Please tell me some coolstories about life of white people living in non-white countries. How's your relations with locals? What's your social class? What's occupation of whites and non-whites?
Honorary guest: SAR and other ""former"" African colonies
We don't Chechnya is Russia now, SAR isn't Netherlands. If somebody even insult Russian person there he will be punished.
Gavin Roberts
Luis Sullivan
>Chechnya is Russia now
Seriously though, while I appreciate Putin's civic nationalist spirit, he's playing with fire letting the Islamists run part of your country.
Nolan Parker
He is not an Islamist. Ramzan is a good manager and only he can handle terrorist problems. I think appointing him is a very clever move
Ryder Wilson
>Most of the time, people who come to talk to me are veterans... they talk till the tears fill their eyes and they can talk no more. >About picking pieces of skull of their best friends which got blown up by a mortar. >About carrying the bodies of 4 dead friends across a crocodile-infested river in a wooden raft. >About the scars they took and the bullets that hissed around them.
>Leaving them and those which lived there was the biggest treason history has ever faced.
from Yesterday's thread: Portuguese Africa, PT Colonial War, white flight of Portuguese European origin from former colonies to Southern Africa countries, Metropolitan Portugal, Cuban intervention in Civil War
>you can't get more redpilled than a retornado i met people who were saved by south africa's intervention, meanwhile all the euro cucks screamed "genocide" at the portugal-rhodesia-south africa alliance
Andrew Rodriguez
thx, I'll read it
Angel Davis
>lets Islamists run their southern border, chinks take over the east >b-but netherlands...
Hudson Butler
>I think appointing him is a very clever move More like a ticking time bomb. He builds Chechnya in the Image of an Islamic Republic He may be personally loyal to Putin but are the next generation of Chechens loyal to Russia or will demand that Islam must dominate?
Cameron Diaz
I don't see how a muslim run province is bad. Segregation of religion is pretty nice, and considering how orthodox and muslims are in agreement when it comes to faggotry and other issues, it could be a very sweet deal. I don't know who pushes the anti-Russia propaganda around the world, the US especially, but Russians are trustworthy, look at how they are standing up for Assad.
Juan Thomas
>take over the east It's not true, Chinese don't have power here >southern border What are you talking about? Border with Central Asia? They are not Islamists at all, most concerns about Caucasians regions, but they are our territory and we are handling this problem
Josiah Wood
>we are handling this problem
We are still waiting, for 20 years already.
Jose Jones
Oh yeah, like you've been handling it since 1992?
Owen Wood
Anything muslim run is shit.
Daniel Allen
K of Saudi Arabia wants them to chimp out and export wahabism. Daesh also operates in Caucasus region. Al-Qaeda also operates/ed there. Chechens - have got different sects and don, you moroccan user probably know better than me. Kadyrov is probably a type of cacique or mobster to keep the region somewhat funcional and with low insurgency levels, and threat other regions of Russia.
Jaxson Jenkins
We did a lot. We got rid of Ichkeria and killed main Islamists leaders. We couldn't manage to resolve it until we made good economy. But your boss - the USA interfere with out economy imposing sanctions.
Ryder Peterson
By the way, they're are the """raperefugees""" of EU coming from Russia. Masterrace, my ass. Illegal economic migrants probably after EU's gibsmedat
>I don't see how a muslim run province is bad. They will become separatist at one point if they're not rule by Russians. The Russians will have to destroy Grozni again