Is there such thing as free will?

Consider the following: everything that happens in our world has a natural cause. If the same applies to the human mind, that means that all our thoughts and actions have a cause.

If that's the case, there isn't such thing as a free will, because everything we do is determined by chemical reactions in our brains.

free will is a real consequence of our inability to see all the strings + exigency

Compatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are compatible ideas, and that it is possible to believe in both without being logically inconsistent. Compatibilists believe freedom can be present or absent in situations for reasons that have nothing to do with metaphysics. They define free will as freedom to act according to one's motives without arbitrary hindrance from other individuals or institutions.

Who cares? What do you gain by finding an answer to this question? It is completely irrelevant.


What do you mean by exigency?

What do you mean by arbitrary hindrance?

No, it isn't. Our entire (((modern))) society is designed by taking free will as something certain.

Free will is just a front for weak will (which is choice)
Strong will is the key (I MUST do something... there's no choice)

One is imperative, masculine.
Other is passive, feminine.

Just do the one which ends up in the better results from your experience and observation.

It's all but irrelevant.

For example, you can't punish a criminal if he wasn't acting voluntarily.

Without a doubt punishing crime works as a deterrent.

There are a lot of ifs in here. Replace those with solid evidence and then you can dismantle free will. Until then, you have to think about what the motives of those telling you free will is and illusion are. The reason is often disguised as enlightenment. What use then would there be to tell someone they do not have free will, then use that very line as a way to tell them they are free from an intellectual prison?

If there's no free will, deterrents don't work.

Look at countries where a new law was introduced and where this law is enforced. Then you can clearly see if it works or not by the change of behaviour.

Correlation does not imply causation.

But there is empircal evidence.

>What do you mean by exigency?

hunger, thirst, will to procreate, etc.

uncertainty in the face of these things requires will to fulfill them

Yes ! You always have free will. You must have means to act on it ($$$). Even if you were in a North Korean gulag you have free will just no means to act on it, and if you did they would set you free....
Pic: related

I can fap when ever I feel like it I could even be fapping right now so there free will exists 5 times a day.

hard determinism is the truth,
buti t feels free so why should you care?

Because it means we could scientifically predict the future.

so basically they cant make up their minds.
like agnostics

free will is an illusion, it is a product of perspective. that perspective is not being able to see the future.