>96% on rotten tomatoes
>Better than 'The Dark Knight'
>Fierce Actress
>Plot that rivals other DC movies
Where were you when you realized you were just being a misogynistic and that women can in fact be a strong lead character.
96% on rotten tomatoes
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Only the goodest of goys care about Hollywood.
We're all going to see that movie dumbass.
Its probably not a terrible movie, hell maybe is good, but I doubt its that good, its got a 30%-50% boost just because its a womyn movie
>caring this much about other people's opinion
Normies are so dumb.
Shit is better than Indi himself
feminazis just hijacked it. Movie is probably good.
>marvelcucks are so angry that they even started spamming Sup Forums
its better then the Godfather
Sage.. not watching. Don't give a fuck.
Bingo. The new womder woman is hot. She was the only good thing about the Batman vs Superman movie.
>(((rotten tomatoes)))
clearly an unbiased platform, definitely not pushing an agenda
>better than The Dark Knight
Film is dead, Vidya is the last bastion of visual media
>implying wonder woman is some type of feminist movie
No, if feminists made this movie she'd be fat and some type of nigger trans species owlkin.
Gal Gadot is hot as fuck and feminine. I will of course see it because this wasn't Hollywood turning something into a feminist statement, Wonder Woman has always been who she is.
I'm gonna see it just because it pisses off muslims.
its probably pretty good but will get undeserved/excessive praise because
1) woman lead;
2) played by pretty Israeli Jew
Deadpool and Logan are very likely better flicks but I'll see WW because I dig comic book movies and just accept the anti-White male messaging.
>96% "good reviews"
>mfw not realizing RT is a percentage of binary good/bad , while metacritic is an actual average of review scores
79 on metacritic. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it looks terrible, but like all of the recent capefilms, I think it will be generic and predictable. Skip.
>Plot that rivals other DC movies
((( Rotten Tomatoes )))
our gal
Was watching TV earlier and this was on one of those morning talk shows. All they talked about is the WOMAN lead and feminism etc. Nothing about the comic or wonder woman. Even the fucking actress only talked about muh grill power
Not one fucking mention that Wonder Woman is its own comic and was not created out of modern feminism. It's like they don't give a shit about anything as long as it makes them feel good.
>literally watching a muh stronk womyn JEW killing white men for an entire movie
>have the audacity to call others cucks
DCucks are cancer;
Im still trying to get over the last Strong Women film
>skeletal Jew as WW
I hope you didn't actually pay money to see that user
Wonder Woman was created by a modernist bondage-fetish pervert who wanted to literally indoctrinate children into accepting female supremacy. He lived a polygamous lifestyle with two wives (which he saw as fundamental to solving the "problem of gender equality and childcare" - one stayed home, one was the real breadwinner, and he wrote comics) whom he met in a 20's sex cult.
He also spread huge heaps of pseudo-science around regarding blood-pressure tests and lie-detection, laying the foundation for the god-awful polygraph machine. (Hence why in his later years he had been blacklisted from the sciences and just wrote comics). Why do you think classical wonder woman ties people up with the lasso of truth?
Marston was a sick, twisted man.
I'm not. Comics are wild gay and I've seen like 2 of the movies.
>Shit is better than Indi himself
nah look at the rating, ww only got 7.7/10, the (((tomatometer))) is just the (((approved critics)))
Can we take a minute to talk about how fucking anti-white that movie was?
>Early scene of the guys driving around Mexico screaming "USA USA" and being obnoxious
>all white evil organization experimenting on Mexican kids
>Professor is insane and responsible for murdering a bunch of people
>Logan is losing power, wow look at this little Mexican girl who is better at fighting than Logan! Girl power!
>White rednecks being dicks to the black family
The movie made all white people villains and every minority character was inherently good. Not to mention that the plot was so fucking cliche. Logan was a bad movie. The child acting was pretty good though, which was surprising to me.
Well I always liked Wonder Woman. I still have her action figure from the 80s when I was a kid. I used to make her kick superman's ass half the time.
I'm just sick of being called a misogynist and yea I'm really fucking sick of feminism. Wonder Woman is cool. Feminists suck shit.
