post your nazi collection.
i am curious to see them
Post your nazi collection
I have a few reichsmarks, no pics until I dig them out.
C-c-can i post my Fascist Italy collection?
i would like to have a nazi ring like this one for example if anyone would email one to me it would be amazing...
you have a good collection, user.
of course viva il duce lol
Same as the other britbro, got a bit of 40s era currency but nothing as legit as the armband.
to the victor belong the spoils, right?
nice to know we're still sitting on it
All this belongs to my grand-grandfather, who was a fascist captain and colonial governor and who was made prisoner by the British in Kenya.
Sorry for the bad quality my phone sucks
I have a poster of airplanes in World War Two and it has a swastika on it, Does that count?
High-quality Aryan scalp. Willing to sell for some good shekels.
Hairy armpits you have there, shlomo
Very nice
>tfw even the kraut admits that aryan scalps have about the same aesthetic value as a jewish armpit
Thank you ameribro
as an ashkenazi jew i consider myself a nazi memorabilia.
Donnie is that you?
Not having the most famous Nazi medal of them all user?
Yeah bro let me just scan this Nazi ring into my computer and fuckin email it to you. Just fucking google you asshole.
super cool
Ask some Balticum user.
The Baltica-SS Divisions had Rings.
When we cleared out the home of my grandmother we found "Mein Kampf" and put it into the trash where it belongs.
Aren't you dumb as a box of rocks. First issue is that it's history, and as much as you Austrofags who started not one, but two world wars, you cannot re-write history.
The second issue is that they are worth a bit of coin on the collector markets, with the large ceremonial version being more valuable than the smaller, everyday copy.
I used to have the helmet of some kraut my grandfather shot in the head.
Just have some nazi coins myself
Obviously not a Nazi ring. That's WW1 war financing jewelry.
Here's a shitty pic of Opas Iron Cross first class. He also had second class but the ribbon is gone.
I got this helmet. Wish I knew what the white band painted on it means.
Now go and suck jamal's cock, you cuck.
It means your a fucking leaf thats gordie howes retard helmet
The Luger is such a nice gun
It's amazing how people shill for a dirty Austrian/German dictator who would have had them killed.
Why are American whites so worried about European whites. Europeans have never been friends with each other. We didn't consider the Irish white. We didn't consider Germans white at one point either. Pan-European sentiment is just a new retarded sentiment. Europeans mixing with other Europeans destroys the heritage white nationalists and nazis push so strongly for. Europeans mixing with Europeans is no different from Arab Muslim invaders or Sub Saharans raping Swede girls.
my great grandfather killed some jews time know ss skanderbeg? you dirty kike
What you have is possibly a Luftszhutz helmet but what baffles me is the white band because there would usually be a beaded line that circles around the entire helmet if it was a Luftschutz helmet where the white band is so I'm not really sure what it means. Someone could've grounded down the beaded line or you could possibly have a M1934 civic model police helmet.
hahahahaha i just saw sorry i meant to MAIL bot EMAIL lol
that's all I have.
>pic related
Your great-grandfather was the town's official SS Nazi boot cleaner.
That's a civic helmet, see the multi hole ventilation. Assuming the white marking is even original WW2 (helmets were widely used after the war) it could be police, fire, civil defence, etc.
Fire Brigade of the Luftwaffe? Does it have a flying eagle on the other side?
Yes goy! swedes and germans are white thats why subhu- I mean black interracial dating is important
t. untermenchen
still better than being a jew,getting gased and stuff
Don't argue with goyim. We're better than them and they know it. Don't stoop to their primitive sewer rat level.
Just take pride in the fact that they are being flooded and will be destroyed and replaced with cheap Schvartze labor within 100 years (give or take 50 if all goes well).
All I have is a few coins and a military scarf from the Eastern German commie days. I should beef up my collection sometime.
It's either a Polizei, Feuerwehr, or Luftschutz helmet because the Wehrmacht did not have the double ventilation type on anons helmet .
Hold it right there, Schlomo... you think you're coming here when you're done destroying America? We have enough leftists as it is. Enjoy your shoa.
Nice shoku im
>We didn't consider Germans white at one point either.
German-Americans are America's largest single ethnic group (if you divide Hispanics into Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, etc). In 2013, according to the Census bureau, 46m Americans claimed German ancestry: more than the number who traced their roots to Ireland (33m) or England (25m).
It looks to be a civic model helmet judging by the illustration I have.
user, can you please take a side view profile picture of your helmet?
