What keeps you optimistic about the future, Sup Forums?
What keeps you optimistic about the future, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
The belief that the end is near.
It will either get better, or it will get so bad that it won't even matter anymore.
That everyone will one day die alone like everyone else.
In 100 years everyone alive today will be dead.
That meteor will wipe us out. And we go to all white heaven white all nations of Europe/US/AUS.... etc and Japan as honorary Aryans, throw in some coptic CHristiants and there is peace and prosperity and its heavenly. And all traiotors globalist burn in hell
That Marxists will be devoured by the Muslims and Islam will bring back slavery of niggers.
Also China colonizing Africa.
The french.
Nothing. I'll die before too long, I guess that
The gun in my top drawer.
The collapse of first world nations as everything reverts back to tribal warfare with stones & blood paint.
My gf
The inevitability of death
Climate change, irradiation and polution leading to immeasurable suffering of the future generations
Holy shit, you guys realize your apathy is as much a problem as everything we talk about here, right?
Race targeting designer viruses
Biological melanin overdoses?
what the fuck am I supposed to do about this slut fucking black guys?
Read the Bible. The good guys win.
>Synagogue of Satan
No, they all get BTFO
That in ten years I will have enough money to abandon the west and let it burn and fuck asian monkey girls until I die.
It's proven that throughout history that Europeans have sunken to horrible, lower levels consistently but seemingly rise through the struggle and come back even stronger in the process.
The continuing possibility of this.
Nothing. His point is you sitting here whining like a bitchy little manchild while wanking to hentai makes you as complicit as that slut with a black guy in the breakdown of modern society.
Get off your computer, go outside, do something constructive with your time, meet people, engage with people socially and emotionally. Get on with your fucking life.
the fact that if this racism keeps going and this stuff gets out, genocide might go the other way around and it wont be a white genocide that becomes a reality!!!!! FUCKING BLACK RACIST PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
>Hurf durf liv ur lyfe
That one day we will get our shit together, get rid of the leeches in the world and progress to being travalers again as we traverse the solar system and eventually the stars. I can only hope that is. If corporate greed and those who take advantage of/halt progression.
Decreasing IQ is what is going to put a stop to that.
>being optimistic about the future
I'm pretty sure no one on Sup Forums is. Otherwise we wouldn't be here
>he would rather argue pointlessly with strangers on teh intrawebz on an anonymous Ghanan Beard Trimming imageboard while jerking it to 2d loli pr0n than go outside and get his dick wet.
Sadly due to forced mass immigration and corruption of genes, people are getting dumber. I feel for you Sweden. I really do.
Nothing. Every day I go out and see OP's image everywhere I go. I don't see white couples or white kids. Then I come on the internet to relax and all I see is OP's image all day. Then I turn on the television to watch the news and I see OP's image all day on that as well. Then I go on social media and talk with friends and all I see is OP's image or single people fucking around.
There is no build up for the future. Nothing, only people fucking around and socializing. And lots of racemixing. What's the point in having hope for the future? All I see is shit going down hill. I'd be a fool to have kids with the future in store for them. And that's even if I can find a woman.
You're an idiot. Maybe instead of "live ur lyfe"(which doesn't mean anything) you should try to change peoples opinions. Tell everyone what immigration does to a country, tell them about genes, and so on. That's what I do.
Take a break user, look at the statistics.
>What keeps you optimistic about the future, Sup Forums?
i might watch the video where she gets fucked by those black gentleman
My country.
My country's future looks bright.. after more then 250 years of being constantly fucked in the ass. It feels nice, I think we deserve it
whens the last time Poland accomplished anything
>he calls me an idiot and then proceeds to tell me what he's doing which is what I should be doing which is so much better.
You sound like a tippy top bloke m8. I reckon I'd love to meet you IRL.
In the mean time - you keep on keeping yourself out of the gene pool by continuing to stay on 4chinz and save us all the drama of having to deal with any progeny of yours...
You white guys freaking out about the coal burners are only making the problem worse.
You're only making it more transgressive and kinky for white women. Don't you all know anything about raising children?
Some of us work for a brighter future, instead having a meaningless motto as a guide. I know exactly what people need to know in order to change their views on important domestic policies, and I do what I think is needed.
Back in reality nothing has changed, and white guys were always disgusted by coalburners.
>swedish flag
I feel so bad for you guys
The possibility that I will be able to LARP as Mad Max but with Muslims instead of Australians
fight fight fight
He's right, ya know. Quit being a faggot, and girls will date you.
it really is that easy.
I'll bet you wont even try, but get off your computer for 2 days a week and go do something other than stare at your phone in public.
A possible happening in my life time or the thought of being instantly killed when a drunk 16yo girl hits my car doing 90 and kills me
WWIII - I hope so. Finally a reboot.