A DC movie that apparently is faithful to the character. Comic fans will love it. Unlike the feminists who are bitching about the fact the she shaves her pits or should be fat or whatever.
Rotten tomatoes has been hijacked by the moralist left. If the movie falls in line with their propaganda, it gets a high score. I purposely avoid movies with high sores from the site; why would anyone want to watch pure propaganda?
Oh, well I actually have conversations with women and know that they are human beings capable of doing things. But I'm glad that you could only realize this after watching a Hollywood blockbuster funded by Jews, good for you goyim.
Yea it's not Rotten Tomatoes though. They just compile critic scores and meta rate them. So your problem is with the critics in general, not Rotten Tomatoes.
It was pretty good desu.
If anything it was pro-merit. Everyone who worked hard got what they deserved.
>Jewis propaganda praising jewis propaganda
Nothing new
Nobody has a problem with this. You're tilting at windmills, son.
I would fuck that woman so hard in her face that the skin would be hanging from my dick.
Why is she a shitskin?
I have, women belong in the kitchen.
I want to inseminate that woman
I don't care.
Lots of people dont.
It's almost as if their only selling point is outraging people how rabidly they are pushing a political agenda rather than creating a good movie.
Okay I'll be merciful, since we are talking about women. Their narrow little minds struggle with anything more complex than shoes and cake. I think they are taking the feminist aspect because it is still very embarrassing for supposedly grown up actresses - artists no less, we musn't forget the artist bit because that makes it sound serious - to acknowledge the existence of comics or anything nerdy. Ergo, lower class male interest, who are terminally unfashionable with other women and chad. So to cover their asses that they whored themselves out to a branch of pop culture that was the domain of "loser virgins ewww arent they pathetic hahahaha" they desperately claw at anything more high brow to save face. But with feminists usually smearing themselves in menstruation blood and shouting "my pussy my choice" naked in public as a form of protest, that's not exactly the best choice of company they could have made.
Again, I don't care because comic book movies tend to be generally terrible, but I'm guessing this is the mentality going in the background.
Hmm, could it be because she's a woman AND Jewish? I'm sure feminist love it and have inflated the ratings. Also
>caring about rotten tomatoes
not gonna lie.
i saw a test screening, it's actually really good.
i highly recommend Sup Forums watch it, all memes aside.
Right on except the Prof part. He was going senile and acting like a bitchy old fag. The attack was probably the part about him being a telepath and having a stroke. Pretty genius honestly.Now if we could get the illegals to make like the ones in the movie and move to Canada...
havent seen it, my mexican brothers say is great but i have my doubts since marvel comics is pure propaganda and most of the actors are shills.
i also heard that it was anti american (which is kinda rule in the mainstream entertainment)
and antisemite
she's a kike let's not forget it
(((She))) is so fucking hot in a non whore way. Very rare aura from (((Gal))). Seems based as well
That being said, superhero movies are for bronies and weebs
if she doesn't get tied up and writhe around at least once during the movie, it is a sham.
Her mewmew smells of cabbage tho.
Fuck this Israeli whore
>made by a jew
>main character is a jew
>Sup Forums loves it
Literally what the (((FUCK))) happened?
The shitty Halle Berry Catwoman movie from 2004 would get a 60% rt score (the minimum needed to be labeled fresh) if it was released today and marketing pushed the feminism angle in everyone's faces. But it was released when liberals weren't totally batshit insane yet and it got 9%.
I love how everyone is silently pretending that capeshit rivals real cinema in terms of artistic accomplishment.
What the fuck is wrong with people today? I know this is just a tiny thing but every fucking day I feel like world is going to shit. Perhaps because I'm no longer a kid, but I don't know.
>Sup Forums is mysogomatic
you're looking for /r9k/
I wonder if Sup Forums considers alien/aliens sjw movies
>Vidya is the last bastion of visual media
That's dead too.
Time to make up your own stories.
I recommend LSD.
>Wonder Woman is a jew because the actress portraying her is
Lol, no wonder Marvel just has to mash 2 hours of quips and snark into a movie for you retards. Most people learn that Movies arent real at a young age, too much for you Mahvul cucks to grasp though.
