There are over 4.8 million census blocks with a population of zero. Why do so many crowd themselves into hive like cities when there is so much empty land available?
Home Alone
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Because other than Manhattan, downtown Chicago and San Francisco the vast majority of the us isn't that densely populated.
And humans naturally form cities and have for thousands of years
because cities are more efficient, desirable and sustainable than sprawling out into the not-infinite surrounds,most of which is inhospitable wasteland, nature reserves, or simply unwanted land. we're not pushed for land, we're pushed for good land.
A G E N D A 2 1
You have to go back, Muhammad.
There's no Jobs there.
Those territories are held either because of potential resources, encapsulation (landlocking), or strategic defense. Its Government shit.
Or the area really just sucks.
Also an area can be farmed/used but the people who facilitate that land don't actually live in it.
Have you ever seen sheeps in a field? ask no more.
It helps to live close to others so that one can have a job, access to food that one doesn't have to grow one's self, and various other amenities. If you want to have kids, it helps to be around enough people that you can find a suitable mate.
As for why there are no townships in those specific areas, it is because they are either too mountainous (hard to get trucks through), too arid (there is a reason they call it "death valley") or too cold (seriously, you try living in the Alaskan wilderness; it isn't for the feint of heart), or some other issue. In the case of Nevada, aside from most of it being desert land, most of it is also federal land, and they're not likely to give up their "out in the middle of nowhere area to test our weapons" spot.
Honest answer? Because living 3 or 4 hours drive away from the grocery store or your job or whatever isn't much fun for most people. People want to keep their commutes short and live near the places that they spend most of their time, so they end up living in cities.
In the future, as it becomes easier to telecommute to work, and as internet shopping and such gets easier, I expect many people will begin viewing living in a city to be more of a pain in the ass than its worth and people will start moving out into the countryside again.
that land is either inhospitable or already populated by corn and soybeans.
The mega cities thing isnt happening. They wanted to do that for awhile, shut down utilities in all the rural areas and make everyone congregate into sprawl where they could be easily controlled.
But the elites are having their asses handed to them and they dropped that plan back around 2011 from what I heard.
This too.
If you wanna get laid, you gotta be where the girls are. Alot of them.
In the UK maybe but in the United States there is plenty of good land that hasn't been urbanized into hell.
leaf non-education
OP doesn't know that federal land dominates the American West.
A whole lot of that, especially Florida, is because the government won't let anyone own land there because muh wetlands
Alaska though: pic related
>federal land dominates the American West
Until the Bundy's rode into town
Not that they changed anything
Whats wrong with wilderness
I would hate a world where there are no places where you can walk that has no humans to disturb the natural beauty
That's why NZ is such a popular tourist destination, because we have large areas of uninhabited wilderness where one can enjoy nature
most of it desert in the middle of fucking nowhere
It's not fucking available it's for plants, animals, crops and open areas. Fuck off eying that shit even out here in Idaho the sprawl is unbearable and drives to the coast on packed roads really take away from the journey I have to travel so far into the national forest or the owyhee desert to get away from the trappings of man it's fucking ludicrous. And speaking of the Oregon coast where I grew up towns with less than 1,000 people now have fucking traffic jams. No thanks. This is why i detest immigration- we're full FUCK OFF AND FUCK TRUMPS STATE DEPARTMENT FIR INCREASING REFUGEE QUOTAS TO NEARLY 100,000 A YEAR. TIRED OF THESE BLACK FUCKS SHITTING UP THE SCHOOLS AND MAKING THEIR LITTKE GHETTIS, ITS FUCKING IDAHO IM SUPPOSE TO BE HAPPY HERE
>want to move to America, build a comfy house near a comfy river and have a qt wife
>can't because immigration policies favor african niggers who want gibs
I now, it is retarded, look at this blob of empty land in the north of Africa, and still the oogah boogas keep streaming over the border here.
Did the Federal govt. not btfo over Amon Bundy's grazing rights & give him his cows back?
>from what I heard
Geez You personally know Alex Jones huh?
they call Alaska #TheLastFrontier because of how untouched it's been for centuries and it was the last state admitted into the union (in the 1950's). That is why.
No, a couple of Bundy's men got shot trying to leave, and the rest surrendered shortly afterward
Healthy, self-respecting, responsible people are the only people who can take a step into the unknown alone. The wilderness is still a primal frontier, animals and a wrong step can still kill you for all the technology we have.
Cities are popular because the majority of people are now cowards who don't respect themselves or have superiority complexes predicated upon the safety of numbers.
If you ask me, the fact that so much of this land IS inhabited gives me hope that there are still respectable people in our nation.
>it was the last state admitted into the union
No it wasn't, Hawaii was
Lots of that area is protected nature preserves and national forests.
Ok, wrong Bundy. I'm referring to the original standoof by their Dad over grazing rights in 2014, not the insane attempt to takeover a Federal wildlife Reserve.
People usually can't live on federal lands.
>Africa looks colored like a growing tumor
Every single inch of all 4.8 million census blocks?
A lot of the green land is government owned land that people aren't allowed to live on. Also the majority of the population likes living in cities anyways.
no one wants to live next to rural and suburban retards
Well first of all it's a lie that nobody lives there.
A city won't last >2 days without trucks delivering food moron.
>Why do so many crowd themselves into hive like cities when there is so much empty land available?
No one has the money to buy property.
they won't drop it. they never will. they will just wait till everyone forgets and start doing it all over again
Because most of it is federal land dumbass.
because having to drive an hour to the store sucks and farming sucks.
By living in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do fucking sucks. It's fine for a few days, but it gets dull.
Hey idabro keep your head up. Reset soon and we'll finally be in our element.
The government backed off but they still own the land
Why is that?
because nobody lives there
>the majority of the population likes living in cities anyways
You can cross me of that list. The fact I can see my neighbor's house irritates me to no end. It is why my wife and I are moving to Wyoming.