Anonymous sources are always false, remember.
Anonymous sources are always false, remember
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf I hate all sources now
Why is Trump such a bitch for Kushner?
twitter was a mistake
What is the fallacy fallacy, Alex?
Either they're fake or they're not. He can't be a hypocrite about it and expect people to take him seriously.
Even fucking Sean Spicer was bashing anonymous sources in the press conference a few minutes ago despite Trump doing it.
No, you're confused. If Trump cites anonymous sources in his favor against the anonymous sources cited against him, he wins by default because a stalemate just means that nothing changes about the status quo, which means Trump remains president and his people remain where he wants them.
So what you're saying is he's a bullshit artist and his people are stupid sheep.
I was just reading an article about this on Vox or something where they distinguish that Trump isn't a liar, he's a bullshitter. He doesn't care if something is false, he just keeps repeating it and expects his lackies to repeat it as well to prove their loyalty.
Source is irrelevant, they're correct. His lackies repeating his lies proves their loyalty, it doesn't have to prove their integrity.
source isn't irrelevant, vox is flagrantly fake Jew media. besides, isn't the credo of the libtard journalist "RT≠endorsement"?
nobody takes him seriously, you wouldn't have taken him more seriously if he didn't retweet something that you feel like he shouldn't have.
The source is irrelevant when pointing out this personality characteristic, which is perfectly correct. His people repeat his lies, Trump then changes his lies, then his people end up looking stupid and yet are seen as loyal. Trump only cares about loyalty.
No, I'm saying that Trump's enemies are utterly retarded. They're too stupid to come up with anything that requires even a modicum of effort to counter. Literally all he has to do is mirror their bullshit.
Regardless of whether Trump's supporters are "stupid sheep", the real question is: Will he do what they elected him for, or at rather, will he move things the direction they prefer more than Hillary would have? Time will, but early indications are good.
They're not good. There's news today that he's starting to build up military in Syria again.
He gets the fucking liberal idiots to call themselves out.
>trump: "don't believe unnamed sources they are probably made up"
>libtard: "unnamed sources are fine we can't release our sources due to (((journalistic integrity)))"
>trump: "ok i have an unnamed source that clears me"
How is that "calling themselves out"?
Trump has used unnamed sources for years for countless bullshit conspiracies. Then HE'S the one who started calling out anonymous sources when they were bad against him.
The only person getting called out is Drumpf and Drumpftards for falling for it. Literally the stupidest and most gullible people you will ever meet.
>leddit spacing
fuck off back to the cuck farm
>accusing of leddit spacing instead of having a mature response
TheDonald user confirmed.
Is that news according to sources? :^)
We'll see. At worst he'll be as bad as Hillary would've been. While that would be very unfortunate indeed, seen within the proper context (i.e. him vs Hillary) it's still no net loss for Trump supporters.
Ok redditor, let's hash this out. You are unable to attack Trump directly, because now he's not a "liar" but a "bullshitter". Ok, that's fine. That just means he knows exactly what he is doing. So you redirect your attacks to his supporters for blindly believing him. Has it ever occurred to you that we like the fact he's a bullshitter? We knew he was a fucking bullshitter the entire time and you're just figuring this out now? It fucking burns your balls that this entire time Trump hasn't been the "retard" you claimed him to be, and he might just know exactly what he's doing. You are a bunch of fools who are having the longest temper tantrum recorded in history, and are grasping at every single straw possible to somehow convince yourself that you're superior to him and his supporters.
You are a fucking loser. Your entire side lost. People around you are speaking up finally after years of you fucking limp-dicked low-T faggots were in control. Fuck yourselves, you are on the bottom rung, go neck yourself.
Trump is still a retard. The very fact that he's a bullshitter proves that. Anyone who demands loyalty over integrity is the epitome of a retard. That's not how government works.
His followers are the worse retards, however. Scumbags can't gain power without stupid cucked people willing to hand them that power. They're literally the worst human beings. The most un-American cucks you can imagine. People who willfully want to damage America all because they fell for Russian memes.
You're garbage. Worse than garbage. You need to recognize that you're the cancer that's destroying this country. Not muslims. Not blacks. Not mexicans. But you. The right-wing trash with low IQs who believe in fairy tells from a book that's been disproven time and time again. You're the definition of a cuck.
I'm glad we hashed this out so that you understand your place, and understand that you mean literally nothing to me. You have zero respect from anyone who respects this country. You're one rung below being a traitor.
>anonymous sources say
That's because Trump uses Sources, and not (((Sources))).
Your holier-than-thou attitude shows the reality of the situation. Think what you want, but deep down, you know you're wrong.
>he actually believed throwing this cliché filled tantrum was a good idea
Cringe. This conversation is over.
It is just you who is retarded.
>anti trump "anonymous sources"
>pro trump "anonymous sources"
Lets be honest the liberals are at least as hypocritical as they accuse the republcans of being
Unnamed source should be ignored, no matter the news.
>get attacked by a cringy edgelord
>I'm at fault for slinging truth bombs back at him
If that makes you cringe then I've got bad news for you kid, you're weak.
Says the increasingly nervous boy who sees Trump falling apart in the news daily.
You're either a troll looking for (you)s or you are legitimately retarded.
Nah player you're the loser cuck. Trump has been dealing with Russia since the 90's the Russian dossier was unverified but not untrue. Enjoy ruining the only thing that allows you to type bullshit that you do freely cuck.
>implying left wingers respect the US
>implying Trump voters should desire the respect of Hillary and Bernie voters
Yeah if the winners were worried about being respected by the losers they wouldn't be the winners
I bet you had an orgasm when Jon Stewart tried to take back patriotism
Pro-tip: You're not fooling anyone
what if Trump was the source?
In the NegaVerse we switched into when Trump won fake news can be countered with more fake news. It's like when you multiply two negative numbers together.
Plz post more hack politicians m8
>Plz post more hack politicians m8
Thx. Will you post trump now?
fucking reddit need to learn how to stop shitting the board with so many useless words
My name is A. Sources, ama
>Trump is a retard for bullshitting!
>goes on to fill the board with paragraphs of bullshit