What a whore, she deserves it
What a whore, she deserves it
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As a third wave feminist, I could care less about this.
fake news. Adultery is racemixing. the root of the world is adulter, which is to make impure via an inferior substance.
This is part of a larger campaign by the kikes to obscure the evils of racemixing.
Pakistan in London or in Pakistan?
She was literally asking for it.
When will these bitches learn
>I could care less about this.
American's can't see what's wrong with this.
Suck the bone get the stone.
>literally anyone in the country
Who cares? A white guy commented on a woman's breasts. That's a far more important issue.
Was probably a smooth talker and she lied and said he had a gun afterwards.
yeah i know they have 70% first cousin intermarriage rate.
You both deserve a stoning. It's couldn't care less
waiting for Malala Yousfazi to chime in on this
fuck women.
couldnt care less.
i find islamic treatment of women much more appropriately fitting female nature.
im no a mudslime, but yet : according to women, they are right.
they know well, why they dont believe all the female lies.
in this particular case, all the female lying has backfired.
or has it ? what the hell tells u that HIS time the female is not lying.
I wouldnt believe her one word, desu.
and im a westerner.
we all know, what women do all the time...
yep. i also would not simpley blindly believe her so easily or at all.
we all kow, how women are. they would accuse their own sons, if that means she gets money, OR she can keep some walking ATM (man)
Fuck. UK imported in 50's-60's diaspora to fill labour shortages from the worst country in the world. This is Somalia-tier.
This is the future Europe wants.
Snitches incoming
This x 10000
Don't judge! All cultures are equal!
Watched that documentry, pretty cool stuff.
It's couldn't care less
Like something out of a monty python skit
>raped by her cousin
So her husband then?
>Nobody got your joke.
You did good user.
if you put yourself in a situation where it's possible for your paki cousin to rape you, you're asking for it. stones and stones and stones. spaghetti spaghetti.