Wow, this is powerful... Truly illustrates what it's like living in drumpf's america... deep af
Wow, this is powerful... Truly illustrates what it's like living in drumpf's america... deep af
Other urls found in this thread:
>has painting skill
>wastes it on KANGZ
What a reversal! Those Jews where not forgiving to the black man.
Literally shaking....
Not like his skill is anything extraordinary
The sphinx is clearly older than the Ancient Egyptians given the flood erosion meaning that if WE WUZ KANGZ is true then they were still niggers back then since they took one of the oldest relics of an ancient, advanced civilization and chiseled their own visage on it.
and shiet
t. Graham Hancock
truly inspired, headed to hobby lobby now
nigger delusions...should be the name of the painting
if you are so obsessed with Africa, go back to it with the rest of your kind
stay woke whiteboi
The delusion is strong, but at least he's a decent painter
i love how nignogs always equate themselves with Egyptians. There is not a single black controlled country on the planet that has thrived. What the hell makes them think they would be descendants of Egyptians?
he's a pretty good painter
how do the niggers explain modern day egyptians not being black?
Say what you want about its political message but that painting looks good.
egyptians aren't even real africans.
gr8 b8 m8
They're not REAL egyptians
Because egypt is in africa. And africa = niggers
If they hate 'merica so much why dont they just git back to africa?
Actually for farming, common in South America too. But no let's just believe in giants.
That nigger has more skill talent and ability in his left hand then you do in your entire body.
Retarded painting with no meaning, but it looks pretty well made for a nigger.
i wonder why all those black pharaohs went to America to become slaves.
So black have created nothing in the world, have added nothing to the overall history of it, have created no great cultural artifacts so they feel inclined to steal others? That's what I'm getting from this thread.
Is he dissing Trains?
Trains are cool as FUCK!
sphynx is way bigger than pyramids
forgot the >
>implying that american niggers aren't impoverished and retarded due to the policies of democratic local governments that have been in place for decades
somebody send him the story from the other thread about ancient egyptians being mostly turkish and european
But black blood is just a synonym for evil and the intent to kill
t. pathetic weeb who reads too much samurai manga
I mean he's an alright painter but jesus christ, have they ever heard of a thing called subtlety?
Arabs weren't black wtf. Muhammad was even described as to having had relatively fair skin compared to Arabs.
did your local news talk about the Islamic attacks against Christians?
Slaughters, rather.