Destructive consequences of race-mixing in western society

Hi Sup Forums

So, I saw this video:
and it got me thinking...

ITT: we discuss the negative effects of race mixing in white countries and look for policies combating race-mixing for when we inevitably set up our fascist state in a few decades.

>my opinion
- Race = culture = nation
- Racemixing = destroys race = destroys culture = destroys nation

>proposed solutions
- Ban race-mixing
- Deport all coalburners to the nation of the coalburnee
- Deport vast majority of non-whites (only keep the highest IQ ones)
- All mongrels, i.e. children of coalburners can stay if they have a clean criminal record, never leached off welfare and they can only procreate with mongrels (max. 1 child) or not procreate at all
- All violations are punished by public execution

Problem solved. This is literally the best solution. Prove me wrong.
Expert tip:
>you can't

No one? Come on, pol. Race-mixing is at the top of the list of degeneracy.

Have a bump, swissbro.

When your right your right OP


Is this picture supposed to scare me or give me a raging erection?

OP here. Pic-related will sadly occur in a two decades or so. Still too soon.

im thinking mass deportations begin in 2028, at least in Europe. By then shit will have gotten out of hand

>Deport all coalburners to the nation of the coalburnee

So America will have practically no women left.

>mixed race shitskin baby looks like its already exhibiting signs of retardation
This is why you never race mix, especially with a pajeet

>calls an infant retarded for drooling
It's a baby, Pajeet.

stop posting on pol and start making children with a swiss wife. We are dying out

Drooling infants have been scientifically proven to always grow up with IQs lower than 90

Why don't apes mate with monkeys? And why do all creatures have a different species but when it comes to humans they call it race?

[Citation needed]

is this what the modern white woman wants? a fat shitskin?

>swiss wife
I'm a slav, so I'm not white, so I can't race-mix with the swiss.
I'm urging guys like you! Go go go!

They should've never gotten the right to vote. It's like giving a say to a child on how to run the household.

You guys cussed on a screen because a white woman had a baby with an indian guy who acts totally like a Swede?

Sup Forumstards need to 1. get a life 2. kys themselves


Because (((marxism))).

"We are all equal"


The negro is an inferior subspecies.

Yo, relax, Sve- ..I mean Abdullah. It's not that couple per se but all coalburners combined, who are slowly but surely destroying our societies.

But look how much whiter the baby is than brown.
Poos truly are honorary Aryans.


>- Deport vast majority of non-whites (only keep the highest IQ ones)
>- All mongrels, i.e. children of coalburners can stay if they have a clean criminal record, never leached off welfare and they can only procreate with mongrels (max. 1 child) or not procreate at all
>- All violations are punished by public execution
What if we just killed all the subhumans?

One user said the baby will turn much darker as older it gets. I know of a half haitian/half white dude who also had white skin as a baby.

I'm not a swiss either but i larp as one. To bad that swiss people are really dying out and being replaced by the superior albo race.

I know this is an important topic for you but dayum

We will exhaust every option before we get to that, so no one starts crying and for historical brownie points. But if the subhumans were to chimp out and refuse our orders, that would be the last resort.

underrated meme, you rekt my asshole and moi boipucci desu

Are you the aryan albanian self hater? I remember you. But yeah, it's a shame..

no i'm not an albanian. I'm a mongrel italic/slavic but i only consider myself italian. My neighborhood had like 50% swiss people in 1999 now we are at 5 % swisspeople and since 2012 the first albanians came here. I just stay here because the rent is cheap.

I think people should be able to be with whomever they want to be. I don't think people mixing is the problem, the problem is getting non-europeans up to speed with the 21st century.

Islam and the shit religions need an update or maybe just drop them for christianity alltogether. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddism, Shinto and the tolerant educating religions are ok.

Also the arab/muslim killings, slavery and whoreing out of their daughters to relatives must end, it is not european at all. Women choose their own men and path in life without fear just as the men do.

Oh okay. I swear fuck our government. Eritrean scum are pouring in like cockroaches because of them.

But you can't grt non-Europeans up to speed with the 21st centure.

The "21st century" is a purely European achievement. We should've sealed our borders and let them catch up on their own but no... The morons in europe think they can condition uncivilized people to become civilized.

Ain't gon happen, bruh.

This will be our downfall if we don't act by the latest within 2-3 centuries.

>be me
>play basketball after work sometimes
> fastforward 2014
> go to the court
> see 40 eritreans playing football and blocking the whole court
> search another court to play basketball to avoid smelly eritreans

all of them are unemployed and beer addicted i never saw so many niggers in my life like in the recent years.

Alright Bernd, let's take this anti-race-mixing stance a bit further.

- Ban race-mixing
- Deport white men who impregnate minority women to the minority's country
- Deny citizenship to mixed children

Your proposal puts all the blame on women, while men are equally complicit in race-mixing. Can't have a white nation with Asian wives, the biggest hypocrites being white nationalists (see John Derbyshire).

If you don't allow race.mixing you eliminate biodiversity. A single illness of allergy can destroy your population if you don't allow regionally diverse gene threads to mix.

Yes, they waste our taxpayer on beer and cigarettes. Most of them will never even build the basic foundation to work a fucking job. They're also all economic migrants anyway who should be deported immediately. Fucking low IQ niggers. Albanians are angels compared to them.

I was also talking about men but didn't find the male equivalent for coal burner. I've seen my fair share of male race traitors as well and they'll also suffer the consequences.


your missing the key point.
you mention what needs to be done but not HOW ?

How the hell are you gonna implement these steps ?

Unless you have an implementation plan, this is all just a fantasy circle jerk

Taking control of government / monopoly of power

The end.