Why so illegal and why is it a big thing among the elites?
Why so illegal and why is it a big thing among the elites?
Why is it illegal?
Because its a drug
Why is it a big thing among elites
Because they are above the law
Why are you making multiple DMT threads a day? Why are you asking for rational answers to federal laws? Are you some faggy early 20s kid who just stumbled upon "The Spirit Molecule" and now have an unhealthy obsession with a relatively harmless hallucinogen?
I say that as someone who has never been into drugs, but has taken the DMT pill a handful of times in life because it offers an unparalleled experience with regards to the spiritual/psychedelic realm.
It still does not deserve multiple threads a day on Sup Forums.
This is probably the 2nd or 3rd post I've ever made on Sup Forums
long time lurker and the DMT threads got me interested for more answers
There are people that claim they achieve such states through meditation.
Id argue thats an even healthier and a better option.
Drugs are just a shortcut
Word, sorry for assuming the others were you, but it's a weird thing for there to be so many DMT threads. 3rd I've seen in 24 hours. Many in the week leading up to this.
It's illegal because it's a potent hallucinogen. Same reason any other drug is illegal. Why is it classified (at least in the US) in a tier that's above heroin? No idea, but my first guess would be because the government is filled with old out-of-touch retards who make laws about things they don't understand. If I put the tin foil on, it's the same reason LSD is so highly classified on the narcotics punishment table, because experiences on those types of psychedelics (at least DMT, never done acid/LSD) really put the world and life in perspective and make you realize just how out of touch and terrible government tends to be.
The DMT pill was great though, no way to put into words the experiences I've had on it. Given it's not some party drug but something you'll want to try in a controlled environment and with close friends watching you, because if you ingest DMT correctly you will not be conscious for a good 10-20 minutes depending on the person and the dose taken. Ayyy lmao tier shit though.
For thousands of years, civilizations have been utilizing their body to achieve states similar to what DMT provides.
Now we have evolved to the point where we can identify how to achieve these states by extracting the needed molecule and ingesting it however.
Is cheating a bad thing? Do you think it can harm the body at all?
Cuz you don't talk about drugs. You take it if that's your thing, but just stfu about it and contribute to society faggot.
Potentially, I mean DMT is naturally occurring and plenty of doctors/researchers have postulated that a massive release of it from your pituitary gland is responsible for near death experiences or other naturally occurring "trips," potentially even dreams and lucid dreams. It would make sense that someone could potentially achieve a level of meditation that leads to a natural release of the chemical.
That being said, I've done some meditating. Not because I'm a hippy faggot, but because that stuff generally interests me. I spent a three weeks alone hiking the Appalachian trail, at some points spending many hours in meditation. Was never able to achieve close to the level of other worldly experience as a full bore blast of DMT did. I hate to go Joe Rogan, muh aliens tier faggotry, but there's something to it. It's very different from a lucid dream or some other hallucination and much more akin to how people describe out of body and near death experiences, there's a tangible feel of reality to it compared to other experiences.
I watched a conversation on this topic, one of the debators both took lsd, a decent amount, and meditated.
His argument for meditation is that, when you just take a drug and you start feeling this particular way, you dont really know what you are feeling. And i really do notice this when talking to people that do psychedelics, nobody can explain anything, they all just say some imprecise words that can mean a 100 different things.Where as this person could explain this feeling that he usually had while meditating with such an interesting clarity and ive honestly never heard anyone explain the same concept anywhere close to him. But when you meditate and you follow the teachings behind it, and you actually work for it, you are more mindful about the state you are in and you know much better how to use it.
Its a comparison of how would a person who got a million on a lottery spend that money, and how would a man that worked his face off spend it.
Also with meditation you cannot have a bad trip.
I suppose if you are too lazy to try different forms of meditation and to try to do it more than 3 weeks doing it. Then do the drug. But i would advise people to practice discipline while at it, meditate for half a year always in the same time always in the proper way and then dismiss it.
But as ive said above, lottery 1 million, work your ass off 1 million.
I've practiced meditation for many, many years. Just meant that during those three weeks I had the freedom and lack of distraction to sit there in meditation for half a day straight sometimes. I'm still highly doubtful that meditation could lead to the same experience one would get inhaling a shit load of DMT. I could be very wrong, but it would be impressive to say the least.
Interesting. For some people it works for some it doesnt.
I mean, honestly, i really dont care. If you wanna do dmt or whatever drug do it all you want just dont go overboard with it.
I do have something against people that do psychedelics and think they are somehow smarter than others that dont.
If you simply do em and say, wow this feels good. I dont care. If you do them and try to dismiss people that dont, i do care.
Buddhist monks used to meditate in total darkness in closed off caves for days to reach certain states.
Maybe it's something that would take a lot of effort.
An expensive quicker option that we have today is sensory deprivation tanks and silent rooms.
Lots of people say they started to feel unusual things after some time in those, and even those that didnt trip balls say its all around a good experience. Lots of studies saying it helps creativity and even mechanical precision and hand eye coordination after sessions.
More than likely. I mean if you read about the Buddha reaching enlightenment, the dude nearly starved himself to death sitting in pure meditation.
Agreed. Drug fags are generally annoying, especially if they think they are somehow more enlightened by their ingestion of whatever chemicals/narcotics floats their boat. I've never honestly had any interest in experimenting with a bunch of drugs and don't even view DMT as a narcotic that someone could even go overboard with, unless they were a complete weirdo. DMT is more of a religious/spiritual ritual in my mind, it's something that most people try and if they do it right, have no interest in doing more than a time or two per year, if that.
