Try not to get emotional
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I cried
>tfw blocked in your country
doesn't matter, you don't consider us Serbs Europeans, and thus i feel no sympathy for you, and openly welcome the demise of Western Europe
Good riddance
Its not over yet you cowards. Europeans will make a last stand and it will be glorious.
Stop falling for shills and degenerate faggots spouting memes. Be a man not a bitter faggot
>he fell for the divide and conquer shilling
>tfw we tore ourselves apart for hundreds of years but remained strong but now we are committing a stealth suicide, unable to fight back
A lot of people on here are weak minded. They did not suffer enough to become strong.
Once their comfortable lives are over they will change.
>unable to fight back
You are able to fight back. Start by avoiding giving your money to your enemies and doing your best to ruin their lives.
Organize. Be brave yet cunning. Drop the people out of your life that are holding you back and be commited to the cause.
Europe is over.
pic related
use a proxy
Europe has a large white majority that will take 40 years to be brought to the point of USA.
Stop shilling defeatism.
>implying USA has not been culturally taken over by blacks and mexicans.
Its blocked now. Thanks Merkel
have you ever talked to an average normie? they don't give a shit, and they never will. Europe will have to die for it to be reborn.
Who's "you"? I, and I presume many other Western European men, see you as as much European as "we". It's the EU globalists that wanna make you look like shitskins cause you guys are much more conservative then our shitty liberal global mindset
Sorta but your country is in a far worse shape than Europe. It will take a few decades for us to get there.
You dont actually need that many people. If just 1% of the nation was on the right track the change would be massive.
They know that which is why they fear even small groups of people who have a couple dozen members
You reap what you sow.
One can only imagine where the US will be in 40 years...
Thankfully, my country is protecting me from those emotions.
Thanks France.
Also Europe is a lot more compact than America. "Cultural spreading" is not going to be as difficult there as it was for the USA.
Point is, within a generation, it is over. Your children will inherit a non-white world, and non-whites are more racist than whites and they will not show you the same kindness you showed them when they will be in the power position.
Everybody thinks you are european in reality
fuck europe. you deserve 10x worse.
Let us not forget whose fault it is
That choked me up, goddamn. Please yuros, do something already. Europe is but a side of my heritage, but I do feel a connection to it and it fucking kills me inside to see its own people will it into a deformed and corrupted version of itself. Fight for your people.
drop dead nigger
You can imagine easily. It will be between 30-40% white and whites being the second largest minority still being called privileged and treated like shit.
Less and less whites will be able to get good jobs because of diversity quotas,
I didn't ask for these feels.
If the swastikas were taken out of that and replaced with more footage of "old Europe", it would actually work quite well for redpilling normies.
Fuck you OP. Straight to the fucking heart. I shed a tear. Only one tho
We wont just give up no matter what happens.
And no my children will live in a white society no matter what happens.
>use a proxy
not gonna risk getting v& by Merkel Internet Gestapo
You don't have to imagine it, just ask me and I can tell you right now.
Believe it or not, this was once Rio de Janeiro, the old Brazilian capital. Now, it's nothing more than a cesspit of shitskins and degenerates, riddled with slums populated by the worst types of savages. You don't want to become Brazil.
91% white versus 54% white. It's also worth noting Europe is a collection of over 300 extremely ancient cultures, with different nations, heritage, beliefs & politics. America is a united federal nation with one government that is also being conquered on a state and federal level. Not to mention you have had a nigger president.
Europe will fall, if the scales don't tip in our favour. If they do, and they will (and are as we're witnessing this campaign of terror in real-time), we have a lot more options and chance of success than your ruiness mess.
I apologise for the Kike owned Brits' part in destroying this,
I would rather the whole world went down in nuclear war than for our lands to end up in the hands of shitskins, jews, niggers and halfbreeds.
First make sure enough nukes saturate Africa in radiation and outright destruction, then Israel, india, china, New York, Chicago, los Angeles.
London, Paris, all of it.
Every last nuke launched and on target. 50,000 or so. A lot will be weak, they'll be appropriately used on power plants, infrastructure. So none of it can survive.
Irradiate the Sahara completely, dump all the fucking expended uranium from every power plant there so it can never be crossed.
The world can be a wasteland, or better, a graveyard.
Better that than have subhumans in a fucking planet of apes.
We also have 700 million people white people here vs around 150 million in the US which is a hell of a different. In a more compact area, as you stated too.
That feel...
Risen from ruins to become the most beautiful country the world's ever seen. But all good things must end apparently.
nobody really wants to come to you country anyways idiot. even us ex yugos just want to make money there and leave as soon as we can.
saved by your own insignificance
I wish. There are loads of Asians and Blacks in my city. Along with tons of Albanians in the country and all sorts of other people.
Video did nothing for me, but I always appreciate the voice of Andrea Bocelli.
lol this isn't a dick measuring contest. USA is lost, this is known. But Europe is now also lost. You are talking as if some "final stand" is going to take place, but this is not how this modern war is or will play out. The white genocide is ALREADY happening, my friend. Nothing is or will abate it.
Apart from every woman there over the age of 30 had been raped by Russians and Americans.
They were doomed by the jew.
Unless we do something, there will come a time where we can't even talk about this - anywhere.
We already can't in real life, and most places on the internet report you to the thought police.
you wish
My bad. You were talking about cultural spreading not taking place in Europe as it does in America, I thought it was a comparison.
>The white genocide is ALREADY happening, my friend. Nothing is or will abate it.
Except a reverse genocide or large scale civil wars across the western world. Something we'd be more equipped to do. And in higher numbers.
