Superior genetics.
Superior genetics
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Black med school student tries to cure son's cough with bleach.jpg
obama and her are both gay. they were put together politically a few years ago
are her records sealed for freshness too?
Judging by what Harvard and Princeton produce nowadays that isn't very impressive, they aren't the same schools they used to be.
Black people are given extra points on the SATs because they can't compete without special help...totally superior
t. no academic background
This ape majored in African American studies, her thesis title was 'Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community'. She was only accepted because of affirmative action.
Harvard is the Kotoku of colleges.
No one takes blacks with degrees seriously, because of affirmative action.
Thanks liberals
t. ostrich
I actually met a guy that graduated from Harvard law with her. He said she is a complete idiot.
>all of these insecure, uneducated, mouth breathing, paste eating retards
if it was so "easy" for her to get those degrees then i'm sure that just as soon as your sibling-parents' backwater moonshine business goes under due to a lack of available hillbillies willing to barter with them for meth that all of you will be totally motivated to outdo her accomplishments with ease, right?
you can't live on mommy and daddy's (both of which are each other's sibling as well) inbred moron bucks forever you know.
>Two Ivy League universities do charity work
Unbelievable !
> outdo her accomplishments
What did she do, exactly, in her life?
Besides graduating from college.
melania is fluent in like 5 languages. thats an actual skill, ivy league degrees are just paper
more like (((affirmative blaction)))
That's not how you spell "affirmative action" you stupid nip
Weren't they honorary degrees?
College has lost its worth.
I don't get what's so impressive about what she did.
Lotta projection here.
Honorable degrees dont count shill.
harward law degree > being a literal escort 2bh
>if it was so "easy" for her to get those degrees
Well it's a dude so...yeah
Reminder that all it takes to become first lady is to suck the right dick
>First Lady
That's becazse of the patriachy. Women were opressed in the past and could not achieve higher education.
A genius is a genius regardless of their race and a retard is a retard regardless of their race. A man's thought comes before his skin color, and still his actions before those.
Stop shitposting Haruto before you get yourself freedom nuked again
She didn't respect United States Armed Forces of planet, "Marse". She had plenty of opportunity to thank the guys and gals from Marse. She did not thank the guys and gals from Marse.
She is not very educated. Smart people know to respect their comrades.
you give me 200 extra SAT points and a quota to fill and I'll give you two degrees of any race you piece of projecting shit.
The opportunity she has been given was likely stolen from an Asian guy who has since committed suicide.
The Second an African of any sort can breach the IQ of 140, all your IQ Theories based directly on IQ is broken.
>muh graphs
>muh studies
Out of the majority of those statistics, the pollers will state that strictly poverty or living conditions are not fully accounted for, and that there is no co-orelation between an individuals IQ and the group IQ, the statistics are used to grasp the majority.
>that demon
What were her degrees and what has she done with them exactly?
a man is the best first lady
feminism BTFO
pics like this debunk white privilege
>1 niggerette out of millions managed to PC her way to 2 ivy league degrees:
"Superior genetics"
Someone with a brain, surprising.
>implying ivy leagues are impressive.
Melia lied under oath about having a college degree and is obviously not actually fluent in five languages. She can speak five languages: not very well. Her English being as bad as it is after a decade+ in USA is a poor sign for her other languages.
Sorry, was just speaking Melania-fluent Slovene there
besides being FLOTUS, a lawyer and a writer? sorry moron, but you're gonna have to do your own homework.
how cute, the inbred sheep fuckers learned about the word "projection" and started using it.
sorry to burst your bubble, but i'm less than a year from starting medical school for psychiatry. btw, i'm laughing at your failed understanding of a big boy word and even shittier understanding of why you're such insecure little bitch boys.
>ad hominem
not an argument, misprint sweden.
He sure was a smart first lady, I prefer the current one though seeing as she's a natural born woman & actually hot as fuck.
Worthless affirmatägen auto-actionairee shoe-in
What the fuck does having a degree have to do with being a first lady? The only responsibilities the first lady has is to look attractive and be graceful in public presence. Two things Michelle Obama did not do well.
Only feminists believe being "educated" is somehow a virtue of being someone's wife.
