Jews are cool. Are you jealous of their culture and high IQ?
Jews are cool. Are you jealous of their culture and high IQ?
No. I find their culture to be particularly obnoxious. Worth sampling, but every bit as annoying and suffocating if you could only ever hang out with middle-aged secretaries.
Most anti-Semites are.
He asked about Jews, not Semites.
Even German Jews have a lower IQ on average than Mormons. Doesn't say much...
I want latkes now..
My best friend is a jew, he's a pretty shit one though. Works at a grocery store for minumu wage. No cool jewlumminati shit.
>1906 Jewish Encyclopedia
sounds like a well researched corpus of studies
Jews are awesome
t. Muslim
>Most anti-Semites are.
ANTISEMITISM = Way for Jews to call you a racist for criticizing their shitty slave cult or ANYTHING they do at all.
Ignore the fact that mutt bred German/Ukrainian Jews are killing Semitic Palestinians every fucking day.
>tfw am friends with 4 out of the 2000 jews in Bulgaria
Want more you mentally ill Kike? They're your books.
jews will be instrumental in helping us become a star trek style society. it will likely be a jew who invents warp drive or replicators
Yes. Every single day desu.
>Says jews are cool
You haven't been demonized by jews for being a White Christian yet, I guess.
every single year you bang your head into a fucking wall, in all seriousness you know that the people of israel are to be sacrificed right ? Many neo jewish dont give a shit about those desert semites, you think a new york jew would care anything about those desert fanaticals all wearing black , smelling like jesus
Also, People here are literally as smart as a fucking tomato. almost everyone here are fucking retarded.
This thread isn't for gay people dude. Try Sup Forums
No. I hate you very much. But potato pancakes are fucking delicious.
Represent! I'm running the media and the banks baby...straight coasting and smart as a motherfucker.
When I'm done revolutionizing my field for the 3rd time I'll think about the whole executive shtick.
How much do they pay you to be friends with them?
Fuck yeah, I'm gonna go make some.
eating foreskin? nty
A real king doesn't need to say they're king.
A smart people shouldn't have to boast about IQ all the time.
Jews are the filth of the earth. Lower than every other animal.
what ? this is jewish food ? i love this!
the high IQ came at the cost of empathy, so no, never trust a race/culture that does not keep dogs as pets.
>Jews are cool
we should warm them up
You first, Amerifats.
Latkes are tasty, you know.
Jews don't have a monopoly on them. Some variation on them occurs in pretty much all cultures in the region.