous country on the planet, what are you smoking?
No, koreans are.
now fuck off we're full
Actually North Koreans are
Japan is 3rd
Maybe a couple decades ago, that red's been spreading since then.
Are bongs really not allowed to own tools or kitchen implements?
>le 90s map