>go to subway
>order sub
>walk outside to car
>nig approaches
>tells (not asks) me to buy him a sub
>say no
>get called a white supremacist
>go to subway
>order sub
>walk outside to car
>nig approaches
>tells (not asks) me to buy him a sub
>say no
>get called a white supremacist
You enslaved his family and can't even buy im a single Sandwich. wow, just wow
also apologize drumpfkin
I was walking around and these two nignogs asked me for money so they can get food. I told them no and they kept saying "Hey reptillian!" At me as I walked away. What did he mean by this?
I think they're basing it off the myth that we're ruled by reptile people in the shadows i.e. like the Illuminati.
imblying they are capable of deep thought
To the majority of white people, being called racist is the worst thing a stranger could call you. I'm surprised he was smart enough to go for the vitals.
Of course, he could just be drunk off his ass like all the others.
you should have bought him the most disgusting sub ever and made him eat the entire 12 inches then curb stomp his nigger ass
final meal bitch
> get approached by african beggar with hand extended
> "amma poh niggah, me suffah alot"
> give him the stink eye or tell him to fuck off , depending on how I feel
> day is ruined
I get harassed for money literally every time I go out anywhere, even to the corner store. The whites usually just ask for a few cents, the spics try and and get all personal and friendly, but the niggers straight up treat you like shit. I saw a homeless dude with a dog one time and I bought him some mcdonalds and bought the dog a few cans of dog food, look on his face made my day
>leaving gas station
>black crackhead lady in her 50s
>"ay sweety you gota dollar?"
>give her two dollars
>"ooo boyy you somethin sweet, i bet ya taste sweet too"
>regret giving my pocket change away
white homeless dude
why did you get a nice gumjob for that extra $1
You are a good person user, you made that guy's day/week.
>walking across bridge to work
>see a fellow of african descent bum a light off a passerby up ahead
>he turns and walks the way I'm walking when I pass him
>"Ay yo man you got a dollar for me?"
>shake my head no
>"I jus tryin to catch the bus"
>shake my head and say "Nah"
>"Racist muhfucka"
this actually happened to me this morning, no LARP. glad I saw this thread so I remembered to post
it's just so blatant now
Because he's fucked in his head off the drugs.
Native Americans who beg sometimes ask why "you are buying things if you can't give money."
White people make shit up, borrow dogs, trying to scrounge beer money.
That's just where I live though.
month or even his year, cuz I'll be there for youuuuu
should've bartered half a sandwich in favor of his sister
I had a nigger swing at me after work for not giving him a cigarette as I was smoking my last one.
>I showed the fucking coon the empty pack
Looks more like a dog than a human.
I ask them for stories if they want my change. Homeless people have the best stories.
>one guy had a farm in nebraska, sold the whole plot of land and all his equipment and blew all the money on meth
>another guy, nog, got evicted because he was hosting illegal boxing matches
>one dude straight up told me for 10 minutes the process behind creating/maintaining aquariums and marine storage equipment
he was right though. why deny it?
>be in the "walmart" of sweden (cheap grocery store mainly for poor people)
>stand in a long queue
>new cashier opens right next
>nigger with his 2 kids who was at the back of the long queue rushes straight at it and pushes everyone
>white guy who was in front of him in the queue kindly asks if he can go first because he was in front and only has 2 items while the nigger has 2 full bags
>his kids starts crying and begging him to stop chimping out (desu these kids where so white compared to him)
>cashier calls security
>security comes
>nigger starts getting physical with security
>security pulls him down on the ground and calls the police
going to cheap grocery stores have its bad sides
I bed he is going to get a headline in a lefty newspaper about racism
>gypsie faggot talking about others
I often heard about this. White homeless people in America are humble as fuck. If you hand then an Old shirt or some food they are literally the most thankfull people ever. You did something good, user, quite heartwarming.
Though this doesnt go for all white homeless. Here in Europe most of them are wellfare leeches and just sit there because they do not WANT to work.
A friend of mine gave a guy and his dog some Dog Food and something for him as well.
He asked her for money so he could buy Crack.
>gypsie faggot talking about other gypsie faggot
Had similar things happen to me. Went to nig town one day and I pull up to a gas pump. Some nog ran up to me before I could even put my car in park and asked if "I needed anything from inside" and that he would be happy to get it for me...I say no thanks man and he calls me a racist. No joke.
Thats not true. The modifier for homeless behavior is drug addiction and motivation.
Drug addicts are wild assholes.
Career beggars are also violent.
True homeless people are truly sad cases who dont get enough help.
Shut up gypo!
Ive been hearing this same storyline from a lot of people lately, in real life. Guess this is what 8 years of Obongo's foo stayums has turned into.
>True homeless people are truly sad cases who dont get enough help.
I don't believe this meme. There are so many associations, religious and non-religious, here in Portugal to help them it's fucking ridiculous if you are starving. These associations often demand that you turn around your life to help you, namely by giving up drugs. Knowing this, I almost certain that any beggar or homeless person is a drug addict. I'm not going to help those, tyvm.
Come out of grocery store with my breakfast foods, asked by a drunk native "you got some change man?"
Me, "No sorry"
"Ah come on dude, I just saw that lady give you change."
"Yeah, go get it where I got my money, a job"
Go back to your caravan Radu
This is absolutely 100% true. I spent years in Philadelphia. Niggers are the absolute worst homeless, they are demanding and entitled and will insult you or get aggressive if you don't give in to their demands. I never give money to homeless niggers, fuck em. But I will sometimes give to particularly pathetic-looking bums of other races if I'm feeling generous.
In america you can get hurt and go bankrupt paying medical bills, lose your job, have your family die etc. And you won't get help unless you are a single mother.
You get dirty from sleeping outside. No job for you. Go to homeless shelter with abusive crazy people, don't want to be around them, get called ungrateful. Risk of rape and violence especially if you are a girl. The workers don't like you, don't care about you. It's only there because liberals wI'll complain if it isn't there. But at least they complain. Conservatives tell them to get a job and shit on them for sleeping on the street, Spike walkways.
It's awful for homeless people.
The 2 teeth remaining, the lazy eye, and hearing that crackly, raspy voice didn't turn you on?
Because some whites feel guilt for being called one, thus it's the closest thing to an insult his chimp mind can generate in order to coerce you into buying him food.
Feel good. You aren't a submissive little bitch.
THIS. Fucking sponges. Where do you live? Arizona?
>go to church in poland
>some gypsie speaks something in polish and begs for money
>walk in church and don't give a fuck about that gypsie (gypsies are scammers)
I couldn't care less if they called me a racist. Just respond by calling them a nigger. They all know their inferiority and it still hurts them. Grow a pair.
fetal alcohol syndrome
This isn't a story. You can just say you don't like Gypsies.