pol BTFO!

You wish, tranny cuck.

Retarded leftist cuck.

>Doesn't actually refute the original claim of 2 genders

>this is a biological fact
O i am laffin


I've given up on defending genders because of the area I live in but I WILL NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER SEE AN XY AS AN XX.

I think i changed my mind

i actually don't

There are only two genders.

t. biochem grad student


>you don't know shit about biology
>continues to say biology is wrong about chromosomes and gender
Top kek dumbass


>beat the gay out of your kids
If that doesn't work, call papa pence to give them a little shock

there is also xxy and xyx but lets not forget they already went revisionist mode on genetics.

source: I got 100% in the past on a genetics related science paper, and have been told I am wrong on those points since then. (recessive genes and stuff.)

Thing of that is that it's extremely rare



>You don't know shit about biology
>Does not refute claim of two genders, a claim based on scientific evidence

And we're left to assume that the other person is of a higher understanding, but does not prove that.

These people are mentally ill if they think they are anything other than man or woman, this is made further evident by the fact that they can't prove their point using anything other than an opinion

I wish I was dead

please stop make stupid trans famous.

American education

We've got a winner

So what this line means is that if sex is a right then I have full authority to conscript some one for my sexual satisfaction whether they consent or not, no?

Mfw our school teaches us biology, and it teaches us about XX and XY chromosomes, that there are only two genders. It's the class and the text book that shows us the real science, the social clubs want to push their mental retardation onto the school

This is an obvious bait thread and if it reaches 200 replies this place should prevent mobile posters from commenting.

it feels like every thread is a bait thread

shh don't shoa

Nope just screams in the persons face and tries to slut up next to him

>dad rock

>you don't know what your talking about but I won't correct you fallacy
every time

I can never tell if these are satire.

Kek, I just noticed that.

>And you if admit it we'll see what happens ;)

Where have I heard this argument before...? Oh yeah, my ex.


Remember to sage weak bait




>ben garrison

lol! :)

Also STEIN... every fucking time!

>The author is comparing an handicapped person to an animal


all i can see in first panel is them fucking the dog

>gender dysphoria is only for the mentally challenged
well we can finally agree

Keep justifying your mental illness as something biological.If it helps you sleep at night and all.

>an handicapped

hi there italfag... about that "an"....

Leftits can't into logic and would say your wrong even though doing so invalidates their own argument

Am I retarded, where is the edit?

>Behave irrationally and emotionally
>Purely knee jerk reactionary statement founded on prejudiced assumptions
>This proves you're right somehow
>This provides the facts and gives others a chance to consider your argument's validity
Liberals don't know how to argue like how they don't know how to comedy. The only thing a liberal can do to make others laugh is behave like a foolish clown, but even that gets old.

This piece of shit cartoon is cringey as fuck. And wtf even is that fat blonde thing?

The "I"


This user understands how to spot projection. Well done.

Lol but it is truth chromosomes do dermine gender you ignorant fuck

Thanks user

says the guy in the puffy shirt. get yo seinfeld meme ass outa here.

We see your password retard

>t. strawman comics
>t. Sup Forums BTFO

KYS shill

you are wrong about xyx, though.

trolling is an art

but I do

There is XX, XY, and genetic mistakes due to unhealthy cellular activity.


>Most of which are FATAL

If everything fails.
denial and shriek.

I mean, it takes XY or XX chromosomes to make a healthy Man or Woman, but i guess the Artist of ... "this" sure has some chromosomes to spare.

Fuck this LGBTQC++ bullshit.

And they are both male every human with y is male ,every x chromosome except first one xy is inactive and only partialy affects the body and can lead to literal degeneracy


Somebody post the picture of the "artist"


Trolling is a art
