Conclusion: Someones running an MK-Ultra project in the public view, on kids. And youtube is just ignoring it. These border line pedo kids vids are way worse than just "creepy". This is a psyop, and possible pedo ring.
Look through the previous threads for more details.
>Present chain of events for you to examine >"Lol, I'm not gonna look at the previous threads! Tl;dr LARP lmao xD am I right fellow pedes?" Fuck out of here leddit.
Ryan Garcia
Also, worth noting that the three "trigger" videos seem to be viewable with 3d glasses. If anyone has some and wants to give it a shot, would appreciate some feedback.
Brandon Lewis
Alright so where are we with this color grouping? Is it for different types of individuals or personalities maybe?
Joshua Cooper
Samuel Ramirez
No self-respecting secret agency, or anyone with some sort of corrput agenda as using MK Ultra on kids, would use something as shitty as the Caeser Cipher
Kayden Ramirez
Sebastian Wood
Julian Sullivan
These threads keep getting pruned or deleted.
Between this and Seth Rich it's clear they don't want people learning about this
Leo Collins
Ryan Lopez
yup, I think that's why moved to discord
Hudson Allen
Someone in the discord came up with the idea that this is a whistleblower, therefore they're making it fairly easy to find.
Landon Harris
Says man browsing an image based chat site.
They might literally use this with low tier work because of the fact that people would say that.
Oliver James
Discord link please
Brandon Richardson
you better get ready for at least 6 months of painful Sup Forums detective LARPing and circlejerking over the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Tyler Moore
I think the purpose if for fracturing personalities into distinct, compartmentalized, mindsets. Sort of like multiple personality disorder that you can "trigger" with certain phrases or images.
Or maybe certain colors go with certain personalities. Not quite sure. But these "Triggers" are things like spiderman, transformers, or starwars. They all correlate with videos. And if you notice, those five colors always show up in the thumb nails. Certain ones will have a girl with a syringe filled with RED liquid, or BLUE liquid.
Weird fucking shit man.
Levi Gutierrez
Reverse image searching the profile pictures those accounts use leads to some weird murder site.
No idea why they'd use some aerial shot from some murder in the 80's. Is there any significance of that murder?
Jack Gonzalez
Viral marketing.
Josiah Gonzalez
These vids have some weird recurring themes, like cutting off fingers, syringes, abduction, pregnancy, stealing cars, etc. If there's one vid with a specific theme you can bet there's at least 5 similar ones. Not sure what it all means but it's extremely creepy and I can't imagine how this shit would get 10s of millions of views per vid.
Anthony Martinez
/x/ Containment Breech In Progress. Sage and report. Do not bump. Do not reply.
Isaac Garcia
>H-hey guys, lets code our pedophile messages with the Caeser Cipher, it's so dumb, no-one will expect it
Excuse me for not believing something so far-fetched
Benjamin Collins
Second account picture is of some old theater. Nefarious perhaps?
Baphomet, Catapiller Gree, To Blue-e-e 222765-2228901-137 wonderland is under your tong letter to the queenn 26121 activate postman send darrius , hello alice
Anything response?
Caleb Jones
They have like 1k per video max, stop with this larping you fucking autists.
Ian Morris
Ok, I understand your point, forgive me. I'm merely imaging how much more extensive this would actually be, IF it was real. There would be innumerable ciphers and algorithms used. We were probably just lucky to find this one thing or anything before it. From what I've heard this isn't some prank because there have been other instances through the decades
MKultra isnt a new idea
Jeremiah Baker
Watch Don't Hug Me I'm Scared for a primer in MKultra
And always remember, Green is not a creative color :)
Carson Price
Люди нe paвнoдyшны, этo yжe хopoшo.
Jaxson Ramirez
No, some of them literally have millions of views
Lincoln Moore
This. Apparently the code is bn83U but I wasn't interested yesterday and now it says the invitatiln has expired
Lucas Phillips
most have 9- 10 mill you dumb fuck, have you been following this at all you complete and utter fucking dunce
David Garcia
These fucked up cartoons reminded me of something. In high school about 9 years ago I volunteered at an elementary school for community service. There was this kid there maybe 3rd grade who was telling me about how his favorite episode of spongebob was one were he went through bikini bottom and kills the inhabitants with a chainsaw. I was like wow that's really fucking distrubing.
