Mexicans are self-deporting. APOLOGIZE!
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Is there one non-fat, non-pornstar mexican woman?
>breaking the law was so inconvenient she stopped
Praise Kek!
I know a guy who dates a Hispanic chick and she and her entire family are obese, every single one of them.
Oddly enough they actually have a decent life expectancy, perhaps of the high bean content in their diet. It's called the Hispanic Paradox, kind of like the French Paradox.
I don't need to apologize but, I am big enough to thank them.
Thank you for finally doing the right thing, Paula. I hope your story serves as inspiration to other people who are here illegally to follow in your footsteps.
Looks like there is a God.
Yes, but they could be pornstars.
this is a good thing
Looks like it's a big part due to smoking. White man can't handle his tobacco leaf, his lungs collapse and die. Native blood stays strong.
if she's this smart why doesn't she apply that knowledge to acquire a visa and then residency if she wants to live here?
There are a lot but they're usually the mexicans contained in southern California. The ones from Texas are universally ugly, fat, and brown. She looks like shes from texas. Different regional migration patterns, the ones from California come from the white areas in Mexico (jalisco, aguascalientes, Monterrey) whereas the ones in Texas come from mestizo shit holes. I knew lots of mexican cuties in california but not a single one in texas. That being said, in modern times the fat, ugly, brown mestizo is much more common now. In the 90s the opposite was the case
t. spic from california who lived in texas
Look at those big fat tities.
Any time a cop passed her on the road she began shaking like a maraca. When the police setup checkpoints in her neighborhood, her phone buzzed with a la cucaracha ringtone.
>self deported
Went home
white power my aryan brother lets go take back constantinople from those turkroaches heil hitler fuck jews and god
Criminals should live in fear of law enforcement
I don't think that's it. The second and third generation have a diet similar to poor blacks consisting of primarily processed and fast food.
The first generation migrants still eat a traditional Hispanic diet and especially a high amount of beans which is highly beneficial. They aren't healthier than whites but are roughly equivalent to whites, which is odd considering their lower socioeconomic status and average diet.
To me the only logical explanation is higher bean consumption. Tobacco does have some beneficial aspects like preventing Parkinson's disease but populations that don't eat much meat and don't smoke or drink live much longer than the average population. Populations like white Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons.
>TLDR eat your greens and beans that's what Hitler wants you to do.
>top kek
I could care less about Constantinople. I just want the beaners, heebs, and poos to gtfo.
>come here illegally
>work for two years
>raise $60,000 untaxed
>go back home and live off that for the rest of your life
Wew fucking lad
>The first generation migrants still eat a traditional Hispanic diet and especially a high amount of beans
Maybe the island niggers, we use beans mostly as a side dish.
Cali-fag here, when you find some good Mexican food (really rare but possible) it's more wholesome than you might think. Other than that, Mexicans tend to get REALLY fat when they stray from that diet.
Because natives had tobacco long before Europeans right?
Same way natives can't really handle liquor
Well even as a side that is probably more beans than the average white American eats, hence similar life expectancies to whites despite a less healthy diet and higher alcohol and tobacco consumption.
Yep that's what I'm saying, it would be like an Eskimo becoming a vegan their body is not built for that.
Deport yourself
It's funny because in Canada if you're here illegally you get deported. There's some stupid cities that claim to be sanctuary but they can't stop the CBSA from deporting them. And yet liberal Canadians claim that Trump is le evil because he wants to deport all the fucking illegals. No other cuntry in the world would tolerate so many illegals. No one.
Leaving on your own is better than getting arrested. They get treated pretty rough by those INS agents
Thank god!
See if we just increase enforcement and make it difficult to live here unlawfully, they'll take their fat asses BACK. We won't have to deport anybody.
>Commit crime
>Worry about getting caught
Well golly gee, I wonder what the solution to your fucking worries is.
t. mexican
The Mexican diet was really good it got fucked up with the intruduction of fast foods and soft drinks from murica, life expectancy was higher than today with fewer smokers and less alcohol. all my grandpas lived over 100 and one of my grandmas died at 116.
Riddle me this:
>Be non-native
>get deported
>refuse to state nation of origin
where do they deport you to?
>The Mexican diet was really good
its never been good.
the only good thing about it was it being dirt cheap and high on calories which was useful for cheap spic labor.
If if gets you to live to be 100 it can't be bad.
>Mexicans are self-deporting
I'd rather have Mexicans than muslims, spics have better food, are hard working and do jobs for pennies nobody else will do, have strong familial values and are christian. They need to be legal though.
That's nice sweety.
