Why is Trump fucking with Germany?
Looks like Putin's plan to hurt or destroy the American-European friendships is working out.
Why is Trump fucking with Germany?
Looks like Putin's plan to hurt or destroy the American-European friendships is working out.
Putins plan is the natural order. Germany needs to return to the world island while we own the seas
Pay debts
We need the war, too many people in this world. A billion or so corpses would help with the overpopulation, the physical destruction would force infrastructure to be rebuilt. Win win.
>Pay debts
Isn't that what the Chinese are telling you?
Just do you know, Trump likes the FRONT of his testes licked while Putin likes the BACK licked. I'm sure you'll get used to it during orientation ;)
Most our debt is owned by us - around 70%
Because Merkel is pure evil.
She should've been kept behind the Berlin Wall longer than she was.
>why is trump doing something that benefits russia but not the US and her allies
Why is it when the us does things that benefit itself it is bad for our allies?
germans are race traitors
why does the (((media))) spend so much time and energy villifying White, Christian Russia?
awwww dluwmfie wants a gooby gooby for nan :)
Of course it does. Did you expect any kind of resistance from these cucked fatties?
just let him build a hotel in berlin and you'll be fine
Merkel is doing more fucking around with both EU and US than Putin could dream.
I don't know why a place that's a shit hole outside Moscow is given so much credit as this great world manipulator. Unless the rest of the world is just that dumb that they can be manipulated that easily. I'm sure Russia is really stoked that they have been given this much credit recently. Even if it's because the Wicked Witch of the West needed and excuse for losing.
Everybody is fucking with germany. See erdogan, britbongs ...
Its like the new meme of politics.
If you have nothing to say, say something bad about germonay. Cant make bad news out of that.
Within the next years, germans will be the new jews
Because Cuck Merkel is fucking with him.
>gas jews
>are jews
german genocide when
>Most our debt is owned by us - around 70%
No it doesn't. It's the other way around. The US owns 70% to foreign nations. You bitches are broker than a nigger.
Keep sucking, everything is perfectly fine.
It's the right thing to do. I implore you to go on Hartz IV to hasten the downfall of the traitorous government. Nothing will change unless economic hardship grows, people will literally sell their country, culture, people to the globalist snakes and their invaders. Remove that convenience from the equation and people will realize what they are doing.
Rather be lickin balls then getting my ass railed by niggers, you cuck faggot. ;]
You krauts can't keep getting away with it.
Seriously, if Merkel wasn't pushing mass migration of inbred sand people into the EU, wouldn't the EU be much stronger?
Also for the climate change. Every time there is a war in a film it's always cold.
>This will change
I wonder if even the most hard core Trump fan still believes this anymore.
Fuck of nigger
>rather be licking balls than [insert anything here]
This automatically makes you a faggot
Fuck off nigger
>but not the US
>people will literally sell their country, culture, people to the globalist snakes and their invaders
Here whe have the Ossi Neandertalis posting. A subhuman created devolved from chimpanzees braed in secret KGB laboratories in east Germany to get revenge on the West after the downfall of the Soviet Union.
the EU was rotten before you fucked up the whole middle ease in 2010
Lol you think what trump is saying and doing is strengthening the US?
>We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany
If the US made anything good the Germans might be buying more.
I doubt this sort of tweet will encourage Germans to choose American.
Maybe Trump will just 'fix' the trade deficit by making it hard for US citizens to purchase German products.
Putin doesn't like Trump much anymore.
The Putin media have been much harder on Trump recently.
Although they seem optimistic Trump will back down and let them have their way in Ukraine.
Silly krautnigger.
because it's not germany's fault that US products suck, and it's a free market so you can't force them to buy your shit
JEW detected.
Is that how your personal excuse for being a lazy burden to society?
>I wonder if even the most hard core Trump fan still believes this anymore.
Those idiots will believe anything.
>Why is Trump fucking with Germany?
why don't you start paying the amount we deserve
Let's be honest, is it bad if the USA, Russia, and China formed an alliance? They'd butt fuck the rest of the world. Get it done.
The majority of U.S. military expenditure goes into keeping white trash, niggers and beaners of the streets and make share holder rich. It's giant domestic welfare program. So stfu up about foreign defense.
Because "deserve" they way trump and his shills use it is as subjective as it gets, and the rhetoric does nothing but damage geopolitical relations
Nazis BTFO
Why don't you realize that you had decades of economical success selling made in usa to bombed out Europe?
We don't care about your cucked country of mongs anymore, you are a failed state now.
>If the US made anything good the Germans might be buying more.
Yeah, kraut iPhones, software and search engines are killing it.
U.S. will be out of business soon.
>does nothing but damage geopolitical relations
who gives a shit. if they aren't paying then the we have a right to pack up and leave
>why don't you start paying the amount we deserve
Amount of what, dip? Do you want free money from Germany? Americans are all welfare queens.
>who gives a shit
t. Intellectual manchild with no understanding of human societal history
>the amount we deserve
coming from the country flooded with jews, nigs, and muslims who have no reason to be there...
>posts a chart proving what he says
are you fucking retarded?
Can someone explain to him that we don't have a trade deficit with germany?
