Would you pet one of these?
Would you pet one of these?
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I would pet them with 9 mm.
I know a white guy who owns two, and they are very nice dogs... but, you just know that one day it's gonna happen...
I'd put a fucking bullet in it.
Yes because I own one, you gigantic faggot.
Depends on its body language
Nigger, you will be purged one time along with your nigger dog.
Don't these dogs randomly maul small children?
Depends on if the owner was black or not.
Somehow that breed of dog is super popular where I live and every single one I have met is almost too nice. They are much sweeter then the average dog I meet.
If you can't tell an aggressive dog by looking at it, you're probably mentally deficient.
I have a Shepherd. Would he win against this?
stupid slide thread. fucking pedophile mods go kill yourself. saged
Yes. I'm not a pussy.
Listen, I'm so pale I get a sunburn thinking about the sun.
Just because spics and niggers gave these dogs a bad name by turning every backyard into a dog fighting ring doesn't mean they are aggressive.
Though to be perfectly honest my dog doesn't like homeless people, beaners, people who wear hoodies and sunglasses together, or other dogs.
That's a funny way of spelling 'regularly.'
Considering I'm much more likely to be bitten by a German Shepard, why not?
Someone picks one up a street dog from shelter, sticks their kid in the same room with it, leaves them alone, kid jabs their hand in its mouth or gets near the dogs food, and then they get "randomly" mauled.
Bumping for answer
You're most likely to be bitten by a terrier.
i would shot it in the head
it's the nigger of dogs
I honestly don't know, my dog weighs 80 lbs (36.2874 kilos) but your dog might be a better fighter.
Pit would probably fuck his shit up. Gsheps now are not the same as a hundred years ago. Much weaker and fluffier
better use an elefant rifle just to be careful
No watch this video
My brother in law has one and she's the one of the nicest dogs I have ever met. The most bro dogs are Labradors though.
>My sister has one
>It was cool for a while
>Until my niece was born
>Dog is overprotective of human baby
>Wonderful with baby
>Won't let anyone else near the baby
>Includes my mother
>Scratches my mother's face and eyeglasses
>Dog is now kept upstairs when company is over
>Dog will never learn to be around company
>I'll probably never see the dog again
If it were dead & stuffed & mounted on the wall maybe.
Owning a pitbull or a pug is literally animal abuse.
Also pitbulls are basically niggers in dog form.
>dat commentary
niggers are animals
So it's either Pit or lose?
Not planing to ever get in a dog fight but dog is the only defense I'm allowed in Germany.
With the end of my boot
not just randomly, on a daily basis, almost like clockwork!
Police dogs are not fighting dogs, they are trained in completely different ways.
Here is my doggo
If he hasn't chained a kid to radiator yet, then he's only a wannabe ATF agent.
after I let it sniff my hand and gave it a treat sure
These dogs are really friendly around people, even strangers.
The problem is when they encounter another dog, then a flip switches inside their head that turns them into the dog killing machines they were bred to be.
needs a bullet, pic related is what a real doggo looks like.
Yes, so long as it wasn't a vicious cunt.
Doggos are awesome up until the moment they flip out.
I'm allergic to dogs anyway.
How come pitbulls get such a bad rap when rottweilers are every bit as ferocious?
Every day.
end that thing before it ends you
patrician (used by fucking romans) dogos coming tru
Because of niggers and spics using them for guard dogs.
This dog reminds me of young Alex Jones
Never had problems with any of my past 6 pit bulls, I just don't have the time anymore for any pet, not even fishes lol
I have. It was a male blue-gray pit belonged to someone I used to work with and he was still a puppy at the time. Few little playbites, but he was cute/harmless with me.
However that same dog did end up escaping and killing a little Papillon. It was subsequently put down.
I have nothing against pits or people who own them. I have a big problem with pitbull apologists who deny that pits are inherently aggressive, and don't take proper care by not muzzling them when they walk them, and not keeping them locked up properly.
Yes, but not a random pitbull / staffie. They can be pets, so can tigers but ownership is not transferable and can be revoked and the can do serious damage or kill you. If a dog was bred for gameness they are game and that is it.
With a fucking panzerfaust
kill them all. no pets master race.
Plus it had a muzzle on, nigger dog did not.
Rate my doggo
It looks a bit like Jeremy Corbyn, but I like them all really. Even junk yard Alsatians who do like me much for making eye contact with them that time. Dogs, sure aren't they great!
This is the video that made me realize that pitbulls are more dangerous than any other dog.
>bitten by horse
>still attacks
>Hoofed in the head by horse
>still attacks
>whacked in the head by a stick
>still attacks
>Continue attacking until the horse stomps on it
>Grabs the pits neck and starts slamming it into the ground
>lay on the ground dying like a retard
Would a normal dog respond this way after being hoofed in the fucking head?
Jessi Pinkman impersonator detected.
That horse is badass.
No and if I saw one running loose in my neighborhood, I'd honestly probably shoot it.
That was FUCKING beautiful! Made my day. Watching pitbulls being slaughtered is like watching porn.
Dogs doin gods work, eating negros and the such. Let em live
Even the most vicious pitbulls can be tamed with the proper tools.
i'd pet it with lead
These beasts only attack women and children, making them truly man's best friend.
