It seems that Miley has discarded black culture aka "twerking" and this has upset the Jew Yorker.
It's almost like she realized that acting like a nigger whore isn't something you can do forever.
It seems that Miley has discarded black culture aka "twerking" and this has upset the Jew Yorker.
It's almost like she realized that acting like a nigger whore isn't something you can do forever.
Other urls found in this thread:
use on blogs with a reputation for shilling and clickbait.
Imagine that worn out pussy.
Fuck Miley. She is still a whore and no one will forget that.
>It's almost like she realized that acting like a nigger whore isn't something you can do forever.
Actually it is, and she needs to go back to it and stop pretending she isn't a piece of utter filth.
>once you go black we don't want you back
This. OP is probably working for the Jew Yorker trying to drive clicks.
it's all just according to plan
thanks danebro/norgebro
I love this bot. You can hear the kvetching from NY all the way in Idaho.
>Miley Cyrus is no longer riding black dicks
Too late now. Her choice is either progressively worse niggers as she loses her looks, or maybe, if she can get really really lucky an effeminate cuck she'll never be happy with. I don't think ww get that part.
Why doesn't (((The New Yorker))) have comments? Really makes me think...
Miley is now damaged goods. But she's a good example. She's trying to become more of a decent woman to please her guy. That's something you should praise. I'd still never take her, though.
How the hell did you get that from the article? She's a 24 yo women acting like a child, that's why it's creepy.
>not using adblock and using their servers while giving them zero ad revenue
>Fuck niggers for 15 years
>Abused and worn out
>"I'm back on the market white boiz ;)"
I wish someone would kill whoever wrote that article.
Once you go black, we dont want you back
She's just a product being rebranded, her producers likely thought it would be more beneficial and generate more shekels to change Miley Cyrus style.
almost spat my breakfast at the pic from lafs, thanks senpai
is there any tangible proof miley was a slut outside of her acting at concerts?
the sad part is that she will not learn a lesson because there will be a bunch of beta orbiter faggos who will glorify her because she's now "cleansed" of all the melanin enriched meat she received.
She's engaged.
>Miley Cyrus’s Creepy Return to Wholesomeness
Well that title just says it all.
riding giant blow-up cocks, shaving your head, spreading your vagina on stage and pretending to suck cocks and eat out pussy in front of audiences while doing the most degenerate shit possible? That's not creepy at all
Being normal and wholesome? Creepy as fuck, obviously.
>so like guise was there any proof she was the slut in the first place outside of her behaving like a slut and indulging in a culture that promotes being a slut and living like a slut. you know outside of everything we know about her is there any other proof at all? ha checkmate!
Best bot
oh look who's also there, sweeties
In the future, please archive sites renowned for shilling and clickbait.
The New Yorker I used to read years ago would never have given Miley ink. What the fuck happened to real journalism?
No this was scripted to happen
She hired Britney Spears' old manager right before she "went off the rails"
And she mirrored Britney's "fall and redemption" almost identically. Miley was under preforming in her music career, just like Britney
Miley began to act out and sing weird fucking shit, just like Britney
Miley had a public breakdown and butchered her hair, just like Britney
>Miley dropped off the music scene for a bit, just like Britney
Miley came back completely different and more wholesome than she had been in quite a while along with several new songs that showcased her voice incredibly well...just like Britney
It's the guy's MO
Katy Perry's manager seems to be doing the same thing now
>implying its her holes that matter
No she actually went back to that cuck Hemsworth and he said okay kek
i wasn't defense forcing i was legitimately curious.
> look up the writer because it isnt jewberggoldstein
and yet, the nose knows
Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus are actively switching places. It's fucking hilarious. Where Katy's game has been sort of crypto-degenerate, she's now out and out a fucking whore for (((music labels))).
Katy will resort to showing her tits full on, and everyone's going to be all "Should've done that years ago; thanks but no thanks".
First of all, thank you for your time and dedication, user.
Having said, that not EVERYTHING needs to be archived. The vast majority of people here use some form of adblock and deny these kikes their ad revenue anyway.
