Be honest. Do you like your own country?
Rate your own country
Alright then I'll start. I live in the UK, specifically Northern Ireland. I think it's a shithole and the whole place should be nuked. Everyone hates each other and it's an unsolvable situation.
Well i love its history and former leaders along with the language. But aside from that its just shitty here.
Trick question, I don't have a country.
4 I guess.
I love the Religion, Rich heritage, culture, festivals, my family their love and care.
Other than that I hate overpopulation, poverty, Politicians, population, corruption and muslims.
Kek every Belgian on here says the same thing. What's everyones problem with Belgium? Is it just the "not a real country" meme?
Yes. Lots of places to live if I dont like where I'm currently at.
I will admit some places in the USA should get nuked for the betterment of mankind.
cities are cucked shitholes
rest is good
everywhere is great here except sydney/melb. rest of the cities are still pretty tiptop. only other shit holes are the abo towns but i've only ever been through one once in a locked car for the fuck of it, they're pretty out of the way
Outside of Reykjavik it's usually gorgeous, with beautiful landscapes and respectable people. Reykjavik isn't horrible, but it has the greater amounts of foreigners and degenerates, still a pretty city imo. Politics are boring, same old same old of Nordic politics. A tiny minority here are "redpilled" and most of the populace live under their domes unaware of the realities of the outside world as they get their info from Facebook. We kinda need a terrorist attack.
Shithole, but a cheap, comfy shithole. I like it here.
expatriated from hungary to germany years ago. not planning to move back, but never say never.
inb4 I'm not a cuck. living in hungary as a citizen is no fun.
> cheap
Not right now, no.
Just in a (socio-)political sense, though.
all the rest is pretty dank here.
That must be Winnipeg.
Mines okay. It'd be better if I didn't have to share it with a bunch of Jews and niggers.
SoCal 6/10. I moved here back when there weren't so many spics around but now it's full of them. Luckily I live in an area that's around 60% gook which is far preferable, though unfortunately I have yellow fever now.
>Reykjavik isn't horrible...
Yes, that's called a city. It's the same everywhere.
>We kinda need a terrorist attack.
Don't you get only the slightly better muslims, that tend to not blow themselves up? I thought the high costs of living scare away the inbred retards that usually blow themselves up, and you only get breeders.
Get a good job and it's fine.
>Trick question, I don't have a country.
5/10 good living standards, but everyone is a brainwashed leftie, a snob, or a retard, often a mix of the three
>Shit self defence laws
>No guns
>Tiny island
>Too many liberals (imagine if New York City was a country)
>Welfare state
>Loss of identity in the world
>We don't make anything anymore
>Corrupted government and police
>Shit weather
>Binge drinkers who go to europe and embarrass us
>Ugly women
>Army is getting shitter due to cuts
>Royal family stood by and did nothing when the country went to shit
I love my country but I'm angry at how it is going to shit.
I love mine. Good job, loving nerd wife, used cadillac sts in the driveway. Im lower middle class but shit rules.
Do you like your own country?
Your picture perfectly describes my country.
You implement anything meaningful and new in your country, everything is dictated by EU.
You can't get a job or even start a factory, everything is made in China.
Literally Latvia is a non-country. Want to fucking hang myself.
Of course I do! Besides Trump, there is actually no where I'd rather be. Except Sweden, they are striving over there.
I live in sweden, nuff said...somebody fucken nukes us already.
1/5 too warm, I wish the snow would be back.
Really nice
You get a cuckicle wage slave job have to pay 500'000 to 1 million euro to have a shitty to normal house, then basically work the rest of your life and live a boring life. No special weather, no sea, 50 % foreigners who dont want to speak luxembourgish, and nothing else to do here.
B-b-but Luxembourg is a rich country. Yes but everything is expensive and you live a miserable average life
Kill me
Its not perfect but by vote or by blood WE CAN FIX IT.
Hell we are even getting worldclass competitive at cricket and nobody even fucking knows what cricket is. How awesome is that, *we arent even trying*.
