Kathy Griffin beheading President Trump. Is this ok? No, I don't think so.0
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blood i must have the blood
trump is actually better looking than her
You should be able to do this so idc but imagine the outrage if someone did this to obongo
The crazier they act the more we will beat them.
lmao Drumpf BTFO
take away womens rights.
those degenerates destroy and parasite absolutely EVERYTING !!
enslave them at best
The best thing in life anyone can do is ignore Kathy Griffin. Just ignore.
wow she is so cutting edge.
idgaf because of free speech and all that shit, but just for funsies, let's have ourselves a hypothetical situation:
what if the same thing was done, but with obama's head instead? now, this is all hypothetical, but for funsies, would that "piece of work" ever see the light of day, and if so, do you think that it would get mass media coverage?
Throw her in jail
>give me attention give me attention I'm a dumb desperate whore who longs to be relevant and needs external validation
Same shit, different cunt
That lesbian cunt should be shot out of a howitzer.
Was it that time of the month?
she has aged horribly
Like the press ; say something stupid as distraction. LOOK squirrel. ignore no fucks given.
>Blood coming out of her....wherever
Everyone from Seinfeld has become a psycho jew with their politics
It's an irrelevant distraction like this late-term abortion of a thread
I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul
>you think that it would get mass media coverage?
Yes. The person who did it would be labeled all sorts of negative names as well as being shunned and possibly physically attacked.
>this is how white "people" vent their frustrations
When they go low, we go high.
By the way, they do this shit all the time
Hell, this is a real tweet by the Jew York Times
Going for that mexican market Oy vey!
5 REM Kathybot v20.17
20 GOTO 10
First we steal your taco recipes and now we're stealing your beheading tradition
Fucking white people
Stfu with this shit.
There was all sorts of crude racist shit directed at Obama.
You faggots have no grounds trying to pull this "What if reversed?" shit.
Haha this exactly. They ARE becoming ISIS.
Can you imagine going back in time to right after 9/11 happening and telling people that some Americans would actively imitate the terrorists 16 years later?
Kathy Griffin is a crazy attention whore with daddy issues. This will be quickly forgotten just like every other worthless thing she's ever done in her life.
I don't care about Trump, but seeing Kikes push this "behead white people" shit makes me want to gas them.
Name a single celebrity that made videos showing themselves murdering Obama.
This looks politically incorrect...and u guys don't like it?
Boycott all American entertainment
Is that a tranny?
I mean it her right to be a cunt. She was never funny anyway, just kind of cute in a strange way.
freedom makes the mudslimes buttrage
Did anybody in Hollyjew do this with Obama?
so I take it she is a fan of Mexican costumes
should send her some Mexican face destroying videos
she'd like them
>Kathy Griffin beheading President Trump. Is this ok? No, I don't think so.0
If she ACTUALLY beheaded him yes, that would not be ok. But she didn't, and she has her rights to be a bitch
I heard some comic on a radio show saying she must suck producer dick better than anyone who ever tried to whore their way into Hollywood stardom. Since the 1990s this unfunny ginger has been put into TV vehicle after TV vehicle imaginable in a very concerted effort to make her a star. Most were flops but she keeps getting trotted out even though she only gets uglier and less funny. Stuff like this is probably buying her a few more years.
1) By celebrities?
2) Without being put on FULL BLAST by every media outlet in existence? And no, calling the pictures "shocking"/"provocative" is not negative.
3) Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
Gee, I wonder if (((Griffin))) is in cahoots with (((them))).
I hope Trump gets his small dick cut off.
now I understand why they are all islam apologists
its racist to make fun of her since shes Jewish you sick fucking nazis! Learn your place!
>He doesn't remember Obama was compared to literally being Hitler
>He doesn't remember all the lapses in security, death threats and memes like the one in OP's pic about King nigger
someone do a sidebyside with this cunt and a bunch of isis in same pose
caption will read "can you spot the liberal?"
Rev up the twatter/kikebook accounts boys!!
Can someone with photoshop skills make this look like ISIS propaganda please?
>it her right to be a cunt
>beheads a thing with realistic looking blood of the President
>it her right
>a beatem up game about Anita Sarkeesian
Is this even legal? They think everything is allowed because its Trump, but he is still the president.
Imagine the outrage if it was Obama.
It's art. It's freedom of expression. Deal with it faggots. If you want you can do a similar thing with Hillary.
this is good too
lets make sure to tie it to goatfuckers killing people
Is she becoming Iggy Pop?
