I'm laughing yet pissed off at the same time.
OC coming through
I didn't post for ages but this shit good.
OC2 boys.
Touched it up, larger text.
kek. i can't argue with those digits.
dwarves is the correct plural for Tolkien's fictional race
dwarfs is the correct plural for actual little people
These are great lads.
Perfect antidote to 'le drumpf is literally voldermort!' babbys first political thought memes.
Damn, this is brilliant!
Plot twist, they were all dwarfs.
I love how something so little always escalates into something so greatly.
It's the only thing that grants me solace these days.
I like the memes but isn't this kind of cringy like how leftists use harry potter in politics. I mean it is a children's fantasy book
somewhat relevant
This one, I like
that's the irony
we're taking their shitty memes and using them as a gateway to express ourselves, causing their tiny little liberal minds to short-circuit.
I can't into replying
>the general population is so stupid that we have to use fantasy references to make them recognize their impending doom
Tolkien was such a racist. wow. just wow.
Liking the lord of the rings is tantamount to lynching an innocent black man in the antebellum south.
Burn these racist books NOW.
twas ever thus. how do you think these types of myths came about in the first place? people need stories as a frame of reference for reality. that's why the jews created hollywood - control the stories, and you control how people interpret reality.
>dwarfs are Jews.
It all makes sense now.
>no "and it's beautiful
why even bother?
This thread isa good thread.
better version
In the intercourse of polished society a young person will more frequently need an acquaintance with the creations of fancy than with the discoveries of science or the speculations of philosophy.
>Dwarfs are Jews
>Dwarfs are also the most based fantasy race
Are Jews /ourguys/?
this is 2 gud
best ones
These are all cool and all, but can we post some liberal tears in reaction to these memes as well? I want to know if what we're doing here is having a fun effect on the enemy.
rohirim are celtic
This. It would get my dick hard.
Fuck, this shit is amazing. Spread it to all the vast reaches of Middle Earth.
holy shit
that makes no sense
also it's "reign", not "rein"
>The thread lives
you are no good at this. stop.
No. It's actually rein.
Rein = check or guide a horse by pulling its reins
Reign = to hold office; rule as a king or queen
Genius. Just like the Dutch guys kissing Muslim women.
Get these everywhere
>mfw best thread on Sup Forums
>Studies at Wormtongue University
this is beautiful
cyan is such a qt and i want to fluff her!
What did they mean by this?
Orcs were the whitest of Tolkien races. They were literally the only race that used industry to the point where they were probably even born in industry. They waged highly successful campaigns that only failed at the last minute due to plot armour.
Dwarves were the Jews.
Humans were the lower class Whites who liked industry but couldn't wield it for themselves.
Elves were the liberals who hide away in their communes yet those who leave are quick to adapt to the new reality placed before them.
Hobbits were the honest rural folk who will 'travel to the ends of the Earth' to help out.
Ents were the old luddites who held power but not technology.
As Tolkien was an SJW naturally the Orcs became hideous in description. Don't let the Dwarves fool you.
I stand corrected. I would also like to play my "english isn't my first language" card at this point.
fucking nice
How is this any less stupid than comparing people to Voldemort?
>implying it wasn't always /ourfantasy/