IMO, archiving is REALLY only needed for a few key purposes:
1) sites that are behind a paywall or some other bullshit that makes it a pain in the ass to see (ie, anti-adblock measures)
2) sites that are shady and that you don't want to click, thereby giving them your IP address or anything else along those lines
3) sites that contain damning information that you want to save and archive before they edit/delete their article to hide any evidence of wrongdoing.
it's a bot you fucking moron
I don't even need to give The New Yorker my ad revenue because I already have a print subscription :^)
t. San Diego neolib
Nice boys will take her back.
Judging by the guys I grew up with, it doesn't matter what these hoes do, men are wired to see the best in them and forgive especially when they dont deserve it.
I knew a guy who had his GF dump him in college because "she wanted the college experience". He stayed single for 3 years waiting for her. They just got married.
she cute for a jewess
i wouldnt mind getting in her oven if you know what i mean
I had to skim thru to the end to see her point.
Basically 30 something roastie is mad that Miley is going back to being wholesome and settling down instead of staying a gross roastie like the author. She is mostly mad that society thinks this is a good thing for woman to do, you know, settle down and have a family, instead of twerking and dating women well into your 30s
Yep. See:
Katy parry is going full Illuminati sacrifice whore in the public now
Her last music vid was about cannibalism and orgy rituals
>For young women, this is a narrow path forward: become less selfish and wayward only by embracing antiquated notions of femininity and propriety. Is there not some functional middle ground to occupy?
No you fucking retarded bitch.
You're either a dick carousel riding whore
You're a decent virtuous monogamous woman
That's it. Now fuck off.
They're calling returning to sanity creepy?
It's not a bot. The guy actually posts too, sometimes. He just has legit autism.
What is that picture of? Is that like - a dinosaur or something? Difficult to tell.
>no longer riding black dicks
stopped reading there, she is
op is fag, that whore is still a whore, and the jew yorker is shit
I'm willing to bet they paid The New Yorker for this article as well.
Nigger, you just went full retard.
If that cup of water has shit a bit of poo in it, I don't want it, thank you. You can have it, though.
Miley's vagine is so worn out, she can't even feel anything anymore. Her insides are covered in black cum residue, which has been festering there for years. Not even divine interventien could reverse the vaginal desecration at the hands of dozens upon dozens of dirty, sweaty feral niggers. If you found the purest Aryan that's ever existed and inseminated Miley's womb with his DNA, the baby would likely still come out of her vagina dark as night and 99.9% nigger dna.
has just*
>Oy vey, she's rejecting the programming.
it's amazing to watch them past their prime... they are heading for the wall
>Cyrus’s arc—she was a fairly innocent kid who enjoyed a wild period in her early twenties, and, now that she’s about to become someone’s wife, she’s settling down, finding a new way to be (or act) virtuous—is culturally ingrained. Everyone seems to agree that this is an acceptable path forward. And that’s what’s so troubling about it. It’s not so much that Cyrus has changed (or that she has, at least, changed tack strategically; both are so ordinary as to be banal), it’s that this is what everybody thinks a grownup woman looks like: pretty, tamed, straight, still, white. (The virginal outfits are nearly funny in their broad strokes—did no one in her circle think to say, “A little on the nose”?)
>she was a fairly innocent kid who enjoyed a wild period in her early twenties, and, now that she’s about to become someone’s wife, she’s settling down, finding a new way to be (or act) virtuous—is culturally ingrained. Everyone seems to agree that this is an acceptable path forward. And that’s what’s so troubling about it.
> Everyone seems to agree that this is an acceptable path forward
It's weird how we agree with the author but for totally different reasons
So was Amy Whinehouse but that didn't stop the used rag engulfing herself with alcohol and whoredom
cliff ? not reading all this shit about fucking miley
>has never had Kopi luwak
stay pesant, my friend
Damn switz, you're quite the fucking expert on black dick jizzing in white wombs
I agree with her being used up and all, but at least she is not going to continue to push Jewish degeneracy to the children (or so she says and I hope she sticks with it)
She actually looks kinda cute in OP's pic, desu.
I have nothing to add beyond this post, you said all I'd wanted to.
Inhate how comments have beenbremoved from news articles
first bot best bot. suck it kikes.