At least Islam had the golden age where Christianity in Europe only stopped progress. I don't see how this is bad. Europe is becoming more tolerant, less Christian, and is open minded.
Also it really is worth going back, even to old articles or posts, of attacks that took place between 2010-2015 to the attack on March 21st 2016 in Belgium, even to now. The reaction is changing. And it's not a left wing/right wing issue in a lot of European countries, since old Labour voting constituencies in the north, typically left wing, are probably the strongest anti-immigration voices.
USA was taken over by the parasitic virus known as jews, when one million zionists invaded in the early 1900s.
It was all planned. They needed the US to take the rest of the world.
Coincidence or not, the american campaign of endless war started around the time the first zionists went over.
Then again, the US was founded on greed and continual expnansion at the expense of all others.
The jews must have realised this and seen that the population could be easily turned by this greed.
>doesn't matter, you don't consider us Serbs Europeans
All the Yuropoors hate us too, it's everyone for himself.
The Jews have cucked too many of us by calling us racists. It works on too many people. Somehow, we have to turn this word, "racist" on its head and destroy its meaning.
wrong reply
All of you faggots wishing to live in another time are just beta males that can't cut it in modern times. You blame immigrants for your own shortcomings.
In that same video you're watching there was probably some loser wishing it was the early 1800s and so on...
nice b8 m8
Nigger-kike detected.
Where can I ship your Good Goy Award to
Which part? The only part I could see being taken as bait is not being considered a left wing/right wing issue. It isn't here and in a lot of areas, because those terms are used on a global political scale. It isn't Nazis vs SJWs like a Milo Kikeoppoulous speech. As I said, Labour (a left wing party, typically) is voted for strongly in the northern constituencies because historically, it was always a working man's party, but they are also where Brexit was voted for primarily & the strongest anti-immigration voices.
They just aren't aware of the other policies of Labour.
disregard then
Right now very few nations have fell below the 80% threshold of being white in Europe. A few so called politically incorrect words won't stand up to when these birth rates truly kick in and the effects treble.
byee europe
Not true. Some of us live fine. We are just worried about our children in the future. Many of us have grown up with "minorities" and we've seen how vicious and racist they truly are towards whites, they hate us. When we grew up, we were the majority and it was fine, but when our kids and our kid's kids will continuly face worse and worse odds. Our white girls in the future will be raped and pillaged and anyone that comes to defend them will be called a "racist."
We have to destroy this word "racist." Expose it for the genocide it truly is.
good riddance
The upshot is that Spain finally returns to its rightful Ummayad owners. The kingdom was founded on colonial expansion and exploited browns, therefore you should welcome Jews bringing back the caliphate.
Eh, it had a good run. Top of the world for several centuries and gave the world everything that was even of remote value despite always making up a small fraction of the globe.
Europeans reduced to we wuz kangz tier whining, it was hilarious.
Why can't you spell normally? I just come to this bored for the first time and retarded nazis can't even spell correctly. Anyways, explain to me how Christianity is good? It caused the dark ages in Europe, it oppressed pagans, natives, aboriginals, etc. Of course you can't refute facts.
Its amazing that even while we're being invaded our nations are just so much better than yours. Its almost like you're literally hell tier.
Serbs were welcomed to all European countries after the Yugo wars
there's at least half a million in Germany alone
even though the murder rate is lower than it was in 1914?
>Anyways, explain to me how Christianity is good? It caused the dark ages in Europe, it oppressed pagans, natives, aboriginals, etc. Of course you can't refute facts.
>Retarded Nazis can't even spell correctly
good b8 m8
You're in denial, man. Ask people who are over 60 and who you would consider "alpha" if they prefer the current decade over say the 70s. 90% will tell you they prefer the 70s.
They unironically were kangz tho, so it is sad.
The world isn't going to be as good of a place without whites, and that's the truth.
The Eternal Kraut strikes again
You will always be worthless street shitters ripe for conquest.
For ever and ever. Be it Europe, Arabia or most likely, your Chinese neighbors.
> Christianity
> caused the dark ages
kys nigger
My ancestors owned Indian slaves. BTFO Poojeet.
Grate bate mait
>be europeans
>kill each other for millennias
>invade other continents
>kill the natives
>steal their resources
>rule the world
>go soft after the second world war
>get replaced demographically by the very people they invaded and enslaved for hundreds of years
>get slowly erased from the face of the earth
Maybe it's justice from the heavens.
10 million kikes in the US, more than in Israel.
Chances are you are one.
Thankfully Spain killed all the jews here hundreds of years ago.
I wouldn't call it Justice, but it certainly does give credence to the phrase "what goes around comes around". It was inevitable I suppose.
This is a good point ^^ for The Chinese are much more brutal and heartless than West Europe ever was or will be. Without whitey conquering you, the Chinese will extend their reach into India, and you will miss your Western European masters. You will wish for West Europe to return when your new Chinese Overlords string you up and squeeze you for every drop of blood you are worth.
The jews killed off all the monarchy and drove the people against them.
Those bloodlines in power were the only thing preventing kike takeovers.
It's rude to do anything but tear up at this
You facilitated it, Jew.
I'm guessing the east of canada, and that you are quite 'tanned' in complexion.
There should be a skin checker to use this site.
>calling me a jew for factually pointing out what is currently happening
Nice idea but could've used much better editing and footage.
Go on then.
It was fun while it lasted lads.
See ya on the flipside
You are a kike.
You didn't point out anything factual at all, you slipped in an opinion.
Typical tricks.
Now delete your posts and cry racism. Pathetic cunt.
>hey dude make Nazi propaganda for us