
I'll just leave this here..

He's not wrong. The only reasonable solution for America's race problems is a new Liberia.

He's right.

>inb4 civil war

White people could give less of a shit about black. The war was about Lincoln maintaining the union. He even said the issue of slavery could of gone either way

Libs refuse to believe the civil war was fought over anything but slavery, so this answer will fly in a lot of cases.

I find it funny since the civil war was more than just war on slavery. It kills me to think that people think nobody fought for them.

The issue of slavery could've went either way but the main thing was that people were waking up to a new reality of slavery being bad and inhuman, especially how the blacks were treated.

Also, blacks sold their own to slavery.

This. Literally no one cared about blacks in the entire history of America. They only cared about slavery. They couldn't care less what happened to black people.

Fuck off, you pricks say the civil war was about slavery when it helps you and then say it was about the union when you change your argument

We kept fighting the war once emancipation was on the table and we didn't go back, if that's not good enough for you go fucking end your twelve year old life

when did they stop teaching about the civil war and the emancipation proclamation?

Both of you. I challenge you.

If you claim no one cared about the blacks then why was there a powerful movement to abolish slavery and to eventually give rights to these human beings?

Obviously it shouldn't of happened to begin with, the war and the indeceny of having someone a different skin pigment to be lesser than someone.

The image post itself bothers me since the statement itself implies nobody fought for them. That's what bugs me. Because it isn't true. You cannot simply group up an entire type of people and expect them all to be the same.

I know there had to be people out there at that time as well as this to care about blacks.

Don't ask me. I don't keep track of what people learn and dont learn. Their knowledge it their own and I cannot control them or anyone else.. so.. Yeah.

Ignorance is bliss.

Knowledge is*** their own

>human beings
civil rights was a fucking mistake and everyone knows it even niggers, mlk jr shouldve listened to the fbi and killed himself because he was a communist infiltrator

this is just bullshit

Those past, dead black solder's sacrifice was made for modern blacks today, to enjoy the highest quality of life in the US...than any other blacks anywhere on the planet.

Is that what I was missing in information? Because that sounds like the missing key to the mystery.

Amen to this.
I am so sick of liberals saying the war wasn't about slavery when it suits their purposes to paint whites as unsympathetic racists but then turning around and saying the Confederate memorials and flags need to be taken down because they fought for slavery.

Missing information?

No, it's pretty common knowledge that blacks Americans are better tan care of, than any other blacks anywhere else.

*taken care of

Of course. Other places outside of the US tend to chop off hands and fingers, maybe a tongue just for practice of freedom of speech.

I tried explaining to a few people about how the image itself doesn't make sense. People sacrificed their own lives so Americans can dick around in vehicles and do whatever they pleased so long it doesn't harm none and (ideally) within the laws of the land.

They didn't believe me.

in the end its hard to care for any group that doesnt care for itself (looking at you baltimore, chicago, st louis etc.)

it would be interesting to know what these people think caring really means. are we supposed to give up our lives because of past grievances?

yesterday someone posted a thread suggesting poverty led to violence and poor academic performance

all i could wonder is how much does it cost to not hurt someone and instead practice your arithmetic

some like to think i sound callous

>human beings

I challenge you on that.

Let's take away your rights, shall we?

Then you'll truly humble yourself.

>what was the civil rights era

Uh huh...just as actually slave trade is most active in Africa and the Middle East nations, this very day, and many blacks don't want to believe that as it messes up their reparations gibsmedats.

Challenge accepted

Time to ..... D-d-d-duuuueeel

Caring means lot of things.

Mainly putting selfish needs aside to give a damn about something or someone other than one self.

Truth is hard to grasp when the mind refuses to see or believe it's possible and actually happening.