Ryan Morales
best way to hide is right out in the open
Brody Murphy
Ho back to sleep.
Liam Diaz
>Kids pressing random shit in comments its a secret message
Fucking retards I swear
William Bell
THIS IS AN ELABORATE SPONGE/SLIDE THREAD >trying to derail Seth rich investigation Sage
Brayden Rodriguez
Is that Pulse?
Isaiah Scott
>random N..new? The random bs led to other weird places. This was known here, but for some reason it was forgotten. Lurk moar
Sebastian Garcia
Get your own thread bOIIIII
Ian Perez
>Alright guys, we have this secret, morally questionable thing we are doing.. How can we keep it secret? >Let's put leads into Youtube comments and cipher them with one of the oldest and easiest to solve cipher known to mankind!
Isaiah Cox
I already found it out yesterday Its the pitt theatre, its art style is deco In pelzer on a street besides the watertower, there are graffities on the street saying, rip (some teen died) And one says Deco loves you bro
Wyatt Gonzalez
I don't think so, where did you get your badge sherlock?
Camden Torres
I bet that it is real, but THIS particular instance seems pretty hokey to me
but I absolutely guarantee that there is some kind of preject like this going on in america right now, if you think about it
there are around 321 million people in america, and around 750k convicted child molesters
If you think about it, it's not hard to imagine that there are maybe half again as many that are undocumented and unknown
I guarantee there is some kind of secret pedophile cult in america
Mason Campbell
Here cunt
Josiah Richardson
I think the stuff we've picked up on was put on theyoutubes to have contact with the kids. Isn't the point to effect them? Its not a clue placed for no reason
Oh yes, a giant secret society has no other means to contact those it affected than fucking Youtube, where a bunch of neckbeards on a chinese drawing forum can find out about it. Do you seriously believe that?
Jonathan Campbell
After seeing the videos this may be onto something.
It is known that those creepy ass child videos mess up with the YouTube algorithm to exploit it and get more views, so maybe you're deciphering such methods. Pretty interesting thread.
Carson Hernandez
SC user here; I asked my dad about Pelzer, he was suprised that the population was only 89, but thinks that probably doesn't include people in the surrounding area. More importantly, the Pelzer police are apparently notoriously corrupt, which is quite concerning.
Alexander Morgan
And i'll bet that these are instances of people who have made these videos with a ton of keywords in the title so that kids would find them and play them, over and over and over again for views, which equals revenue
Or there could be bots opening the videos through proxies to inflate view count
Bentley Sanchez
OP for once is not a total faggot
Jonathan Sanchez
websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ Listen to freqeuency 14076. It sounds exactly like the music from the first video.
Jose Turner
I wonder why the trademark owners of the characters (Disney, Marvel, DC) don't try to have these videos removed from YouTube? Surely they don't want their properties associated with dismemberment and scat fetishism
Christopher Collins
Good deal, does anybody know why the other account uses a picture taken from a murder investigation back from '86?
Jack Wood
THAT is something worth investigating
David Miller
EXCELLENT point user - they have completely fucked the life of many for a lot less "copyright infringement"
John Bell
This is just going to be like that stupid fake dollar bill that was going around that turned out to be some anti-abortion stunt. I love shit like this.
Brody Wood
he made a great point if we both felt the need to cap first word , KEK
Nolan Roberts
Can anybody identify the man who is used subliminally in the 3rd video?
>Hundreds of millions of collective views on youtube >The same as some LARP on Sup Forums and reddit that distributed some pieces of paper
Jacob Long
I can't believe how regularly Sup Forums falls for this ARG shit.
Nathan Jackson
Agreed... Disney is notorious for sending out c&d's and protecting their IP's... It's hard for me to believe they're unaware of these videos, considering that they're receiving millions upon millions of views... Very strange indeed
Joshua Morales
They're probably doing it with they're sponsor proxy. I think Disney is one of the company who bailed out too
Cooper Morales
These are just shitty, quickly produced videos with keywords to earn advertising revenue. While the subject matter is creepy and probably made by pedophiles, I doubt there's any connection with MK Ultra. Sissy Hypno on the other hand...
