You better get training for the 2nd crusade

You better get training for the 2nd crusade

>implying there was only one crusade

Is it 1145 again?

>english speaking people education

I'm ready.

How are you going to do that bitch. You can't even buy forks because they are dangerous weapons. In America I have my own Armory. Complete with Reloading my own ammo.

>thinking there was only one crusade

wew bong, if a new crusade happens, it would be the 10th.


Are you an American on holiday in Londonistan or something?

OP is probably from London, so he is hardly human.

Would SKS be acceptable for crusades?
I can easily carry 400 rounds on ammo on stripper clips; but detachable mags are faster/higher capacity?

Jesus, OP, where do we begin? People have already shit on you for the fact that you're a few centuries late on the second crusade, so I guess I'll dive on into my next topic: Do you fucking bongs even know how a firearm works? If that thing was in your cucked little meathooks, could you even make it go bang in the general direction of anything but yourself and your allies? Leave that to us Amerifats, lad. We gun gud. Also your godless and spineless nation knows nothing of that verse of that fairy tale.

>2nd crusade
lmao there are 9. you were Btfo'd in 90% of them and the ones you won, it didn't last more than 10 years.
>Muh Crusades
>was btfo'd in most of them


>Get ready for the 2nd Crusade

>10 years

10 years or 200, who keeps count anyway.

Nice spelling and grammar, sandnigger.

You mean season 2.

> 200
lmao sure
What did I misspell?

i plan to use Ghandi tactics

10th crusade is next you faggot

>second crusade

>owning guns


Then why do ye fucks still bang on about them Abdul? Considering he won and all...also you are forgetting the first crusade...the Muslim one that started it all

lol muslims are sure upset lol

>2nd crusade

There was more than one Crusade. Fucking Christcucks, Goddamnit

Race > religion

>2nd crusade

Where? Birmingham?

>Race > religion

I like races.

Formula 1 specially.

>christcucks belive they will EVER take up arms against anything

>Christcucka fighting the enemies of israel (syria, turkey, palestine, jordan) for them like the SLAVES they KNOW they ARE

>Christcucks think they have stopped keks godtier trolling of their pathetic shilling meanwhile its more blatant and ovbious than ever

>Christcucks literally fulfilling the albert pike plan for the three world wars and the Yinon plan

>Christcusks literally serve a pedophile pope and complain about pizzagate as the very same christcuck shills cover it up

>Christcucks think theyd ever so anything but roll over like good filthy cattle and obey their jewish masters and destroy their own race

We [KINGDOM] now.

Is the chronicled existence of the kingdom of Jerusalem a Jewish conspiracy or something, Omar?

Just look it up on wikipedia, you severe inbred.

Also, how does it feel that the greatest Islamic hero next to Muhammed himself was eternally BTFO by pic related?

Lost EVERY single battle against him and was forced to sign a treaty he found utterly humiliating, according to his own personal chronicler. His butthurt was so extreme he had to torture local Christians to death out of sheer spite.

We really should design a modern day Crusader vestments.

Hardmode: No just putting a cross on a modern soldiers camo gear. No camo colors allowed. Has to look sacramental while also being functional. No KKK hoods. No "knight" armor, has to be modern military gear with Traditional crusader colors of red/gold/black/white, ect.

Example of colors: pic related, but updated to modern military specs.

Are you helper in real life

I already know how to fight with small arms.

>Being an atheist cuck old swede.
Fucking disgusting.


this would be the 13th you fucking idiot

>No mini 14 with high capacity magazine
>No AR


you got a time machine?

Having any sort of material items that shows you are "right-wing" is a bad idea. If you were ever to get in some shit they would search your house and see your Nazi flag and double your sentence, it would be an instant admission of guilt in the authorities' eyes.



Then stop buying into /k/ memes and get some actual rifles.

What kind of training should I do?


Your crusade will be faild again. (stop saying me roach)

Do I wear the uzi with the low tops, or the tec 9 with the high tops?

>its all for Israel
>PNAC was never written
>The pipeline plans that pass through Syria don't exist
>I..its not really about oil..