She thinks miley shouldn't be virtuous and we think once you go black we don't want some trashy whore back
It's not a bot faggot. It's an autist.
Katy perry has the fuck my shit up hair cut and the #spiritcooking video.
Do you think she has phantom strap on pain at night?
red pilled by her bf?
That's literally the whole point.
Look how innocent she is now
stop posting this fucking methhead poser you goddamn beta virgin southrons. her vag smells like beyonce's asshole. sage this faggotry.
Right but we both acknowledge the "shift in values" is total bullshit.
We interpret it differently, but we both know that Miley is a lying sack of shit who probably has HPV
>okay boys, I've had my fun with drugs and gangbangs with little to no protection with an unknown amount of random men, who wants to marry me? :)
Wow, I sure didn't see that one coming
Redpilled by her realizing she made more money doing country albums.
My question is why chris hemsworth of all guys took her back when he could have literally any woman he wants?
Maybe its not a real relationship, only for the cameras?
no, a jew agent that wants to see his shekels go up because hey "who cares if she's a whore just sell her as a christian grill and dumb southern goys will beg for her rancid cunt again hahah goyim are dumb"
But it's funny because Katy Perry is old.
It like they are trying to subvert white women in their 30s now. As if to say, "no, don't stop now, your almost out of healthy reproductive years, keep being a dumb slut until you are 40"
that is what all hollywood is. and he's a pathetic hopeless cucked idiot to go along with it for his "career". miley's agent is paying hemsworth's bigtime to keep them close.
Hollywood relationships are facades. They are set up to capture public interest and snag headlines. I promise you he is still fucking model-tier women on the reg. Same with most men in hollywood.
People dont want to acknowledge that the institution of marriage isn't a law. It's a suggestion. Natural forces remain in play
Please she is doing this because the gag is fucking old. Her shit is no longer selling and there is no way she can be shocking enough to the point it will drive up sales and clicks to her music channels since she pretty much did everything from strapping dicks to herself or acting like a full on fucking degenerate.
But, it won't work since doing a fucking extreme change of pace doesn't keep the old fan base since most are adults who are about to enter the professional life and the new base is composed of parents buying their tweens shit but, who now know how much of a degenerate she is so they ain't gonna sling their credit card around.
This user gets it. It's about staying relevant so people will be interested in whatever bullshit she comes out with next
the jews here call it satanic pairing. basically, if they can pair two idiot goy celebs together, for the rest of their lives every story or headline about one of those goy celebs is basically a 2 for 1 and the spouse is included. satanic pairing or satanic coupling, either or. was the verbage used at a meeting of mine's all coordinated. sort of like how they always push that ugly jew scarlet joho on everyone as the hottest woman in the world. fucking kek.
Which is what the Jew Yorker is really upset about. That's one less celebrity pushing their degenerate racemixing agenda. Hopefully Miley has a white kid in the next year or so to really trigger these degenerate fucks.
>scarlet joho
You were making sense until you said this
>was the verbage used at a meeting of mine
A little early in the day for larping, user.
lmao at this shit. her pr people are trying so damn hard to clean this pigwhore up lmao. when you go all in on (((liberal degeneracy))) and think you are invincible. boom. and now she's a staunch ooh-rah wholesome conservative beacon of light? fuck jews fuck anyone buying this shit.
It's not about Miley per se you dunce. It's about the (((media's))) reaction to her change. Get a clue dumbfuck.
I don't care. It's good publicity for our cause, even if for bad reasons. The braindead girls who were thinking "wow, being a slut just like miley is so cool" might actually start thinking otherwise. I'm not saying Miley is our girl, because she will never ever be.
America truly is the carcass that keeps spewing it's kikeborn maggots out at the rest of the world.
it's weird how much we have in common with islam
It's a shame they have chosen to bomb people to get their message across
she's a jew and looks like a wookie if she doesn't have an army of makeup artists or photoshop artists working on her for 10 hours. sorry.
Good summary.
go buy your 20 dollar movie ticket and your 10 dollar popcorn you stupid fucking goy
WTH, I love Miley now.
Well they'll stop whining soon. Katy Perry is the the top degen