So liberals are officially the enemy now right?
So liberals are officially the enemy now right?
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Page 5... Jesus Christ guys.
Yes, enemy to the American people
Let them continue, eventually they'll start turning on themselves
Excellent. Let them fall deeper into the rabbit hole.
No wonder they love Islam so much
JFC - user is totally fucking triggered by liberals
Liberals are lost. Lost to hell.
I - Is she okay?
Has she been turned into a killing machine by the elites mkultra program?
>officially the enemy right now
You should have taken them as the enemy from day one instead of sucking Koch cock and repeating their muh soshulists crap when Americans want to be free to do what Americans do and help each other.
Carrot Top looks terrible now
Emulating their favorite religion, I see.
when is the contrarian shift going to happen on pol
since the """right""" has become mainstream?
lel no it hasnt. and i suppose as long as theres a conspiracy to destroy white countries this sort of reaction will exist in significant numbers in and outside of Sup Forums.
isn't this a death threat to the president?
Why are they not arresting her?
Will it cause civil war?
you are spending too much time on Sup Forums my friend, commute and you'll see
You seem Triggered sweetheart.
They were always the enemy. We should have destroyed them permanently in the 1960's.
the "right" in libertarianism and conservatism is on the rise, but
1. libertarians are fucking retarded
2. current ""conservatives"" dont give a shit about conserving anything about our cultures
However the response to Muslims in Europe, particularly after terror attacks you can see this in comparison to attacks in even 2014 or 2015, is changing dramatically and is definitely leading to more tension.
hence my first statement
since I need to repeat myself 'commute my friend'
1. you're using hence wrong
2. the response to Muslims is/has changed in old labour-voting constituencies in the north of england. as if they didn't already hate them. thats not always a left wing-right wing issue besides if you're discussing it in a global politic discussion since those terms are more understood. On a country to country basis left/right doesn't represent SJWs/nazis like you think.
Marilyn did it first
hence you are basically discussing with yourself
Unfunny, washed up, slimey bitch begging for attention with an easy target. No fucking class or shame
she's just practicing for her trip to syria
she looks like David Bowie in drag
So a hideous, annoying, unfunny cunt huh?
Yeah, that's a liberal alright.
your statement was pointless, retard
lol at all the triggered DRUMPFIES ITT. Fuck liberals but fuck him too for appeasing to the kikes and neocon traitors.
Guarantee Kathy Griffin hasn't had her pussy touched since the moon landing. Sad.
Here is what the headlines should be
what statement?
Sup Forums is on point today.
>liberals act as if they want to start a civil war