>doesn't know how to greentext
Please lurk for 2 years before posting so you can stop shitting up this website
the more native they are the dumber and fatter they are. rare to see a squatemalan type that isnt at least pudgy. the med looking ones are usually pretty qt though.
I'm not gonna pretend I know nothing about spics except from what I see on TV, but aren't they even more violent than blacks?
Anybody is better than fat Mexicans!
They're fucking EVERYWHERE. As far up as NYC! It's crazy
I hope every last one of them goes back and takes their children with them.
Obviously there's shit tier hispanics but they tend to keep it confined to their shitholes and fight with eachother and niggers, maybe make an actual point instead of posting some ms paint "infographic" with cherry picked images, sweetie
Yeah I could see that. Most migrant communities who come to first world majority Europeans countries suffer from obesity as a result of the western diet. This is common of middle easterners in Europe.
Another argument against mass migration into European countries, the people who come here become physically unhealthy from our diet.
>there are people who think this is a bad thing
i live in a mexican neighborhood and they are much better than blacks. they are kind of short, fat, and ugly, but they have decent family values and very few actual gangbangers.
its funny actually, black people have been moving into the neighborhood and mexicans do NOT like it at all. they hate blacks even more than whites do, and the feeling is mutual, blacks need whites because whites give them welfare, but they have no need for Juan and Maria.
adios amigas
Isn't that the point?
That's the problem with herd mentality. Eventually, they will plummet of a cliff without a wise Shepard.
Stuff actually tastes kinda good. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T GET IT FROM A FOOD TRUCK.
Like with everyone it varies from person to person, North mexico is one of the most savage places on the planet but in my personal interactions with mexicans, legal and otherwise (and I've had a lot, growing up my family owned a farm and I've done a stint in the restaurant business) they're overwhelmingly helpful and hard working and generally thankful for any opportunity they can get.
>Land of the Free
>life in prison for not carrying an ID
natives in mesoamerica smoked everything they could find
I've had this argument 100x before already you spic. I'm sick of it. I don't care if I change your mind.
>i went back to mexico you can stop looking for me
They stay in a detention center indefinitely if they don't reveal their nation of origin.
Eventually, they crack, give up the information, and are returned home to where they belong.
oh no america has lost another potential engineer
high fiber diet (of diverse types, not just bran) reduces the likelihood of colon cancer and delays the release of insulin among other things
>that pic
Stop calling mestizos and indians "Hispanic". The only Hispanic people are European white Spaniards.
I guarantee I'm whiter than you, and I'm willing to bet most of those mexicans on welfare are working shit tier labor nobody else is willing to do
This mulato sperg again.
Germany. The only country voluntarily importing human trash
Should have self-deported, hombre.
As someone who works along side mexicans in a blue collar trade job, I guarantee they do shit quality work and that you are a sheltered faggot who has never worked outside a retail store.
>Attending college
>Mexican intellectuals
>are hard working and do jobs for pennies nobody else will do
Stealing jobs from Americans and collecting money tax-free supplemented by all the gibs they get
>have strong familial values
Over half of hispanic children are born out of wedlock
>They need to be legal though.
Even "legal" ones show allegiance towards Mexico instead of America, look at the congressman who held a pro-illegal alien event and threatened to kill a colleague who called ICE. They aren't Americans, deport.
How are the chinks and the pajeets treating you justin.
Venezuela or some other South American shithole.
I've already stated my family owned a farm and I've worked in the restaurant business, I've never worked in retail in my life, currently an entrepreneur though so no I don't really come into contact with mexicans much these days besides when I hire them to pour concrete and shingle my roof.
if you dont have ICE on speed dial by now something is wrong with you
Found the Haji.
My favorite part of that wikipedia page is pic related.
Americans will not do these jobs. We tried hiring white highscoolers to pick strawberries and paid them 10 dollars an hour (this was in 2000) and half of them didn't make it to lunch.
daz raycis
Mostly just holed up in their squint-eyed shitskin paradises of Richmond and Surrey. Out here in the actual nice part of the country it's pretty much just white.
Your point is correct concerning Ontario, however. Literally the fucking garbage dump of Canada.
>any time a cop passed her by on the road, she began shaking
The system is working. Hail Hydra.
>Stuff actually tastes kinda good.
>it tastes good that means I should eat it
good try fat fuck
>currently an entrepreneur
>currently unemployed and contributing nothing to society
Go back to Le Donald and suck off more minorities over there where it is acceptable.
fuck them.
they can come back legally like every other citizen of every other country who doesnt happen to share a border with the US.
they dont get special privileges because of geographic convenience.
i hope they all self deport and come back to contribute to the economy rather than siphoning money out of the US economy and sending it to their relatives in mexico.