It's alright. Could be a lot better, and I've got backup plans involving jumping ship if things go to shit, but it's pretty alright for now.
If only we'd have let sigismund rule this wouldn't be a goddamn problem right now..
Srry fucked it up
They are the progenitor of all cuckoldry. The origin of the European Union.
Yeah, as long as a gypsie won't cut me in the street, I'm ok here, can't say I'd move somewhere else
This is a real screencap of a Canadian government website aimed at kids.
Soviet Canuckistan is dead, do not come here, do not speak the name of this place.
My motherland is like my family, i didn't chose it and it has its fare share of retards and scumbags, but i still love it and won't trade it for anything else.
Unless USA gives me a greencard. In that case fuck this shithole, i have a better family now.
But how do you feel about the poo? Thats all we want to know.
- no SJW poz
- a lot of beautiful natural landscapes
- nigger-tier corruption
- shit-tier infrastructure
- immigrants from Central Asia and mountain monkeys from Caucasus
- low-trust society in general
- gun control
- shit standards of living outside of Moscow, St. Petersburg and oil regions
if you unironically praise Russia you don't actually know it
Excellent post tovarisch! You are now on an FSB watchlist. Carry on.
France is pretty good. Just don't live in big town.
Nothing to get crazy about. I could live in most other European countries and I don't think life would be that different for me. I rate it 6/10.
I love my country but I hate my government
People 3/10
Government 2/10
Nature 8/10
History 8.5/10
Internet 10/10
Lots of natural beauty and wonders. But all of natural resources are owned and exported to Chyna effectively tax free. We need a strong conservative leader, and soon. Or we won't be able to return to normality.
Also, or journalism community is fucking retarded. Beyond even masterful shitposting.
>Do you like your own country?
Do I like my own country? Yes I do. Do I like the people that currently inhabit it? No I do not.
yes. when i travel abroad I have an american flag on my bag
>if you unironically praise Russia you don't actually know it
By supporting Islamic terrorism (again) the USA has kind of made Russia look like the good guy though. I know it is hard to believe but there it is.
It's hard to say because we're such a big country.
If it weren't for the blacks and their disgusting neighborhoods, easily 9.5/10.
What a country we would be if only we'd sent them back after the Civil War. Our crime rates, education levels, and so on would easily be on par with European countries, but we'd have better weather, more natural resources, and a stronger economy.
Foreign policy is one thing, fine, but people that consider moving here are retards
The climate is rape you in the ass with a pineapple, tuft first -tier. Apart from that, while the people are a bunch of sodomite assholes, they are still generally much better than any foreigner I've met, and I've met many. So, yes, I like my country. If the sea level suddenly rose some 100 meters overnight, I'd like it even more.
I love it and am sad to watch it slowly die.
The reason a lot of Belgians, especially on this board, are saying it is a non country is pretty much because it is a non country. We have two population halfs (60-40 roughly) that speak a different language. The Dutch part (60%) pretty much speaks decent French (and English) while in the French part it is quite rare to find walloons that speak decent Dutch or English. We do not live with eachother, we have Dutch and French TV channels and the only time people are 'proud' to be Belgian is when the football plays or we win a medal is a virtually irrelevant sport. The walloons are also notorious 'gib me' enthusiasts despite being delusionally proud of their part of the country. They are much more similar to the French and Flanders is much more similar to The Netherlands. If there was a referendum to ask if Flanders wanted to go with The Netherlands and the walloons to France I think it would have a lot of support, there also would be a lot of idiotic 'stronger together' mantras and people that are geniunely proud to be part of Belgium for some reason.
Same. Bottoms up bratan...
Yeah, while I hope to visit one day, I have no delusions about life in Russia. Those people will never do it anyway though. They are not about to put in the time to learn Russian.
That's literally all of europe right now, abandon the cities. Cities are filled with mudslimes, leftists, niggers and kikes
pretty much. when colleagues from berlin moved to malmo to start a family, I was shaking my head.