So you're here virtue signaling about yourself and the way you live your life in this echochamber full of people who should've (in theory at least) have taken the red pill trying to tell them all that the way you do things is the right way to do them?
>PROTIP: while you're here thinking up your next clever and witty response to me you're NOT doing any of the things I suggested.
The idea that one day I'll work full time as Blacksmith in a small rural town with a qt loyal wife and have three kids who have a future ahead of them.
Things are getting pretty bad over here, but at least we're not Sweden...yet.
Opportunistic individuals whom have been at least moderately successful by pulling themselves up by the boot straps and have spent a lot of time being curious about world events have a knack for thriving in chaos.
I can't guarantee that I will come out of it all a millionaire but I can guarantee you that I will make a better life for myself as a result of the stupidity of others.
Let it come, and we shall see where the chips fall.
Are under the impression that nobody here has a job, and that they are all NEETS?
I don't care about what you suggested. At all. What do you mean "virtue signalling"? On an anonymous imageboard?
And what are you trying to convey with:
> the way you live your life in this echochamber full of people who should've (in theory at least) have taken the red pill trying to tell them all that the way you do things is the right way to do them?
I'm only saying that telling people about genes and the effects of immigration is a good thing, and that it should be done. It's not a way of life.
The fact I can't always abandon this shitty island at a moments notice and go live off the grid on an inherited farm in rural Eastern Europe.
Brexit is a decent step forward, I'm holding out until 2022 when the Overton window shifts even further right.
What a great pic, going straight into my Redpillmaterial folder
That we can get to space and colonize other worlds.
*can not can't
The fact that despite Sup Forums probably being the current year MKULTRA program, my life isn't truly that bad and I still have a shot at doing well for myself.
you and me both. when it really does come down to love your country or die a traitor. plus, fighting is fun
you see, i beat myself to loli, i cum on my hands and i eat my cum. simple, you see
I know that one day I'll kill a jew with my own hands
Oh god - he's done it.Look m8 I'll say it again as simply as i can.
>You're achieving NOTHING constructive in your life sitting at your computer arguing with strangers.
Got it yet? Cool. Keep it up because if you ever manage to convince a grill to fuck you and she falls pregnant and has a child we are all one step closer to the end....
God emperor Trump will beat the jews and Muslims and restore peace to the Earth.
In the presidents name I REEEEEEEE!, praise kek!
You seem beyond all hope and understanding, so I'm out.
Despite being socially cut off, having no future whatsoever and no prospects of prosperity of any kind, I know that someday, somehow, I will "give back" to the community for what the community has given me. I literally have no other purpose now.
when is he exactly going to do that? He's yet to really accomplish anything
Why does Barbara Palvin love black guys so much?
Because history repeats itself. Whites may be rapidly replaced by niggers, but niggers can't sustain themselves without white civilization. Sooner or later we reach a point where it all collapses in on itself and then the playing field is leveled. At some point, out of those ashes, a new white civilization will rise. And that civilization will surely be more uncucked, red-pilled and intolerant than any before it.
Perhaps it too will be overtaken one day, but time is on our side.
t. shareblue shill
Begone evil one REEEEEEEEEE!
I believe if I would read "KRIEG" in the newsletter the air would smell fresher, the bread would taste better and the light would shine different. I hope we fight, die and win united as the free, white man.
VR and sexbots
See ya m8.
pic very related
I have to believe white people can only be pushed so far.
Did you use that pic because you think you're better than a black basketball player worth $100M-plus? Because you're not
The boomers are dying off. Good times
Seems like he's thinking pessimism implies inaction.
didnt answer the question
I think the guy in the middle of first pic is John Wall, an NBA player worth at least $100M+. So I'm assuming this guy posing with Barb is also filthy rich
If Russia takes over we will have cute Russian girls
If China takes over we will have cute Asian girls
That's about it..
Blue ocean event
Clathrate gun
4C+ average global temperature increase
Aquifer depletion around the world
Overpopulation leading to massive pandemics
Global starvation caused by lack of natural gas that can be transformed into fertilizers
Peak phosphorus
Global collapsing infrastructures due to lack of easily accessible energy (oil)
Humanity reduced to under 750million in less than 300 years
I don't answer to shareblue shills! REEEEEEEEEEE
Western Civilizations innate greatness
>America, Europe
>Science, logic, printing press
>How far we have advanced as a species :')
and no freedom. neither of those countries value it
What is freedom anyway.
>optimistic about the future
Mars t b h. I want to see humanity on another planet before I go.
Arguing over semantics.
What OP means is that optimistic people choose to accept things that happen and make use of them no matter how "bad", whereas pessimistic people choose NOT to embrace the present situation and thereby hinder themselves from acting upon the circumstances because things are "hopeless".
That's the technical definition of optimism versus pessimism, which shows the utility of an "optimistic" outlook on life (even if things are bad something can be salvaged out of the situation, therefore I'm always prone towards action because something can always be done)
race war or death