Bullshit -
>don't like someone
>behead them
Never knew ISIS was left leaning.
how the go from irrelevant to relevant in 1 easy step. all the cool kids are doing it
None of those came from Hollywood you stooge.
This kind of shit is incendiary and prominent people on the left need to condemn it, I'm talking about the pathetic musicians and authors who always tweet about Trump and somehow have millions of fans. Remaining silent is essentially endorsing it.
>Is this ok?
Yeah, it's fine. I don't care normie culture. Even I know she's a has been, though.
>T_D anons will make a huge nervous poop about this
How dare she? She should have used a watermelon.
>talk about killing niggers non stop on pol
>triggered when some irrelevant redhead holds a fake severed head resembling Donald Trump
wew what happened lads? pol went full cuck.
>Imagine the outrage if it was Obama.
Media had a conniption over a Obama looking dummy hanging from a tree.
Jesus Christ can you rapist make fucks ever take a tiny fraction of your own medicine
God, she is an ugly woman.
He really does. She is astoundingly hideous.
Not from Hollywood. Hollywood always thought and will always think that Obama is the Golden Nigger. But lots of this tier of dumb crap came from nobodies in the right-wing media. Nothing as extreme as decapitated effigies. I bet there were some effigies burned or hanged, but they certainly weren't given real consideration by the media other than to gloat and clutch pearls regarding "racists".
lol thanks for the free propaganda you fucking dumb jewess. how out of touch do you have to be to think this shit is acceptable with moderates?
Can some user shoop a desert into the background and add some Arabic text?
Just a talentless hack who wants another 15 minutes. Ignore this cunt
Reminds me of all those pictures of right-wingers holding severed obama heads.
Oh wait-
Good, more awareness is never a bad thing.
Whoever would find this inspiring in any way is already far to gone.
Yeah because making nigger jokes on Sup Forums is exactly the same as a coordinated media effort to incite violence against Trump and Trump supporters/voters.
Fuck she's aging like milk.
Funny how this isn't a "death threat" or harassment or something. If a man took a picture of himself holding up the bloody severed head of a woman, feminists would have a field day.
Serious question, how did suffrage work? Couldn't we have just let them have their hissy fit? If they die of starvation (from the hunger strikes), so be it.
Every polster should acquaint themselves with the history of societal collapse: en.wikipedia.org
Currently the West does have: Foreign Invasions (Mass Immigration), Sub replacement fertility (below 2.1 in most western countries), unsustainable development with no forward thinking (few people are looking outside of planet Earth), an idealizing of the future (by leftards), an idealizing of the past (by Trumpsters), and increasing detachment by those who do not like either option.
So Sup Forums how will it go down? I think that it will be a reversion/simplification in rural areas and extinction in cities (rural areas will not accept mass migration out of cities in the case of societal collapse since it would compromise their survival, and nukes will fly when the West collapses).
Shes hot!
Is that an endorsement of the ISIS diplomatic school?
How quickly they forget. Oh to be young and naive again.
How is this legal? I remember a few years ago when Eminem got investigated by the FBI for threatening to kill George Bush in one of his songs.
The bitches in the media would be calling for his death if he did that. Even without doing that they call for his death.
You're a retard.
The point is that she can do this in plain sight while American media will NOT decry her or try to erase her name from existence.
Leftists can flaunt their hatred of their hated opponent - they can even depict themselves killing him or holding his body chopped up into pieces. For this, they are praised for "pushing the envelope", or, at worst, given a "Too Far?" headline.
If a conservative were to do this (and, might I add, no conservative celebrity depicted themselves killing Obama or holding his decapitated head...probably because most conservatives adhere to a moral code of ethics that extends past their self-righteous emotions and virtue signalling), they would never be able to find a venue or agency to take them.
I wonder (((why)))?
>crude racist shit
Are you implying the monkey doesn't deserve it?
If she cut his head off, why is it covered in blood, as far as I knew, liquid flowed with gravity.
Curious Obama approves of this post.
Should show respect for the office of POTUS I never sent this while Obama POTUS.
Hahaha good one
>PLEASE put me back on TV, kikes
>1) By celebrities?
Possibly Ted Nugent, but he's just a weird dude.
Katan al Grifaz
omg she' so fucking brave. YASSSS! slay!
Guess all those day of the rope and public calls for rwds were just entertainment and for teh lulz amirite my dude lol good on ya senpai BASED Stickman bash the antifa lolololololololol
Kathy Griffin is uglier than that dead bloody head.