Sounds like a bloody disaster. Hope you get it sorted.
Fucking hate it.
0/10 would rather kill myself.
its a joke and died ww2
no, should i?
sure, it's fucking beautiful as far as nature and landscape is concerned, people can be pretty friendly and it's not dominated by islam yet, but that's about it for regular people like me.
if you're filthy rich and/or have tons of powerful connections though, it's excellent.
Seems that the Americans love their country (apart from the nigs etc) while the whole of Europe (except Finland) fucking hates itself. What are we doing wrong apart from gun control?
>Infrastructure 5/10
>Geography and scenery 10/10
>Quality of life 8/10
>Freedom 9/10
>Politicians 4/10
>Internet 10/10
>Crime rate (low) 9/10
I like it. There's room for a lot of improvement but we're getting there.
Its decent the big problem here in waffleland is the high tax because (socialism) and the increasingly autheritarian goverment it doesnt help that the only right wing party we have too is a joke to the whole nation.
The untouched nature and countryside (especially the south and the islands)
Language is special and aesthetic
Heritage and culture is loved and respected
Our traditional villages usually consist of 6-7 houses that are located within kilometers with each other
Our cucked establishment
Stupid young people (especially girls)
that's about all, peace out
fuck the heat
People 2/10
Self-centered, egoistic, PC, passive, borderline autistic when it comes to social interaction, dead scared of saying what they think or feel, actually thinks the world gives a shit about us
Government 2/10
Lets nignogs in by the thousands, places them all in the same cities so they can form cozy little ghettos so they don't even have to learn our language
Nature 6/10
Pretty, pretty cold
History 3/10
We wuz vi-kangz, christianity, black death massive emigration, Sweden and Denmark taking turns fucking us in the ass
Internet 3/10
Slow af, average speed is something like 25-100Mb down, 1-10 up
You don't have enough patriotic propaganda.
Of course.
>Other than that I hate overpoopulation, pooverty, Pooliticians, poopulation, corrupooption and muslims (correction not needed).
liked it 30 years ago
now it is a shithole
It's true. Nobody has the "i'm proud to be belgian" feeling. Brussels is shit in every way and the only reason people know our country. But our higher education and sociale securities are pretty good. Downside to good sociale sec. ,attracts all the wrong people in our country and makes poor shits lazy
>Infrastructure 9/10
>Geography and scenery 9/10
>Quality of life 9/10
>Freedom 7/10
>Politicians 4/10
>Internet 8/10
>Crime rate (low) 8.5/10
Also, 10/10.
>Geography and scenery 10/10
considering you goat fucker radus stole the majority of your territory from hungary, that's understandable.
To keep it short we have wallonia (french) speaking and flanders (dutch) speaking and we also have Luxemburg witch is very rich.
better than euroshit
I live in Northern California deep in the mountains.
love it for now.
Predominately white community, only 1 bar in the whole town.
Everyone knows everyone.
You are given peace of mind here.
And lots of room to be left alone.
That village has dangerously little diversity.
America is 50 (EU) countries
currently in Texas; no complaints besides the heat.
was in California... stupid laws and too expensive. lots of distractions though. place was made for hook-up apps and plenty of whores.
We don't give a shit in the north. London will be retaken by Geordies.
>Internet 3/10
>Slow af, average speed is something like 25-100Mb down, 1-10 up
I'd kill for that where I live.
Although we have shitty weather and boring landscapes, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. We have the best human rights!
We acquired some nice castles but we already had things like pic related.
WTF I hate England now.
>tfw you dont know enough about shitway to come up with a comeback
Back to back WW2 champs, leader of the free world, wants to make everyone rich, individualistic, red-pilled AF (on the whole).
The only complaint I have are liberals, Cucks, Illegals, and h1b abuse.
Not being 54% or having your state and federal system conquered?
Retard I used the right spelling. Go back to school.