>your cucked country of mongs
>Germany is literally being invaded by mudslimes
>has the highest number of furries in Europe
lol whatever you say muhamed
You should unironically purge these deficient chimps.
>muh iPhone muh Facebook
Faggot industries like what litters your west coast is all fun and games compared to German industry, or Danish for that matter.
Did you know that Danes produce the insulin that keep you fat diabetic fucks alive?
And did you know that the US can't perform controlled capital punishment anymore because the EU embargoed the chemicals you used for this?
No amount of social media sites are going to make up for your complete dependence of the real industry in the rest of the West.
>if they aren't paying then the we have a right to pack up and leave
Winke, winke.
>Do you want free money from Germany?
considering that we are the muscle behind you then yeah
You have absolutely nothing to worry about from germany. Pretty much a non country. They have ZERO military power. Plus without Austrian leadership they are unable to fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
Right now you could take Berlin with 20 armed men.
One day. This past election was an example of the stupidity of our population coinciding perfectly with a remarkably stupid candidate that was able to "relate", just by saying stupid shit. I doubt we'll ever see anything like it again.
>Looks like Putin's plan to hurt or destroy the American-European friendships is working out.
Best Russian foreign policy in the last century. If Khrushchev did this instead of banging his shoe on the table, America would've lost the Cold War.
fuck off reddit
Hey buddy why don't you try looking at the picture you posted. Looks to my that by your own graph the US owns ~66% percent and china owns only 13.7. Is something wrong hans, did your wife get raped by a dick of peace?
You proved his point, Hans. Stop being a fucking retard.
>muscle behind Germany
Example? Which situation/conflict had the US being the muscle, which implies that Germany was the brains.
>US corporations
You're in for a surprise lad.
>are you fucking retarded?
No. You're just color blind you retard.
Can you see the letters?
He thinks that NATO is some kind of protection racket and that victimizing ourselves is a sign of strength.
>why is trump fucking with Germany guys!?!?!?!?
>hah hah totally don't care if they go though
your attitude changes quick whenever you want to seem right it seems
You german fucks havent been friends for 50 years, you just suck on the american tit
We can make your president have bipolar twitter episodes?
You country is becoming a joke and it's not even funny.
fuck off reddit
There is a reason why the US pays for other countries protection. They want to be in charge! Countries like Germany Japan and Panama give up their military sovreignty and get cheap defense in return. It is the US own fault that they pay so much because they want to be in charge of everything.
Importing more than you export isn´t really that bad of a thing I would say because you get more value for every dollar you export.
Germany has the exact opposite problem. We export a shit ton of stuff but don´t import the same amount so we loose overall value.
Hope I´ve understood that right please correct.
But still we...owe money to fucking Brazil...a 3rd world nation, so what does that make us?
I wish it was a wake up call to your beautiful country, still in doubt how this will play out and how much damage will be done by then.
>Countries like Germany Japan and Panama give up their military sovreignty
This nonsense again...
>which implies that Germany was the brains.
are you really implying that every weak person is some super genius?
Are you autistic friend?
I'm pretty sure getting triggered by spaces between lines is a key tell.
Okay I'll bite.
Anything we owe the US I painted red.
Anything we own other countries I painted green.
Now even a retarded sand nigger like you can understand.
blame russia some more
because Germany has been trying to control europe for a long ass time 2 world wars open borders EU and what else? germany and nazis remember you can never let germany EVER get control of europe. not to be trusted
We'll see immediately following the midterms. If the democrats take back the house and senate the damage from trump will be limited.
If the repubs keep the house it'll be a toss up.
I'm pretty sure using reddit is a key sign of autism
This, people are too stupid to understand that it is a comfortable situation seeling products which don't have to compete by price while buying the worlds trade deficit with a strong dollar.
There's a reason most wealth is accumulated in the US.
No. just commenting on whichever autist said that America has always been the muscle for Germany, which is why they owe us what we "deserve".
The whole idea reeks of intellectual vacancy.
How do you know how they type or whatever there autist?
id take trump over merkel any day. not sure how big a faggot you are to prefer the opposite
but i guess growing up in germany you are probably used to being a nu-male. which is fine i guess, just enjoy and your country will have to pay more in to NATO but it wont affect you
The Federal Reserve is own by Israelis and Jews like Soros, those U.S. Individuals and Institutions are mostly Jews holding dual citizenship with Israel, the various trust funds are managed by Jews with dual citizenship
good lets team up with the other superpower and let these soviet union light EU types destroy themselves.
then don't make the claim then lol. For someone calling people autistic you sure do sound like one
I've lost all respect for Germany. Go cuck yourselves. Your once proud nation and culture will be completely destroyed by immigration in a few decades so what's the big deal? Seems like your anger is misplaced and you need to vent it on Murica.
Aren't most German products sold in the U.S manufactured in the U.S anyway?
>went to Trump university, bruh
Never voted Merkel, never will but actually yes I prefer a rational calm physical chemist to a demented ranting soap-celebrity with a bipolar disorder doing family first.
Kill yourself first, now how about that you fat burger?
>how do you know they are autistic?
when they say "intellectual vacancy." and then follow up with "how they type or whatever there autist?"