I want to cuddle my Carl Gustav M2 serial code 1278 and AK4 serial code 440634 again.


>me roach
is nothing I ever said

fucking assholes

>doesn't know about the 1st crusade
They don't give you great education in that theocratic shithole, do they?


We should make a second invasion of Europe

"male" roaches favorite passtime when they're together?
>fucking assholes
pic very related

You nazis

İf you have problem with us come to middle east, ı hope your family can take your grave

BRUH ive got gun skills like riding a bike, ever since I was little.

If its within 300 yards and the ammo is reliable that far, I can put it down even if its got cover.

Half that distance I can hit it if its moving.

I wish I could put those skills to use. Rather than being homeless.

We will make you dig your own graves, fucking roaches

I like you roaches in the middle east
you roaches here, on the other hand...

Im only concerned about friendly fire son.

You guys cant shoot worth a shit, I can.

And im psychic on top of that. I know when you're going to peek around the corner. Nifty trick you don't pick up if you belong to a monothiestic religion.

> im an actual pagan, guilty of sorcery, on a daily basis

Some weed and poison yourself pls and chance your ideology to communism and watch the last years of the European history

and lose horribly

What was that? You literally just threw together a bunch of random words

K bleave this and shut up


Speak English goddamnit

After 500 years, us maybe lose contol of half eastern Europe

maybe speak english?

jij bent vol van stront, makker

Stop giving weapons to kurds, yours are worst allies


opkankeren, landverrader.

that's not how words work, emir

>oh no it's a british butterknife regiment
what's the crusade against, scones?

Or then he can be a man and not caring about that.

It would be the final Crusade.

Deus Vult!


Cardio is already improved this year.
Got a week of canned food together over the past few months.
Got a bit growing in the garden.

Gladly it doesn't look like it'll kick off down here.

Those recievers are punisher logo tier







Oh you remove the kebab with this post pls mercy :(((((. You are relaxed now? Idiot fucking eurofag.

Nope. Als crusaders will die in middle east's sand

join the armed forces?

>how to spot a overcompensating newfag
Calm down you autistic faggot

I am.

Now I just need more small arms training.

Learned the basics in boot camp and military but want to expand my knowledge more. I miss the .50 cal machine gun, such a great gun.

Not a single crusader would set foot on that hellhole, it'll be glassed from kilometers away with cruise missiles.

Do it please. Seriously please do this. I'm bored af anyway

I'm at 80% +/-10 on pistol (mean of 68 rounds) at seven yards, would've rated at eleven but the track system in the range i was at was poorly maintained, last rating on 12ga was 75% +/- 5 (mean 20 shells) at 20 yards. Last hike was twelve miles in five hours over hills (~80ft elevation changes throughout) with forty pounds of equipment in a threeday-plus configuration

haven't found a good rating system for melee and combatives yet and still saving up for a rifle

İf you need a true experience go to Afghanistan. (only a friendly tip, )

Hey genius, that's the continent with all the nukes. You can't even conquer Israel.

Someone do this already

>thinks you actually get to shoot people in modern military
kek, you stand around, get shot at, shoot back at shit you can't even see, they run away.

If anyone is lucky enough to tag a tango, they are either carried off by their bros and you never know, or hey are filled with 50 holes so you've no idea who got the kill.

Then you lose your legs to an IED and your wife leaves you for a real man who didn't need to go on welfare.

This pageant is stupid. There were many crusades. Idiots like you even attacked fellow Christians like us. But Bohemians killed most of them. We will kill you if you will come again and we will beat you same as your filthy British cardinal Henry Beaufort.

Hahah little warrior come the middle east and try to retake holy lands then? Have some fate with old crusaders

Dumb LARPers.
The pope is a faggot, call your efforts to restore rule of law in your own nation something other than a crusade.

Bomb is not a way for capture

Dont worry crusaders are weak shit. They send many crusaders on us in history and we beat them like shit.

so what would your ideal job be? where would you get to shoot people in a non-warfare setting? being a fucking executioner?

We're getting a time machine to join the 2nd crusade?

Let's play nice with the Romans this time though.