>giving a single fuck about what reviews say
Unless every review says its shit, there's no reason to take some other retard's opinion on anything.
watch the movie bitch don't complain just because it's a female protagonist
jesus fuck
As if what RT critics say matters.
I trust the opinion of drunken, suicidal, losers that hate movies more than RT.
>96% from approved critics
>77% from everyone who isnt paid for their opinion
Wasn't going to see it anyways, still waiting on a modern big budget Punisher. Preferably in crossover form so we can have that classic contrast of "shouldn't we try to rise up and be better than the villain?" vs "what is the most interesting way to kill this guy now that I have him?"
>Vidya is the last bastion of visual media
Vidya sucks nowadays whether it be the shitty yearly releases that are broken, the shit cashgrabs based on nostagia, The weaboo games from Japan we cannot play without risking being caleld a fedora or the actual good games that take 5 to 10 years to develop (i am not talking about duke nukem forever).
>Where were you when you realized you were just being a misogynistic and that women can in fact be a strong lead character.
still not gonna see it, mate.
>jew woman lead
>kike dicksucking shills give movie high ratings
Of course.
Why the fuck would someone who posts on Sup Forums seek out Jewish garbage?
Any well written character can be a strong lead, as long as they aren't there to fill some diversity quota.
It is the Citizen Cane of our time.
> fierce
so cringy. can one be more cliche? of course women can lead, but this shit makes me wanna hurl and makes me reject these issues out of hand. just like the word "racist" no longer means anything to me other thqan another epithet to be tossed about by morons. really. it's not helping your cause.
>watching comic super hero movies
Pick one
I'm gonna see it regardless but the reviews are all bullshit virtue signaling garbage. Just like that godawful Jessica Jones show on netflix. See also: all the hitpieces written about Iron Fist after Marvel dared to ignore the crybaby brigade and cast a fucking white male instead of a gook.
What if we made our own game? Like a rpg based on the meme war? Ben Garrison, Krispy Kreme, Trump, and Ben "woke" Carson in the same party fighting the Jews would be nice. We could have a Meme summoning system where you could summon Pepe or Bane to inflict damage on your enemies. Ben Garrison could be like an elementalist that uses Rope, Gas, and Cremate elemental attacks. Actually I'm starting to see an outline here anons. Would anyone play a Meme War Rpg?
hateful rat-faced kike
>implying BvS isn't pure kino
I'm going to go see this over the weekend and there's nothing Sup Forums can do to stop me
DC is pro-conservative and pro-American with their films
Is this real? Can we have some sauces?
It has more to do with Gal Gadot than anything, bitch. She's aesthetically pleasing.
Good is a man who red pills his fellow bros. But great is he who posts sauce. God bless user.
>Plot that rivals other DC movies
...other than Dark Knight, none of the DC movies were good tho.
Capeshit is inherently corporate. All the narratives are formulated to sell issues to collectors. While the characters have basically morphed into archetypes by now, the fact that they're someone's intellectual property means that nobody can use them to tell their own stories, unlike how Robin Hood or Alice in Wonderland were used in the past.
We will never see an Alien or Terminator superhero movie, at least not using any well established characters.
Capeshit is a cultural dead-end.
Ghostbusters 2016 also got many good reviews, because women. Expect the same here. Movies are a waste of money 100% of the time, but since it's your money waste, I don't really give a shit.
>Plot that rivals other DC movies
So it's shit?
a 5/10 by a critic is taken on Rotten Tomatoes as a fresh review.
Go fuck yourselves for caring about that liberal propaganda site you fucking retards.
>paying money to be force fed low-brow jewish propaganda
What the fuck is wrong with people?
A 96% on Rotten Tomatoes is like a 67% on IMBD.
>He lived a polygamous lifestyle with two wives (which he saw as fundamental to solving the "problem of gender equality and childcare" - one stayed home, one was the real breadwinner, and he wrote comics
Alpha as fuck
I think I'll watch the Captain Underpants movie instead.
>Still falling for the movie Jew
Actually I just checked that one and it's at 73% / 60%, all / top. Still better than it deserved. I think it's just the early reviews that get shilled hard to try and trick people into going within the first few weeks.