There is one thing I hope I'm misunderstanding

There is one thing I hope I'm misunderstanding.
Do niggers in USA actually get paid just for being a nigger? And have their college prices reduced? If so, how do you live with that?

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone who is poor, been through foster care, or is part of a veteran family can get their college prices reduced or waived

This seems fair, but I've been under impression that minorities tend to get more welfare by default

>Do niggers in USA actually get paid just for being a nigger?
Yes, welfare. Nigs living off the state probably live better than the average Russian.
>And have their college prices reduced?
Lots of minority scholarships and there is affirmative action which means far less qualified minorities are favored over qualified whites
>how do you live with that?
Pic related


And every business has a "Sees we ain't Racist" employee. And I mean everyone. how are there even any unemployed nigs? or dumb when they have their racist black only colleges?

Race isn't a determining factor into college financial aid provided by the government. There are third parties that offer grants to minorities though
There are no black only colleges, segregation in schools was banned in 1954

No. Complete Myth. Nobody gets checks in the mail for being black.

And most people on welfare/public assistance are white.

>>Yes, welfare.

Yes, the same welfare that ignorant ass poor white people take advantage of.

When you account for percent of the population blacks are greatly over represented. Asians are under represented on the other hand.

>>And have their college prices reduced?

No. All this shit is made up. Black people have to pay for college like everybody else. I'm currently still in debt paying student loans.

Just looked it up. I think I was confusing the racial distribution of crime with welfare. It actually happens that whites are less likely to receive welfare compared to blacks, hispanics, and asians.
Blacks and Hispanics were by far the greatest recipients of welfare when adjusted for by population

>No black only colleges

Female and black only. This is just one of many

>Race isn't a determining factor

Bullshit, depending on your race the lower the standards to get accepted.

Yes, blacks are disproportionately on welfare (and there's a historical reason for that). But in absolute numbers the majority of people on welfare recipients are WHITE.

Take them off the dole and see what would happen. West Virginia would be the third world if it were not for welfare.

>>>black only colleges

People are just making shit UP! There are no colleges that are black by rule. That has never existed. Anybody can go. White people go to HBCUs like Morehouse and Howard all the time.

Yeah we have something called the bell curve
Whites are shifted to the right compared to blacks in terms of iq so we have less in the hotspot that receives welfare.
>the majority of people on welfare recipients are WHITE.
It's almost like we are the majority in our nation (for now)
>West Virginia would be the third world if it were not for welfare
They may be the 49th in the country for GDP per capita but their GDP per capita is certainly not third world tier
You are right about this though

>would be

Why would any white person want to attend in any of these "black"colleges.

Most black people I've met at least make a good effort to be friendly IMO, but they never do a good job reigning in their kids.

>ignorant ass
Nigger detected.

I don't know. Ask them about it. But they do.