Affirmative action
the last time i checked, my head was connected to my body, so no, it's not DIE JUDEN. sorry, slugger.
First Lady isn't a real job. She didn't apply, she met no qualifications, she wasn't hired.
Quota jig
>haha look at melania she's so stupid!
I always loved how they bring up her degrees but not her thesis nor her "career".
(((Black Degrees)))
>Writing BLM 1000 times on your Thesis and getting a 4.0
(((Black Degrees)))
Trayvon has an Aerospace degree that is how worthless educating blacks is.
>a black woman from a chicago ghetto
Probably accepted into Harvard with straight Cs.
He was premed which means nothing
>having an accent=doesn't know the language
Are all Americans shit at English too?
>wahh you're all rednecks waahh
Cry more, nigger. Eugenics/Race Realism is real and you can't change that.
Implying school means anything. Go succeed in the free market, then maybe Ill respect you
You realize that the kid who wrote BLM 100 times and got into Stanford wasn't black, had a 4.0 and great SAT scores, his own business, a TED talk and a ton of other accolades right? Oh wait, you're just a buttmad racist. I guess I'd be upset too if my race was being bred out of existence across the world ;^)
social studies is not a fucking degree
al-assads bitch on the other hand has a degree in CS, TOP that nigger
Superior gibs. Read her senior thesis.
She could tell she was stupid so she resented everyone; that's why all she talked about was how her benefactors were raciss wypipo
>Le free market
How's it going grandpa? You know there hasn't been a legal free market in the US for a hundred years, right?
Thank you for bringing that up bong, what say you about all the immigrants you're importing and declining white birth rates? You do realize you guys are on the losing side, right?
"Not an argument!"
That's why affirmative action is a mistake
Aren't these schools letting niggers in just for writing Black Lives Matter on their entrance essays?
>Ignoring her law degree
I don't even know why I expect people to not be idiots on here.
>Thinking affirmative action is that much of a bonus these days
Does he still cough after taking in bleach though?
Then it's a cure.
Got any pics of her superior she-penis?
See Retard
> both degrees are from havaii
Here's the thing: she couldn't hack it as an attorney and let her law license lapse. That should be proof enough that she was not smart enough to be there in the first place.
+ Michelle had a complete family (mother + father)
+ She came from money
+ She got places easily because of nepotism
+ She was working with above average genetics (intelligence, etc)
Yes she tries to act like she knows the struggle of the average black person. Fucking ridiculous.
Why work when your husband is one of the most powerful men in the world? It's funny how Sup Forums is always complaining about career women but then when a black women let's her career take a backseat to have more time for her family , you guys get upset.
>marries guy
>guy becomes senator
>gets 6 figure no show epidermis feelings job at hospital
>still hates America
>retarded nigger tries to give kid bleach
>is nothing
M'kay then.
>Thinking affirmative action is that much of a bonus these days
nigger its as strong as its ever been and only getting stronger
I'm upset we havent seen the photos of her boipucci...
She's still a chimp
>I-i-i-it doesn't count because she doesn't fit my narrative of black people
She quit the legal profession well before Obama was even a senator. At the time, he had also quit the legal world (ha ha) and was doin he community organizer thang.
here here
tf is this nigger smoking
don't hurt yourself with that reach. He tried to kill his daughter and made up a lie to "get away with it"
have you bought the newest alex jones "Reptilanmen glasses"? allows you to see the reptilian overlords
Superior gibs.
Can someone screencap this for a cringe thread? Thanks.
Black people get a huge bonus to their sat requirement scores to enter university.
A black pleb can get in where a white with a similar IQ would not, as such her degrees are meaningless.
>I guess I'd be upset too if my race was completely irrelevant throughout human history :^)
It's amazing really. The biggest achievement blacks ever made was being a commodity akin to an ox, just with less self awareness.
Protip: "Akin" means "similar to" and I'm not being condescending (that means to talk down to someone) I just know how difficult it is for niggers to understand basic terms.
>Niggers have less selfawareness than pigeons (confirmed fact)
That's a man, dude.
>i dont need to disprove your argument if i state something unrelated that you dont like
>checkmate white boi
Jesus Christ, what a fucking nigger.
I wish I could understand what my accent sounds like to outsiders