If anything thats a good argument for DMT, its not addictive, not only that but you really have to try your best to do it often enough for it to be a time sink you shouldnt have in your life seeing as trips are shorter than lsd for example, from what ive heard anyway.
From a lot of experiences I've listened to and read, it's often found that people are too scared to do DMT again or that they want to wait a while.
I recently tried it for the 4th time a few weeks ago and immediately afterwards, I knew that I got the message.
They are. They call it "the businessman's trip" because on average, for a legitimately potent dose, you are out of it for 15 minutes give or take. It's not like LSD in it's effects either. From the guys I've talked to who have done plenty of both, where LSD is a mind bending all day experience altering your senses and perception of what is actually happening, DMT is a legitimate out of body, other worldly experience where you are lying unconscious. It's called "blasting off" for a reason. There's no words that do it justice, but for me if I inhale a religious tier dose, my vision starts going into geometric shapes for about 15 seconds then I just leave my body for realms/dimensions/existence there are no words for. The best way to describe the feeling is that you understanding everything that ever has been or ever could be clearly, there are no questions and only answers. Occasionally you feel the presence of...something...beings I guess you could say. When you come back to consciousness it's like one of those fleeting dreams that was so clear, but all the details are beyond memory or accurate description/recollection. The bonus side is I feel completely refreshed physically. My brain functions like I got 8 hours of sleep and 2 cups of coffee immediately upon waking, without a single side effect or any sort of narcotic influence.
Yup, id argue for that reason DMT might be the best drug when it comes to being unable to do it in excess in a measure that would start affecting your life. 15 minutes is nothing.
However it is a psychedelic and as such it would be good to inform people that different drugs affect different people differently and to take it with caution.
>Because its a drug
Tylenol is a drug.
Cheating leads to disrespect of what you're doing which can lead to nightmarish trips.
Every medicine is a drug.
For some reason those are not considered drugs while others are, alcohol is a drug too but youll never hear anyone say it is.
I guess i didnt phrase myself properly but quite simply its illegal because some people decided that its illegal and its a drug and right now a drug is a term used to describe only bad things.
Drug = bad. Which is why noone says medicine is drugs. But when you take mdma or smoke weed or do dmt its a drug its bad!
Why that is, i dont fucking know.
Why is dollar not equal to the british pound, because some old fuck said so.
I've never done any LSD, shrooms or DMT, only experienced with some lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, and the 10-20 daily meditation minutes (very rarely I do more minutes, >50, and get in deeper with some mild, satisfying albeit brief psy experiences). Extremely scarce pot consumption, a couple of times per year, at most.
I've been curious about doing the heavy stuff, LSD, psilocybin and DMT for spiritual purposes.
Do you think it's worth it? Should I expect visible improvements?
What personality changes should I be aware of, any? And would you recommend?
Would these experiences potentially help my creative endeavors?
I've never met a single person who had a "bad trip" taking a medical study grade dose of DMT. I've met people who were uncomfortable afterwards taking that type of intense journey outside the physical realm they know, but never a bad trip like you hear with shrooms and LSD.
I'd also argue that religious folks like shamans have been "cheating" since man first discovered the psychedelic properties of DMT in nature. Who has the authority to decide what is considered cheating and what is not?
Stop making these threads you fag.
All I'm saying is when something is easy you don't take it as seriously, people these days in comparison to those of the past already take very little seriously.
Trips aren't just about the experience given but your state of mind when the experience starts.
Currently you have to take the variable of the fact that youre getting it illegally and people you buy it from can put shit in it that you dont even know or notice until its too late.
So be careful who you buy your psychedelics from people !
>Why is it a big thing among elites
>Because they are above the law
Nail, meet head.
once did DMT after 10 pints of beer
blasted off for 15 minutes into another realm, deeply profound spirital experience and fractal out of body spectral experiences...
then when i came back around, i was literally completely sober, even though i had been legless drunk when i started
absolutely incredible
After doing DMT, LSD is just like a more vivid form of MDMA by comparison.
Since you seem to be chasing those deep, meaningful experiences, I would say DMT is a definite consideration for you. I haven't dabbled with LSD and did shrooms twice as a younger kid. Shrooms are nothing like DMT and I would not suggest them to anyone. LSD sounds like something that I would hate after a while and would not suggest it to anyone, but that's not speaking from personal experience. That fact it's entirely synthetic is a big turn-off for me.
If you do happen to find DMT and are interested, do it with trusted friends and under supervision. Treat it as a religious/spiritual undertaking and not a fun drug experience. Make sure you are in some sort of lounging position so when you do go unconscious, you are just lying there comfortably and not at risk of injury. Also read on doses. The most potent way to do it is smoking. You want to make sure it's off a clean piece of glass and is enough to actually send you off, not give you half-assed, one foot in type of visual effects.
Not a single personality change contributed to DMT, except maybe something positive from the overall realization that there just may be realms/dimensions/something tangible beyond what we all know. I've never seen anyone damaged from DMT. For someone with your intentions and interests, I think it would be an overwhelming positive.
As far as your creative endeavors, no idea. Maybe? Certainly wouldn't hurt them.
I believe it man. I'd always opt to go in sober, but your experience sounds right about par for the course. Ineffable really, no words do it justice.