Old people, frail people, kids basically these dogs were bred for the purpose of being relentless killers so they have an extremely high prey drive by design that kicks in whenever it sees something that looks like a natural prey victim i.e. something a predator would go for that is an easy kill (weak, young, old, sickly) It's not just that they have protective instincts like a doberman, rottweiler or GS, in fact they weren't truly bred for that at all contrary to what pitbull apologists will tell you.
While it's true a majority of pitbulls will never have an incident, they are by far the most likely to attack, maim or kill and inflict the most damage of any dog breed which begs the question why is it worth keeping them around if there is such an inherently high risk of unprovoked mauling, relative to any other breed of dog?
>Would you pet one of these?
with a mag of 9mm
Probably not, even with the size advantage, german shepherds don't have the stamina, bite force or pain tolerance to be able to take on an average size pitbull.
>which begs the question why is it worth keeping them around
Rednecks, spics, and niggers see this as "badass" and that's why.
wrong board, faggot
I own two, so yes.
I don't treat my animals like niggers do, I've owned 5 over my life and never had an issue. Good dogs for keeping coyotes off your property.
yes , they are not really bad at all , in fact my pit was attacked many times , even from a fucking chihuahua and he did nothing , in fact the motherfucker does not even bark , and acts like a human.
Im starting to think that the reason why pitbulls attack is because they are fucking smart and have strong emotions.
But the main reason are the us niggers that breed them to fight , and their shity owners worldwide.
They have such ratio of shity owners that its hard to find a pitbull without their ears cropped, in fact when going in the street many times people asked which race my pit is , because people simply do not recognize them without ears.
So the fact that pits without cropped ears are weird says something about the average owner.
jesus christ
took forever for the damn creature to die. The hell are they feeding those little monsters?
I don't get the appeal that people enjoy walking with pits, I walk my dog at a dog park and always walk with other owners and it's nothing but 100% pure tense and fear when we see a pit coming our way. Why would you want to make people immediately hate you and not want to go near you and your dog?
Yea of course I'd pet it they are generally friendly dogs and even if I ran across one that was abused by niggers I still wouldn't be afraid of the thing because I'm not some Manlet pussy scared of a fucking dog I mean it's A dog not a PACK. Stop being a wuss
>Fuck all niggers
>Fuck all sandniggers
>Fuck all kikes
>#NotAllPitbulls #BreedOfPeace #Speciesism
someone post the video of that woman with her entire face, all her hair, left eye, and basically all her head skin ripped off by a put and she survived
It's a doggo.
I pet doggos.
If you don't pet doggos you are a non-human.
I'd seriously kill them all, for our and their own safety
I believe in most states it's either entirely illegal or requires a special license to own dangerous "pets" like rattle snakes, cobras, and other venomous creatures...
Any hee haw trailer dweller or Eminem and Tu Pac wanna be can round up and own as many shit tier pitbulls they want.
American logic at its finest.
>video titled: Pit bull mauling horse
more like: Pitbull getting REKT
>Would you pet one of these?
With a 1911.
Yeah. Have and would again. They're nice dogs unless raised by niggers. White house dogs are generally very social and loving, the worst thing they will do is push you out of bed.
You can tell if a dog is nervous or threatening though, so obviously don't pet a dog that's backing away from you. This isn't exclusive to pit bulls though. It should take the average adult less than a second to identify an aggressive dog.
I think it's more certain municipalities, such as Denver banned them entirely and the amount of maulings went down to zero. I'm not aware of any laws banning them at the state level though. It's funny though pitbull owners will claim that any restriction or outright ban statistically will not change the number of dog bites while completely ignoring the point of bans and restrictions was to prevent maulings and deaths, not just bites.
my wigger friend has one and it's a really good dog, so would pet but I would never own one.
>Don't have the stamina
Yeah they do, they have plenty of stamina.
>Bite force
Actually a much stronger bite force on average than a pit bull has
>Pain tolerance
Once again, about on equal footing here
The pit bull would still win in a fight though, naturally high animal aggression, faster build, etc. They were bred to fight dogs and bulls for fucks sake, it is what they do.
ITT Nu-males discuss their fear of animal that our ancestors would dominate with their bare hands on a regular basis
This same thread in 20 years will be about non-genetically modified house cats that still have claws and how dangerous they are
Most animals don't have stamina for shit. That's more of a human thing.
This is it.
Humans by nature tend to project their sense self worth by their achievements and success.
For the college educated professional it's usually their career.
For the suburbanite it's usually the size of their house, quality of their yard, or how Caleb and Zoe do in school.
For white trash and ghetto dwellers, since they lack any meaningful achievements they fall back on their physical prowess and the pitbull is the equivalent of the career or house.
90% of the pitbull owners I've met have been low quality humans. Usually uneducated, have one or more addictions, usually pretty trash tier. I'm not saying that because I hate pitbulls, it's the truth. The other 10% were decent enough people, but they ended up getting a different breed sooner or later.
Not even if I was Michael Vick
Depends on the owner, niggers abuse them as puppy to make them mean.
Go to a black neighborhood and see if a pit bulls owners actually go near it.
Poor child
Hans your dog is making a willy