Nathan Lopez
Are you absolutely retarded? Do you know anything about cryptography? >Muh random letters typed by a kid So he just happened to type out a perfectly encrypted message using Caesar cipher? Hmmm
Oliver Perry
Have you watched the video?
Cameron Perez
>These are just shitty, quickly produced videos with keywords to earn advertising revenue. Yea I guess. They probably have some fixed scenarios where they vary the characters and objects and shit. Just look at how many "[x]'s [y]s get crushed under a car" videos there are.
........................................and the home of the bravvvvvvvveeee
Eli Jenkins
So let me guess, they expect kids to decipher this shit to get to the video they uploaded to a public site? Sounds bulletproof, definitely not LARPing
Cooper Torres
What is the threshold set for determination that there is nothing to this? like what would one have to find to rule out something like MK Ultra or a PEDO ring, not just someone abusing Click-Bait Headlines.
Nolan Jackson
ADD THIS TO OP CATCH UP ON THE LAST 8 HOURS 2 → 3 → mkultra-part-3-what-the-fuck-is-going-on-edition 4 → /mkultra-part-4-i-dont-like-where-this-leads 5 → /mkultra-part-5-too-fucked-up-to-continue-editiom 6 → /Spiderman and Elsa are your Friends Edition
Dominic Martin
Adrian Baker
>Do a fake account >Chiper some message >Post it on a kids video
Stop LARPing
Julian Cooper
Which is the title translated from the cipher. Damn, you guys are fucking good. Or I'm like four days too late.
Jaxson Allen
I just sent an email to Marvel's copyright infringement department. I hope they reply to me soon
They don't expect kids to do anything but watch. The codes are obviously for those involved in exploiting people.
>Muh larp Yeah, I created every one of these channels, spammed millions of bots, left coded messages in the comments, leading to a twitter with more coded messages, leading to a private youtube channel full of MK-ultra triggers, which pertain to the original creepy videos, and I was uploading these trigger videos over a several month span to different private youtube accounts, leaving bread crumbs for you to find.
It's been a year since I started but the (you)'s were worth it. Neck yourself faggot.
as if they havent admitted to doing something like this before
Camden Hernandez
This is actually a good idea
one of us (or some of us) could make a few fake yt accounts, but some weird comments in these videos (like the ones we've seen so far) and see what kind of ping we get back.
Nathaniel Young
kys Texas
Mason Phillips
we NEED to show this shit to normie moms - I showed a couple moms in mid 40s last night, they were blown away disgusted and very disturbed, said they were never letting their kids on the jewtube again. time for a twatter campaign??
Alexander Sanders
Sup Forums version of "how top catch a criminal" me likey
William Martin
They went after a Chink selling these in Hungary after a notification from our customs office. I can't believe they have no clue about this shit.
Jace Bailey
At your beck and call Satan
Dominic Johnson
I think we should probably another day or two at least, for the investigation autists to dig up more dirt.
If it's really something THIS nefarious, better not to take it public (and sound the official alarm bells) too soon.
The more info we have, the less likely they'll be able to quickly come out a cover-up for plausible deniability.
As creepy as all this stuff is, it's still only circumstantial evidence. We need some real dirt, as the burden of proof will be on the accuser.
Noah Perez
quick thought,
>last thread found a pig pen coded message >seth rich investigation found "pig pen" in basement of abandoned hospital >seth rich possibly mkultra child, used, delet?
Jacob Bell
forgot pic
Joshua James
David Ross
Oh I can't wait for the damage control to prove us right. See: >PIZZA GATE IS FAKE NEWS DON'T READ IT When even Sup Forums wasn't quite sure what pizza gate was yet... The media, or some organization will quickly label this "fake news" as soon as mainstream people start to see it.
Joshua Morgan
Adrian Ramirez
agreed, was just saying for the simple fact to get this disgusting shit off the jewtube
Ethan Myers
I'm certainly telling all of my friends with kids about it. A Twitter campaign would be helpful too. Whether or not this is a sinister psy-op, or merely the creation of sick, profit-driven perverts, children shouldn't be exposed to it. With any luck, there'll be enough public outrage to not only have these videos removed, but also unmask the degenerates producing them
Andrew Peterson
>Whether or not this is a sinister psy-op, or merely the creation of sick, profit-driven perverts, children shouldn't be exposed to it exactly - thanks for clarifying my thoughts user