The MSM Are Losing It
CNN reporter yells at Sean Spicer "IS JARED KUSHNER FAKE NEWS"
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Why are you watching CNN user?
fpbp. Kill yourself OP
Pretty good comeback news conference IMHO. Starting to see the lefties squirm is comfy. Salon just did a article about them basically losing touch with reality.
God I love this timeline.
The pendulum is swinging the other way.
>le fpbp
This is the most reddit shit I've ever seen.
>The MSM Are Losing It
Losing it? They're fucking gonzo. They went full retard a loooooong time ago.
Jesus Christ I actually hope someone takes action against the news. The disgusting lying by these cockroaches disgusts me. Even Bush didn't get as much fake news and lies as Trump and they hated Bush.
I wish something could be done about these disgusting Faggot reporters.
hes not watching cnn...its the white house press briefing...youre both embarrassments
wow I thought Sean Spicer was super awkward and inept then I saw this. He's actually not half bad.
how did CNN sneak into the press room
the only reason you would think that is having read (((MAIN STREAM METEOR))) and not actually watch the guy
>Russia suggests a secure phone to keep a conversation confidential
>implying there is anything wrong with this
>no laws or ethics broken
My president Donald Trumps seems to be the one losing it. You never see him smile anymore. He is constantly under fire and lashing out angrily. Its almost as if he doesn't have the temperament to be president.
well after that whole thing where he said like "hitler didn't use toxic gas during world war II" I thought he looked silly. What he said was true but what did he expect the media would say after saying that? That's what I thought he was inept.
I haven't watched a Spicer Conference in a while, but once he sort of hit his stride after the initial carnival side show, I've been generally impressed by how he keeps the correspondents in line.
Although those times when that Huckabee lady stood in for him, she really just demolished irritating correspondents like she was playing on easy mode.
You seem Triggered.
That same day one of the generals said the same thing in public, although he worded it slightly more deftly. Still, I thought it was interesting that he didn't catch flak for the implication while the MSM took the opportunity to throw fits so they could get back at Spicer.
CNN a salt mine lmao
Ma favorite parts are when he gives a story to the press and my president Donald Trump says the opposite the next day. Like the firing of Jim Comey.
>You never see him smile anymore. He is constantly under fire and lashing out angrily
he never smiled before he's always lashed out angrily. this is not losing it this is him being Trump you're justnot used to him so you aren't sure what is happening. True bubble child
Maybe because... that IS his job?
Losing it? CNN needs to be straightjacketed in a high security psychiatric ward.
Only if you listen to F A K E N E W S
Yeah, it is funny when different components of the administration say different things at the same time. Clearly not quite as organized as it should be sometimes.
I liked when they all give different indications about whether or not Assad had to go and the MSM was all
>well what the fuck
They ask him
>Give us example of fake news
hes doesnt respond with
>anything on CNN
No. according to your CNN fake news, he's merely alone and angry.
>the state of discourse almost six months after a legitimately elected Presidency
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA America, please grow up. The world needs you....sort of.
>You never see him smile anymore
Fuck these reporters. This guy cries fake tears.
Too much spice last night and his but hurts. See?
Remember, it's your duty to body slam a mainstream media journalist, they deserve it
You're dumb as fuck, this isn't from CNN
That was completely overblown
Germany didn't use chemical weapons in warfare
The remark was conflated to be something it wasn't
(Zyklon B was just a delousing agent anyways and wasn't used to gas jews but I don't know if Spicer knows that)
Fuck is Darth Vader doing in the background?
spicer is cringeweorhty
when will trump replace this cucklord??
>Even Bush didn't get as much fake news and lies as Trump
That's because Bush started a war and the media love wars.
This is what he thought being president was all about. Standing and smiling for pictures, pretend to look important while holding papers and signing stuff.
He is running out of people to blame, no matter how much he shuffles his incomplete white house staff, he is the orange clown in the middle.
It's Drumpf who's losing it.
And by it I man his job :D xD
Ducking Americans
Close but trumps white undershirt sleeves don't come out the bottom of his jacket at the wrists. Clean it up
>Jim Acosta throws a tantrum right there
Would love to see it desu
>CNN sperging out over the term 'fake news' when it was their sorry asses who helped to invoke it originally
this fucking world, man
Salon's article made me so happy, glad to see liberals getting blackpilled about how hopeless their future is outside of the coasts/most cities
i think spicers just getting fucking fed up with this lugenpress. i notice him getting more and more blunt and angry with them pretty soon i think hes just gonna snap and start machine gunning the crowd
>spice baby runs like a snowflake bitch
trump's retard crew is a mess
All he was doing was telling the truth. (((They))) don't like the truth
it's absolutely disgusting how fake the Leftist Jew media has become.
How fucking new are you ?
Watch more of his unedited press conferences, he's gotten pretty good at being level headed and dealing with the kike media
Good one Ahmed
They will hate the next
Kill Mooself
lol Orban is loving it
Enjoy getting raped by your "refugees"
When will Germany be referred to as "New Syria?"
In that case I'm not so sure. It's possible, but they seem to do that sort of thing more with leaks and rumors than with having different people saying different things in public.
Seemed like maybe for instance that UN lady thought she was in charge.
wow i can smell the newfag on you
>it's not chemical if you ignite it as it leaves the muzzle at high velocities
Sean Spicer looks and sounds like a guy who hates his life. He's being forced to defend the indefensible. At the same time, he's been demoted by Trump and is giving less news conferences from now on. His reputation will be fucked for life now -- all because he has to keep on supporting lies and shifting, contradictory positions. His life is now its own satire.
People who shout reddit the most are reddit. It's 2011 all over again
Why are they still allowing CNN at these press meetings?
nah Spicer is solid. He goes and plays some Yu-Gi-Oh after these conferences with some aids who also play.
They've got him into MtG a bit, but he still prefers Yu-Gi.
He has Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat/Tekken tournaments with interns. A lot of us are trying to get him to host an Injustice tourney but he's never been big on western comics, so we'll see.
>muh kishner
wait werent they just starting to attack him just days ago? did the timeline shift again while i wasn't looking? this is why you should never take your eyes off Sup Forums lest you jump timelines without knowing