Looking for a wehrmacht Stahlhelm and/or a SS cap (with totenkopf and shit)
What are the best websites to find one ?
Bad grandpa
Damn, jewboy!
If it weren't for the kikes in Amerika who love giving you weapons and money, your ass would belong to Palestine. Go ahead and cower behind your walls.
Zionist, prick. I bet you don't even wipe on the day of the Sabbat. We're nothing without New York. Israel may be the crown jewel, but this purity spiraling has gone on long enough.
Coming soon:
>Program of the NSDAP by Feder
>Myth of the Twentieth Century by Rosenberg
Jew lampshade would be cool.
This Eagle is from the 1936 Berlin Olympics. I believe it was on the German teams shirts.
Kek, merchant bants always makes me chuckle
that's a nice ring, but I like this one better
Well for starters the the fuck off of eBay since about 95% of German helmets on there are 100% fake.
Good starting places are:
Crusher and overseas caps are between $400-$800 for basic Heer ones and helmets are usually $800+ depending on the brach...Luftwaffe helmets are usually the cheapest ones out there. SS badged items in general are like three times the price of regular ones so prepare to pay a hefty price.
Actually have it signed by the fuhrer himself.
My grandpa was a Jeep driver with 2nd Armored and was part of the first group of Americans to enter Berlin. The officer he was driving told him to drive to Wannsee and they got to go through Himmler's house.
While he was there he grabbed the flag off the boathouse, an Iron Cross, a long service Iron Cross, and an SS Soldatenfreund calendar book with some writing in it that may or may not be Himmler's. It's mostly just about going to the post office and such. Pictured are the calendar book and the flag.
I bought a Feldmutze and an SS Algemeine peaked cap as well just for fun.
Are those bavarian colors?
*stay the fuck off of
In addition to the Eagle I posted above, I have this belt buckle and photo of a German Soldier.
I found an afro pick with a black power fist, I'm making it hold up the belt buckle and photo.
check flag of the poster and then check the ring again
>If it weren't for the kikes in Amerika who love giving you weapons and money, your ass would belong to Palestine
If it were up to the kikes in America who shill for "diversity", I would be living in Palestine already. I know this because we have a whole bunch of them here trying to do just that.
no, estonian
Estonian SS Volunteer Division colors most likely
had a 1942 German infantry trench coat. like an inch thick solid wool. warm as hell. Mom found it and threw it away, I dug it out of the trash and hid it in the attic. she found it and burned it.. I wasn't even racist back then, just found it in the barn and thought it was cool.
You should get a professional to compare the writing to known writings of Himmler to see if it's really his or not.
I don't suppose anyone comes visiting very often with all that up?
>implying i'm religious
>this purity spiraling
What purity spiraling? Leftists are a nation-destroying cancer, and most American Jews are leftists. I don't care if your ancestors believed in desert gods. I have nothing in common with you.
Are you going to march out in those helmets when the race war begins? I wish I'd have a helmet too...
Yeah he really should have taken better care of his medals.
Can you tell me what each of those medals are?
Look at his flag
Why would you put the German Empire flag? Seems out of place, since it's not ideological like the others. It would be like me putting up a flag of the Dutch East India Company.
yeah is really beautiful but i want a ring i can put everyday everywhere i go something like this,that isnt obvisous and people notice it at first..this type is good.and the fact that im a christian makes it better
I used to have a blood stained swastika arm band, but it was destroyed in a house fire. I also used to have a Naval Flag, but a cop stole it when I was on work release in a halfway house type place as an alternative to prison. They confiscated it saying it was racist. Later they sent me back to prison for 7 more years for distributing Aryan Nations pamphlets. They charged me with escape, saying I was supposed to be eating dinner, and handing out pamphlets on my way to the restaurant and back was escape.
>implying I'd try to destroy our people's homeland just because I support leftist policies in America
I don't think you understand dual tribalist morality.
i think most people don't care if you live in east europe
Reproduction German helmets are like $80-$ should totally snatch one up and paint the SS volunteer division markings on the side for when the race war beings
Sorry i was fooled by the shape.
I don't think you understand how good trolling works, Cletus, Either way, this place is full of nation-destroying leftists, so your "dual tribalist morality" meme is just that - a meme.
>Kaitse oma kodumaad!
The Estonian language will never not be funny
>selling Palestinian scalps as Aryan scalps
Not today merchant, I only by Aryan scalps from the anglo blood refinery
My best friend's dad has an mp40 displayed in their living room next as well as his father's fallshirmjäger papers and iron cross.